Anonymous has a plan


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
Wait a minute...Couldn't I just announce my grocery list as "Anonymous' New Plan" right now and it would just as valid? I mean, if I say I'm Anonymous, then I am, so technically I can speak for them just as legitimately as anyone else. Hell, let's give a shot:

Anonymous' Plan now consists of the following:

Sandwich Bread
Toilet Paper
Peanut Butter

Anonymous has SPOKEN!!!


New member
Feb 24, 2009
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
"They say nobody dreams any more." No they don't. Who says that? You literally just made that up. Nobody says that. Nobody.

"The world is currently facing the worst problems it has ever faced." HA! WHAT??!! Have you even HEARD of World War II? Are you fucking STUPID?? What about the fucking DARK AGES??!! You're just making stuff up!!! Stuff is AWESOME right now!!

The first part of the video is from the movie "Waking Life". It is an amazing movie that showcases a large array of differing philosophical ideas. It sounds really ridiculous out of context like it is shown. But I have to say things are not so awesome right now. With the constant violence against the innocent in parts of the world, the fact that the economy is extremely unstable right now, and that the Jersey Shore is still on air. Anyway I can't take this video seriously. It is terrible and a complete insult to philosophers everywhere. There is no original thoughts just stolen dialogue. I estimate 50% of the video is word for word ripped off from movies, 25% just keeps making me think of the art and computer programming college commercials and the last 25% is just changing the words to fit the situation.


New member
Feb 7, 2010
cfb_rolley said:
I'm surprised their plan isn't 1. spread the word 2. ??? 3. PROFIT!!!!

OT: imo this is in no way related to anon, it is far to focused on the real world rather than the interwebz and technology.

edit: also, sounds far to pretentious (is that spelt right?)

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
Almost certainly not from anonymous.

It's just too ironic with all this talk of self-sufficiency and no technology to be anonymous since they are computer hackers. There form of protest depends on technology so how could they think that they could last without it. So as many people said, not anonymous, just some random.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Korolev said:
As for the whole "Get us back to the gold standard" - why? Why is gold seen as something so valuable? You realize that intrinsically, gold is not the most valuable mineral on earth. Platinum actually has more industrial applications - so why not shift to the platinum standard? Gold is rare and shiny - it has a few industrial applications but on the whole, it isn't that useful. Neither is silver. People just declared that these minerals had value because they were used in jewellery.
You have some great points but to clarify on the Gold Standard.. i can see what they are getting at with the gold standard. Gold is not the Issue it could be the Silver standard, Platinum standard or even the rice standard (terrible idea by the way) .

when you tie your currency to the Gold standard it has several advantages. hyperinflation is nearly impossible (Money supply can only grow as gold supply grows)and Utilizing the Gold standard prevents governments from creating inflation due to increased levels of printed money (ie:using monetary policies to finance deficit spending). its very hard to get into deficit with the gold standard as you need Physical Assets to print Money ergo No Deficit

Call it what you will but America Abandoned the Gold standard in a attempt to Afford the Vietnam war which they Could not afford when the country was tied to its Gold reserves as In the US, the Federal Reserve was required by law to have 40% gold backing of its Federal Reserve demand notes, and thus, could not expand the money supply beyond what was allowed by the gold reserves held in their vaults. The long term effect of dropping the Gold standard was that the American dollar has Devalued 98% since the "Nixon Shock" and now has a huge Deficit. It was the Great Magic Act that Pulled the wool over the worlds eyes as a near bankrupt nation (thanks to WW2 and the then Vietnam war) Suddenly had More than enough Hypothetical Money to go around

The "Fiat Standard" saw countless other nations , enamored by Americas Artificial new found wealth, Creating artificial currencies based not on Physical assets but on the hypothetical value of paper.(and creating huge deficits in the process)

All is not roses with the gold standard though, yes there are those who shout the great depression was caused by the Gold Standard (Not true but it is true that it may have extended the depression as america battled to build reserves in order to print more currency). the disadvantages to the Gold standard are that Monetary policy is dictated by Gold Production and that fluctuates so the economy could Inflate or deflate based on production,economic recessions can be largely mitigated by increasing money supply during economic downturns as seen with America recently ,something that could not be possible with the gold standard in place.

