Anonymous Strikes Again


New member
Sep 22, 2009
neonsword13-ops said:
DoPo said:
Citizens of Greece

We are Anonymous.
We watch every day your government abolishes the constitution and institutions of the country.
We see them leading you closer and closer to poverty.
We see them pass laws that deprive you of any right to dignity.
We see them and deliver the country to the IMF and the bankers.
We know about the soup kitchens in schools,
for people who are left jobless and now wait in queues for a plate of food.
We know that your country voted ACTA in your effort to silence and other Greeks.
We know everything ...
The Republic in Greece has died.
He died while a government that has not been elected by the people.
And for this reason that the time for discussion came and went.
Not negotiating anything with any of those who murdered him.
Can you hunt as you like, you can even capture some of us,
When you attempt to silence us ...
But for every one that will capture 3 others will spring up. There are 5 or 10 or 100.
Now the Greeks are all Anonymous.
We are millions against you and the 300 in this war tear gas will not help you.

Occupying Government of Greece
These days are going to vote for a bill that will be the last nail in the coffin of the Greek.
A bill to return the country to a totalitarian rule.
To bring the country and its people in absolute poverty.
We will not allow another misery to the Greek people.
We demand your resignation immediately, and elections.
We demand not paid a cent to moneylenders 'friends' you.
We demand the immediate withdrawal of the IMF from Greece.
The Justice Department was only a small sample of what we're capable of doing
Even you have not seen the full wrath of Anonymous.
For each article of a bill that would shame the vote,
we will shut the system and deleting an Inland Revenue debts of Greek citizens
Debts which requires them to fascist pay.
Can the demonstrations of the Greeks to their encounter with incredible violence,
anexelekta hitting, but the internet is our field. And I love this war.
We are many and we will be brief.

Citizens of Greece, Anonymous is now fighting on your side ...

Government of Greece, let us wait ...

E X P E C T U S !

J U S T I C E I S C O M I N G !
"We are helping the cause of poverty by taking down this website! Ha Ha!"

Anon. are truely entitled sons a' bitches, aren't they, marching onto another country's ground and telling them how to do things.

Man, I'm gonna need some popcorn for this shit storm.
Implying there's no Europeans (Specifically Greeks) who're Anonymous.

Anon isn't just Americans.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
EDIT: ah well, others made my point before me and a little clearer too.

I dunno, on of the guys I work for is Greek, and he's terrified for his friends and family back home.

At least Anon is trying to help instead of doing this for fun. They're getting te message out


New member
Feb 25, 2009
I wasn't suggesting it very seriously but...

DoPo said:
That would put them into so much shit that they'd better just do what Anon says. Also, it wouldn't accomplish anything.
It would acomplish keeping Anon out.

DoPo said:
Furthermore, shutting down the internet, would be a huge amount of work. Basically, Greece should go to each ISP and demand them to stop working.
They dont need to go to each ISP the just need to pass a law and each ISP would have to do it.

DoPo said:
Also, you know that huge amount of work - it would be against the law as well. The UN have stated (or suggested, I'm not sure) that the access to internet is a human right. And if the government takes it away would be an enormous offence.
Not as important than creating jobs and apparently they aren't doing that either.

DoPo said:
And finally, the government would be sued so hard that I doubt any lawyer would dare say anything less than "My clients plead guilty and would like at least double the punishment you're thinking of." Businesses and people all rely in the Internet.
Apparently even though they are in such an economic problem everyone has internet.

DoPo said:
Even the government does. So, no email, no world wide web, no Steam, no nothing. The population and Anon themselves would be pissed.
They could use a substitute, something like a VPN but that doesn't rely on the internet, I'm not sure what that could be. Steam isn't a basic need.


New member
Jan 23, 2012
Lionsfan said:
Aerodyamic said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
ThatLankyBastard said:
Anonymous Strikes Again
Are you sure that's Anonymous and not just anonymous? I'm pretty sure Anonymous have other places to be at the moment, like Virginia.
What'd I miss in Virginia now?
Not much, Virginia is really quite a boring place, not as bad as Ohio though
Add Maryland to that list of boring places.

