Anonymous Strikes Back, Hacks "Internet Security" Firm


New member
Nov 14, 2008
Julian Assange?
Infamous wikileaks... person...

Who Anon was supporting by hacking the security corp,which is what this is about.
Anon is supporting Wikileaks.

And how does America make cash from war?
Last time i checked Missiles and weapons aren't exactly cheap.
Even if they aren't right and they somehow make cash they're still helping people.
Governments by nature are corrupt but then again so is Anon,who continues to commit crimes.

"Can you blame a bank for wanting to secure it's customers data aganst people like julian?
It's practically their sworn duty."

This has to do with the BoA document that got leaked that everyone's wooing over like it's some black evil plan to destroy everything.
Honestly it just looks like BoA is looking to tighten security for it's customers by analyzing how these people work. No more.

Sorry for the messy format,minor browser issues.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
teknoarcanist said:
Arrest all of them?
Good luck with that, buddeh. Should complement victory in the 'war on drugs' too, when that finally comes through.

teknoarcanist said:
Kill some of them?
They function autonomously. You're wasting time and bullets.
I think sometimes people forget how much governments, especially the American government, love "crusades."
You don't think our government would happily sink billions of dollars and millions of man-hours into tracking down members of Anonymous once they finally decided to declare their criminal antics as a culpable threat to national security? Hell, little "wars" like this are GREAT for business and the economy. Dozens of new "Internet security" or "Cyber-warfare" contractors will spring up virtually overnight, eager to get large swathes of what will be assuredly large coffers put forth by the government in their efforts to wage dire warfare on who they perceive to be a direct enemy. Anonymous has survived mostly on the fact that they have been a slight annoyance to a few companies and such here and there in the past. That position is quickly changing, and soon there will be a point of no return crossed where the government will decide that enough is enough.

When, not if, that day comes, Anonymous shouldn't be too surprised (but they will be) when the full weight and power of a vindictive and efficient government machine descends upon them with all the might and power of a vengeful Fury. The sword of Damacles hangs over them, threatening to come down.

Will ALL members of Anonymous be hunted down and punished with extreme prejudice? Not hardly. But enough will to weed out all but the extremely devoted and hardcore, whereas I suspect the bulk of their little movement will be deterred by the very real threat of ending up in an interrogation room on an island some where far, far away from their mother's basement.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
h264 said:
Calbeck said:
In all of human history, there has never been an innovation which has empowered individual liberty like the Internet.
Simply observe how the most tyrannical of the worlds regimes always pull the plug on the World Wide Web whenever their
people rise up to demand their freedom. The forces arrayed against a Free Internet are powerful and evil, and Anonymous, PLF
is dedicated to fighting against them. We are prepared to go to prison, or even be killed - in this epic battle for
the very soul of humanity. We will defend a Free and open Internet with every tool and tactic at our disposal.

Anon and The Peoples Liberation Front is now, and has from it's inception been a NON-VIOLENT, pascivist group of freedom
fighters. Never have we as a group or individually EVER been so much as accused of an act of violence. No one anywhere
has anything to fear from our group, that is unless they are evil, criminal - or tyrants. Those have much to fear from
us and they DO fear us. For over two decades we have used information and technology to battle in a non-violent way to
win justice and freedom for everyone.

Our secondary mission is to assist liberation movements and groups across the globe in deploying electronic and network
technology. We also provide direct assistance to organized protests all over the world by providing technical assistance,
intelligence gathering, electronic security and cyber warfare abilities.

Finally, we have an intelligence division which is dedicated to gathering the secrets of the enemies of freedom for the
purpose of global dissemination. By turning their own intelligence techniques and technologies against them, we spy on
them spying on us. We use the data gathered in the furtherance of the above causes.

We are not in this for glory or fame. All of our members are anonymous, and bragging of any kind is strictly forbidden.
We fight for the day when fighting will be unnecessary, and all the worlds people will be free.

Operation Anonymous is Internet history in the making. Never before have so many disparate groups of hackers joined
forces to lead and direct a truly staggering number of concerned citizens to form a massive Internet "army". Tens of
thousands strong, OpAnon has successfully crushed some of the most robust web sites in the world, including MasterCard,
PayPal - and even the Swedish Prosecutors web site ! Dedicated LONGTERM to the defense of WikiLeaks and it's heroic
founder Julian Assange, OpAnon Command meets daily with it's supporters and monitors the situation minute by minute and
issues strategic and target data in realtime to those soldiers of freedom who have joined forces with us.

We Are Everywhere - We Are Legion - We Never Forget - We Never Forgive - Expect Us
So, when you said there was no organization, you were confused, obfuscating or deceiving? Pick one.

When you said there were no leaders, that was... an error?