As a responsible Monetary standard the Gold standard makes a lot of sense However the reason we will never return to the Gold Standard is There Simply isn't enough Gold in the Whole world to settle Americas Debt

Ovid ,the roman poet, said it best (without even knowing of the fiat standard) when he said "plenty has left me poor"

!!! free-market libertarians FTW !!! XD


New member
May 28, 2011
Lets see's how I feel.

Anonymous, at its core, is good. Its ideals are solid, and its spirit is noteworthy.
There ARE things wrong with the world. There's no doubt about that. I myself have gone my entire life questioning why the world is the way it is. And quite often, things are just stupid. But we're not going to change things by painting the govornment as 'evil'.

The government is corrupt, but not bad. It needs to be fixed, not destroyed.

The Anonymous website seems to have multiple articles about how the latest advances in technology are going to be used to destroy free speech. And, while their views make sense, I also see nothing but guesses and assumptions here. I just....I dunno.

I'm struggling. I'm not sure WHAT my oppinion of them overall is. They're eaither going to lead a huge revolution, or do absolutly nothing and be destroyed.

Personally, I kinda hope that the Rapture is on 2012. Then we won't have to deal with this.

Huh...acctually, that'd kinda make sense. If Anonymous wound up as eiather the Anti-Christ, or more likely, the Tribulation.


New member
May 28, 2011
Wolfy2449 said:
Rly growing ur own food?? i mean its a nice idea but you cant create everything... U ll always end up trading

Plus if you want a better world with intelligent ppl you have to give problems to humans instead of giving them dumb information. Meaning those math formulas wont be given like that, u ll have to invent them just like the ppl who created them did...
But rly current ppl in power dont need ppl who can think, they want ppl to have brainless "fun"

This means a world when a lulzsec take downs x popular game u wont have adding 1000 negative comments and will simply understand the situation and ignore them or have lulz. That is kinda hard to do u know...
You MAY have had a good point under there, but its pretty much illegible. >_<


New member
Mar 10, 2011
Korolev said:
Yeah, learn to grow our own food - can't hurt right?
Except that organic food cannot sustain the population of the Earth. I've done research in to this: Organic farms are INCREDIBLY inefficient. If everyone shifted to organic farming, huge segments of the population would up and die of starvation because growing your own food isn't easy and it isn't as cheap as you think.

Okay, let's say everyone has their own garden for which to grow food. Do you actually realize how difficult it is to maintain a large crop? Without proper equipment (which costs money to manufacture and maintain and fuel to operate?), it is VERY difficult to keep pests out, and to ensure that the crops grow well.

But let's say you can grow all your own food - can your neighbours? What if they have bad soil? What if they have a 9-5 job and CAN'T take the time out to grow and look after their crops? Farming is a serious business - it's not "Hey, take a few carrot seeds and put em into the ground!" You might be able to grow your crops successfully once - that doesn't mean you always will or that your neighbours always will. That is why we need large, multiple farms because we need safeguards against drought, floods, bad soil and disease.

If you knew even a shred of history you'd realize that people in "ye olden days" didn't have it so nice. Starvation was a very, very real risk 600 years ago and a LOT of people died from it. If things really were so great and wonderful back in the primitive ages, why did we need to invent technology? If humanity truly WAS so happy and joyful back in the medieval ages, why is it that the population of Earth increased from just over 1 billion, to very nearly 7 billion now, in the space of only a few decades? Back in the 1950's, the Earth's population was a grand 3 Billion. Back in the 1900's, it was over 1 Billion. Over 250,000 years of human civilization, using "traditional farming methods" only got us to 1 Billion, but NOW, with SCIENCE we have extended the human lifespan to the amount that we now have nearly 7 billion on this earth. Science, Engineering and Modern Agriculture have done more to save human lives in 50 years than all the stupid ancient farmers managed to do in over 250,000 years, and that's an indisputable FACT. There exists NO OTHER explanation for the massive population increase. You can argue that over-population is a problem, and I agree with you, but you can't argue with the fact that modern agriculture and science has given humanity more than it has ever had at any other period of time in history.

So no - we don't need to grow our own food. That is what the farm is for. Just like we don't need to skin our own animals to make leather clothes, agriculture has become a specialized practice. I've been eating modern food my entire life. I'm not sick nor do I have cancer, and neither does anyone I know.

