Anime Argument #173


New member
Jul 31, 2009
RJ 17 said:
Goku is frickin' Goku.
Okay, I'll play, as others have pointed out, it's part of the fun of being a nerd being able to do these "who would win" kind of arguments. However, for my own amusement, I'm going to try to get creative.

Okay, my first choice? Dr. Floppleoctopus, the little guy in my avatar over there.

Yes, he can only just about fit into the palm of your hand and yes, he doesn't look all that tough but I created him as a "be-all-and-end-all" character for when these kind of arguments arose and I felt like being a bit of a dick and annoying people.

Basically, anything your character can do will not harm him in any way, he's immune to everything, including time itself, if the universe ended, he'd still be around because the form you see there is actually just a distorted quantum projection of his inter-dimensional self, which extends beyond all reality, he probably won't even notice you're attacking him at first, but when he finally does he pretty much just deletes the universe you're in so he can have a little peace and quiet for a while.

I pretty much just drop him in as a way to show people why Mary Sue characters are stupid unless you're going to actually put the effort into having a little imagination go into your perfect character.

Second choice in my team, Yog-Sothoth.

Not Cthulu, oh no, Cthulu and all of his octopi-headed spawn are mere ants in comparison to this nightmarish outer-god. See, Chtulu, as awesome as he is, is typically a physical being, Yog-Sothoth, on the other hand, is the lord of all space and time. Goku might be a god-like character, but he's no GOD and even Goku needs time and space to exist, if those do not exist, or are being manipulated beyond his limited reasoning, he will fail.

My last option will be one from anime, but my knowledge is sadly limited in this field.

I don't know much about anime, so the only fighter I know of is Kenshiro. One thing I've noticed that Goku does is that he does tend to stand around a lot during a fight either powering up a move or just waiting for the next commercial break/episode to happen. Kenshiro has no time for that shit, so if he can get in a few hits, Goku's head will explode, no problem.

However Goku can teleport and whatever, so it's a long shot, but if, IF Kenshiro gets those hits in, head will go 'splody boom!


New member
Jun 24, 2011
RJ 17 said:
As for everyone saying Death Note = Death to Goku, as a few others have pointed out: the book doesn't work on none-humans, and Goku isn't human, so that negates that argument.
Saiyans are able to breed with humans and have viable offspring; I think saiyans are close enough to being human for the deathnote to work on them.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
I pretty much agree with you on all but one subject. Goku could beat Superman even without kryptonite. Yes, that's DBZ era Goku, not GT (which never happened). Personally, I think Goku would be pretty equal with Superman in terms of power by at least Super Saiyan 2, and completely surpass him as Super Saiyan 3. Sure Superman is powerful, but Goku can pretty much destroy a planet in his base form by the end of DBZ.

And honestly, it comes down to skill. Goku would be using punches, kicks, blocks, dodges, and energy attacks. He has trained with many of the greatest martial arts masters in history. He trained with Roshi and learned a technique it took him 50 years to master in about five minutes after seeing it once. Then fought pretty evenly with Roshi in his first tournament. He also trained with Korin, Kami, and King Kai. Fought some of the strongest warriors on Earth (as a child), defeated Vegeta and Nappa, beat the tyrant, Frieza, fought evenly with Perfect Cell, Fat Buu, and even Kid Buu. And let's not forget that Goku enjoys fighting. And Goku ha experience fighting people that are his equal or even stronger than him. Where Superman spends most of his time stopping bank robbers.

As for Superman. He can throw a punch. Yeah, that's about the sum total of his fighting skills. If people complain that DBZ got to a point where power trumps skill, Superman lives that. He has no combat skills to speak of. He simply relies on his massive strength. When has he dodged attacks from an opponent that could be considered his equal or even his better?

Yeah, Goku would wipe the floor with Superman. Though it would be a great fight!

And I am looking forward to the eventual Death Battle of Goku versus Superman. Hey, people are always asking for it, and they promised that they will make it eventually. Though, I figure they will end up making it a tie. It'll still be epic!


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Goku vs Naruto? That's an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object right there.