I don't see the point in kicking Greece. I think the Greek people have more important issues then LOIC being used on some government website.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
Akio91 said:
Okay, do we have any proof at all that this is Anonymous' fault?
There's never proof that Anonymous is involved because the actual Anon wouldn't be stupid enough to leave proof.


New member
Dec 21, 2011
Denariax said:
Akio91 said:
Okay, do we have any proof at all that this is Anonymous' fault?
There's never proof that Anonymous is involved because the actual Anon wouldn't be stupid enough to leave proof.
So, going off nothing, we're claiming that Anonymous has committed a crime that they most likely didn't do?


New member
Nov 3, 2010
Akio91 said:
Denariax said:
Akio91 said:
Okay, do we have any proof at all that this is Anonymous' fault?
There's never proof that Anonymous is involved because the actual Anon wouldn't be stupid enough to leave proof.
So, going off nothing, we're claiming that Anonymous has committed a crime that they most likely didn't do?
Yeah, pretty much, but thats what we've always done anyways.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
esperandote said:
I wasn't suggesting it very seriously but...

DoPo said:
That would put them into so much shit that they'd better just do what Anon says. Also, it wouldn't accomplish anything.
It would acomplish keeping Anon out.
So what? Instead of Anonymous taking down websites, there would be no websites at all. It would be like closing all airports so nobody could call with a bomb threat and close them. It's utterly and completely useless and counter productive.

And Anon would just point and laugh while surfing the internetz because they are not in Greece. Most of them, at least.

esperandote said:
DoPo said:
Furthermore, shutting down the internet, would be a huge amount of work. Basically, Greece should go to each ISP and demand them to stop working.
They dont need to go to each ISP the just need to pass a law and each ISP would have to do it.
Let's leave aside the fact that the law would need time and effort to come in place. How do you think that would work? How exactly would the government say "internet must stop" and everybody will agree? Did you see SOPA/PIPA/ACTA? That law would be worse than all of them combined and multiplied. Not to mention that it's against a whole lot of other laws. There is simply now way for this to happen quietly nor to convince ISPs to stop working.

esperandote said:
DoPo said:
Also, you know that huge amount of work - it would be against the law as well. The UN have stated (or suggested, I'm not sure) that the access to internet is a human right. And if the government takes it away would be an enormous offence.
Not as important than creating jobs and apparently they aren't doing that either.
Yes, let's say they aren't creating jobs. With this, they would destroy jobs. Like utterly annihilate some of them. By "enormous offence" I mean the UN can just say "you are morons and that law is illegal" and stop it. Also it would probably cost the positions, good name, maybe health and lives of the people who try to vote it in.

esperandote said:
DoPo said:
And finally, the government would be sued so hard that I doubt any lawyer would dare say anything less than "My clients plead guilty and would like at least double the punishment you're thinking of." Businesses and people all rely in the Internet.
Apparently even though they are in such an economic problem everyone has internet.
I...know what you're talking about. I doubt you do either.

esperandote said:
DoPo said:
Even the government does. So, no email, no world wide web, no Steam, no nothing. The population and Anon themselves would be pissed.
They could use a substitute, something like a VPN but that doesn't rely on the internet, I'm not sure what that could be. Steam isn't a basic need.
(bolded is mine)

What? How? What? I'm sorry but you don't really understand anything you're talking about. I don't for sure but nor do you.
Feb 13, 2008
Aerodyamic said:
What'd I miss in Virginia now?

I don't own a tv, and I find most of the news depressing.
Fijiman said:
I can completely agree with that. In all seriousness thought, did something really happen?
Lionsfan said:
Not much, Virginia is really quite a boring place, not as bad as Ohio though
Here's the headline you should be looking for:
Virginia Governor Backs Off 'State-Sponsored Rape' Ultrasound Bill

Basically, anyone wanting an abortion is required to have an invasive ultrasound. Anonymous, being Pro-Choice, are quite upset about this.

cora mcstrap

New member
Jul 21, 2011
God if i see 1 more thread about these Hackers scum i think I'll freak. No wonder governments want to legislate the internet when you have idiots like this acting like they owe it. The best thing Anon can do for the internet is disappear and never show their ugly heads again.