As for the whole "Get us back to the gold standard" - why? Why is gold seen as something so valuable? You realize that intrinsically, gold is not the most valuable mineral on earth. Platinum actually has more industrial applications - so why not shift to the platinum standard? Gold is rare and shiny - it has a few industrial applications but on the whole, it isn't that useful. Neither is silver. People just declared that these minerals had value because they were used in jewellery.

Tying wealth to gold is just stupid, since there's far to wealth than gold. Wealth can be found in almost any material good, and sometimes in non-material things like information. It's a bit silly to say "I'm worth the amount of gold I have in my bank". I don't have a single gram of gold but I have a lot of material possessions and I have a wealth of knowledge in my brain that's worth more than gold.

This fascination with gold continues to perplex me - it's not, when you get down to it, really all that valuable. It's only people's PERCEPTION of gold that makes it valuable. Diamonds are rarer and even more valuable - why don't we shift to the Diamond Standard!? Because that would be stupid.

If you say that modern currency is worth nothing because it is based on perception, realize that gold is only valuable because of perception. Honestly, Uranium is worth more than gold. Coal is worth more than gold. Platinum has more industrial applications than gold.
You miss the point about the currency, I'm not concerned about our perception of it but rather the manipulation of it. Most people understand the importance of trading a universal yet reletively useless item as currency rather than using the tiresome practice bartering. I don't know why the anchients chose gold, but it worked well enough. Instead of finding something of equal value to the product you want, you just provide the right number of universally accepted gold coins and the shopkeep can trust that those coins will fetch him something else of equal value. While our perception of gold's value may be abstract and faulty, it's still a good thing.

But here's the reason why we still need the gold standard: gold is finite. Fiat money, for all intents and purposes, is not... espeshally in the digital age.

the value of gold its self was an abstract concept, but then we added another layer of illution when we created a national gold reserve and the government handed out notes to represent the abstract value of gold, but still this is OK because you know that, in the end, you can trade in your nation's notes, get some gold and use that universally accepted gold to purchase things with. A certain amount of paper meant a certain amount of gold.

But now we don't have that gold to back up our paper... and so what? The value of gold was abstract, we can just use this paper as a replacment right? Well, there's a reason why it's called a precious metal, there's only so much of it. Finding more is difficult and unless we shoot it into space, the amound we have right now will not go away. Our special notes on the other hand can be generated quite easily by man. Rather than a set number "created by God", we humans now create that number, the number that will determine how difficult it is for you to get your weekly loaf of bread and gallon of milk.

Think of it this way; if man ever achieved the goal of alchemy and was able to mass produce gold, then gold would be just as fiat and useless as our bank notes.

And here's the thing, it's not just any human that determines this number, but rather a small group, 12 I think, sitting in the Federal Reserve (at least that's the case with the USA, with other nations it's called a national bank). A small group of people that you are not allowed to go up and see and are free from judicial review. These people determine the value of the dollar in your wallet and therefore, your livelihood.

Now you may be able to live with that, you may be in denile saying that nothing that bad could ever happen, but let me say that just as you can remove the food bowl from a caged rabbit, so can they remove the means by which we retrieve our food and other items, that is except for the ones not caged by the laws of the system.

And on that other note; no you do not need to give up all technology in order to grow your own food, all you need is fertile land and a little bit of time to plant a garden, like you know, a weekend.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Googooguru said:
Korolev said:
As for the whole "Get us back to the gold standard" - why? Why is gold seen as something so valuable? You realize that intrinsically, gold is not the most valuable mineral on earth. Platinum actually has more industrial applications - so why not shift to the platinum standard? Gold is rare and shiny - it has a few industrial applications but on the whole, it isn't that useful. Neither is silver. People just declared that these minerals had value because they were used in jewellery.
You have some great points but to clarify on the Gold Standard.. i can see what they are getting at with the gold standard. Gold is not the Issue it could be the Silver standard, Platinum standard or even the rice standard (terrible idea by the way) .
Worked for the Japanese when men (or moreso warrior caste) couldn't touch gold. Hence why Merchants were only ever considered jsut above that of the Buraku ... who are/the ancestors of leather workers ...

Touching and trading gold was dishonourable, of course slaughtering animals (no matter how much the leather was needed ... oh and not fish ... slaughtering fish was okay) was seen as a sin against nature.

when you tie your currency to the Gold standard it has several advantages. hyperinflation is nearly impossible (Money supply can only grow as gold supply grows)and Utilizing the Gold standard prevents governments from creating inflation due to increased levels of printed money (ie:using monetary policies to finance deficit spending). its very hard to get into deficit with the gold standard as you need Physical Assets to print Money ergo No Deficit
Not true ... whilst I advocate commodity currencies (at the very least, if not an actual real value attached to a denotation) you could very well hae hyperinflation still. The power of the Spanish came from Gold and silver assets in the Americas during the heights of the 16th century, the power this was was not simply because 'Spaniards had more gold to throw around" but because what is known now, and has a similar adjunct during the Age of Sail and most explicitly during the Medieval period, as 'Financial Warfare'.

See the early nation-states (to be) had the power to mint their coins, but that wasn't a guarantee that ports and merchants would accept it.

The greater the gold or silver content in a coin, the greater its ability to be traded.

At the same time Sovereign bodies couldn't afford to mint higher value coinage if it meant that circulation was almost destroyed by the natural degree of hoarding all people did when money changes hands.

So minting various coins with lower or higher lead content was inevitable. Know why is this important to why the Spnaish achieved such power? Simple. Because the more coins you're able to produce (whilst retain high value) means economic dominance in foreign markets as foreign markets rely on the circulation of Spanish coin.

The European market was so flooded with precious metals that the the price of raw silver was hiogher at Chinese (predominantly) ports, as well as at other European holdings at Manila, Malacca and Goa, than it was on the European ports 'back home'. Which of course benefitted the Spanish somewhat as they were the most knowledgeable of the Trade Winds off the West coasts of North and South America that would allow the large Acapulco Galleon Trading vessels easy access to Manila (though much harder getting back without first trekking North past Nagasaki).

!!! free-market libertarians FTW !!! XD
Whether said in jest or truth, I concur.


Pub Club Am Broken
May 30, 2009
Read Text as containing "Anonymous" and "Plan"...self amused and doubtful chortle. Anonymous are too disbanded and intangible to have a master plan of any sort.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
headshotcatcher said:
Finally, actual hubris..
Why does a silly group on the internet think it can claim the ENTIRE WORLD is wrong and that they have to reinstate values in the world?
Have you even heard about extremists ?? Like, lets say, Al-Quaeda , The Westboro Baptist church or neo-nazis ?
You might not be aware of them in your part of the world - but if you take a moment and read the news, you will find that they all have a vision of "a new and proper order" that differs from common values and that they frequently use violent actions to further changes.

With globalisation its just an easy step from "you are wrong and I am right!" to "the whole F-ing world is wrong and I am right!"

One of my favorite quotes on that matter:
The intellectual horizon of most people is a circle with a radius of 0. Thats what they define as their point of view.

Morgan Howe

New member
Jun 4, 2011
this is not freedom they seek, its one group controlling everything, THEM
these guys are doing everything they can to make everyone's lives more miserable, saying it for our best, putting our very identities at risk!
they are nothing more then terrorists, they want only to scare us
but unlike actual terrorists, what they claim they fight for has nothing to do with why they actually fight
i for one am fed up with being attacked by these guys.


New member
May 3, 2011
Drakmeire said:
well that made me downright pity anonymous.
First off, you can't accomplish anything like this since there will always be those who strive for power, anarchy is a broken concept, also change your image, Guy Fawkes was trying to promote the rule of Spain and increase the influence of the Catholic Church. Good job on trying to be self-sufficient guys, you modeled your appearance after someone who tried to set up a theocracy, and you think that a few thousand people can overthrow ALL governments.
go back to getting revenge on The Westboro Baptist Church.
EDIT: One of my best friends always says "I was part of Anonymous back when they were cool" Why do I get the feeling that their popularity is going to fall through after this and the lonely wannabe hackers of the internet will go back to just "Doing it for the lulz".
Also, this video clearly can't represent anonymous as a whole since doing ANYTHING beside freedom of speech goes against their own principals
Thank you for bringing up Guy Fawkes's REAL intentions. But this is Anon not Lulzsec who's been attacking everything. I think...I don't really's to early for this shit I'm going back to bed.