New member
Dec 21, 2011
Denariax said:
Akio91 said:
Denariax said:
Akio91 said:
Okay, do we have any proof at all that this is Anonymous' fault?
There's never proof that Anonymous is involved because the actual Anon wouldn't be stupid enough to leave proof.
So, going off nothing, we're claiming that Anonymous has committed a crime that they most likely didn't do?
Yeah, pretty much, but thats what we've always done anyways.
Well, maybe if you guys stopped doing that, we wouldn't have such beautifully uninformed statements as:

cora mcstrap said:
God if i see 1 more thread about these Hackers scum i think I'll freak. No wonder governments want to legislate the internet when you have idiots like this acting like they owe it. The best thing Anon can do for the internet is disappear and never show their ugly heads again.
Anonymous, at it's core, is better for the internet than people believe.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
DO WHAT WE WANT OR WE WILL TAKE DOWN SOME RANDOM GOVERNMENT WEBSITE THAT PROBABLY NOONE VISITS ANYWAY *evil laugh*. No, seriously, does anyone else think this is ridiculous?

cora mcstrap

New member
Jul 21, 2011
Akio91 said:
Anonymous, at it's core, is better for the internet than people believe.
I disagree completely. How can a group of people who only person is to try and force people to agree with then or have their websites 404'ed be a good thing. It's like an internet protection racket. I mean look at it. What have the Greeks done to deserve 1 of their websites attacked. If they have attacked a German website i might be less annoyed.

The EU is doing a lot to keep the internet free (much to America's dislike) and thats still not good enough for ill-informed children that make up Anon


New member
Dec 21, 2011
cora mcstrap said:
Akio91 said:
Anonymous, at it's core, is better for the internet than people believe.
I disagree completely. How can a group of people who only person is to try and force people to agree with then or have their websites 404'ed be a good thing. It's like an internet protection racket. I mean look at it. What have the Greeks done to deserve 1 of their websites attacked. If they have attacked a German website i might be less annoyed.

The EU is doing a lot to keep the internet free (much to America's dislike) and thats still not good enough for ill-informed children that make up Anon

I'm pretty sure that you have no clue what you're talking about. I have yet to see any proof that this is Anonymous, and at this point, all you guys are doing is slinging shit. If it really were Anonymous, they'd have a good reason to do it and would take credit for it.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
DoPo said:
So what? Instead of Anonymous taking down websites, there would be no websites at all. It would be like closing all airports so nobody could call with a bomb threat and close them. It's utterly and completely useless and counter productive.
I didn't suggest they shut down the internet to prevent Anon to take down their websites, don't be silly. I suggested it to prevent anon to delete Greeks citizens revenue debts but apparently you're unawere of that part or choosed not to acknowledge it.

DoPo said:
Let's leave aside the fact that the law would need time and effort to come in place. How do you think that would work? How exactly would the government say "internet must stop" and everybody will agree? Did you see SOPA/PIPA/ACTA? That law would be worse than all of them combined and multiplied. Not to mention that it's against a whole lot of other laws. There is simply now way for this to happen quietly nor to convince ISPs to stop working.
Anyone would agree I'm sure but companies would have to do it even if they don't agree. I what the public do, riots? as it would be any different from now.

DoPo said:
I...know what you're talking about. I doubt you do either.
I do, and when I'm not sure it mention it. Glad that's clarified

(bolded is mine)

What? How? What? I'm sorry but you don't really understand anything you're talking about. I don't for sure but nor do you.[/quote]

I understand and if you don't then there's no case in replying to you.

See what i did there? I ignored the part where you had a point about losing jobs like you ignored some of my points.

Just to clarify, I'm actually on Anon's side on this i just barely seriously suggested what the Greek goverment could do to prevent their attack.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
I doubt anon even have a clue about whats happening in Greece and the complicated issue the government is facing making cuts or going bankrupt and how the every day greek person is suffering. I find it funny that shutting down a website is some how meant to help the greek people? lol.

Im waiting for anon to deal with the israel/palestine problem, Iran, terrorism, North Korea, Afghanistan and every other trouble spot with a "Do what we say or we will shut down a page for a hour" its like something out of Austin Powers.