So you're affiliated with the PLF? You do realize they do not share your commitment to non-violent conflict resolution, right? But at least now we have some idea of where the death threats against HBGarry originated.

So your non-organization has physical assets, or have they developed some radical new technology that allows them to produce self replicating network hubs?

It is nice to know that we can add Anonymous to the ranks of the global intelligence community, which has included such fine upstanding members as the RSB, the CIA, Moussad, and MI6. All of whom have a carefully cultivated respect for human life and dignity that is much the same as a hypoglycemic's regard for poptarts.

It's nice to know that the Swedish prosecutor's office ranks among the most prominent and robust sites on the internet. See, I would have assumed such a list would have included such obscure sites as Google or Yahoo, but you have clearly and carefully cut through that to identify the true nexus of the internet through which we all must pass every day.

However, I do believe it is bad form to count zombies among your membership. They are minions, not full members. Perhaps some day, with sufficient reeducation they may be promoted, but for now, they are not members of Anonymous.

captain underpants

New member
Jun 8, 2010
-Samurai- said:
captain underpants said:
-Samurai- said:
I can't wait till life bites these stupid kids in the ass.

When the government decides to start pushing ISPs to police their users activities, you can all thank this group of would-be e-vigilantes.
They want to do that anyway. At least someone is kicking against the pricks. But hey, you just keep on sitting on your complacent arse while any illusion of freedom you have is slowly eroded away by the control freaks in authority.
They want to do that because of stupid kids like this. Without these little wanna-ve e-vigilantes, there wouldn't be anything to police. But, hey, if you want to turn a bunch of 14 year olds with no moral compass and no understanding of the real world into your heroes, go for it. I'll be over here being an adult.
That is, quite plainly, bullshit.

Firstly, it is a truism that all governments want to control the lines of communication. The internet makes that impossible, and they are scared shitless about it. THAT is what is motivating this illegal and immoral vendetta against Wikileaks. The internet is the greatest tool for the freedom of the people to get the information they need without the governemt's highly suspect filtering that mankind has ever created, and it's worth fighting for - far more than a fight over mere oil ever will be.

As far as I can tell, Anonymous' more noble fights want nothing more than to keep the lines of communication that the internet provides free and open. If you don't think that's an important aim, I have nothing more to say to you, and you deserve all the violations of your freedom that you have coming to you. I can guarantee that it will get a lot worse if we don't start waking the fuck up to it.

Second, nothing I have seen indicates to me that they are 'a bunch of 14 year olds with no moral compass and no understanding of the real world'. I'm sure there is that element - it's not a unified body, you realise. However, my impression is that there are also some very intelligent, very serious adults involved as well, and I largely support their actions. Your statement about 14 year olds is just prejudice.

Third, they are not 'my heroes', but I support their actions in the name of a free and open internet. The more puerile stunts they pull are insignificant to me and do not make the actions against these 'security' pricks any less worthwhile.

If being an adult means swallowing the bullshit that the elite classes shove down our throats like you clearly have, then I want no part of it. I'm old enough, kid, to know that the government doesn't have our best interests at heart, and I can tell the difference betwen a law designed to make things fairer and safer for all, and laws that are merely to control us and keep us stupid and paying our taxes. It's disheartening to me how many Escapists follow the 'it's illegal therefore it's bad' line without once applying any thought or wisdom as to why they think that.

Being a sheep will give you a safe, comfortable and boring life as long as you don't exercise any free will. If that's what you want, be my guest. Just remember that your life's work is to be fleeced on a regular basis and your end reward it to be eaten. Enjoy it.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Starke said:
However, I do believe it is bad form to count zombies among your membership. They are minions, not full members. Perhaps some day, with sufficient reeducation they may be promoted, but for now, they are not members of Anonymous.
There are no full remembers. Check mine and other latests posts in the other thread for clarification. I copy pasta'd some propaganda there because I too tired to do anything else.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
h264 said:
Starke said:
However, I do believe it is bad form to count zombies among your membership. They are minions, not full members. Perhaps some day, with sufficient reeducation they may be promoted, but for now, they are not members of Anonymous.
There is no full remembers. Check mine and other latests posts in the other thread for clarification. I copy pasta'd some propaganda there because I too tired to do anything else.
Then unless you want your credibility held to a lower standard, don't do it. If you're too tired to post, don't. You'll only say stupid shit you shouldn't have, like revealing to the world exactly how the inner workings and hierarchy of Anonymous is really set up.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Starke said:
h264 said:
Starke said:
However, I do believe it is bad form to count zombies among your membership. They are minions, not full members. Perhaps some day, with sufficient reeducation they may be promoted, but for now, they are not members of Anonymous.
There is no full remembers. Check mine and other latests posts in the other thread for clarification. I copy pasta'd some propaganda there because I too tired to do anything else.
Then unless you want your credibility held to a lower standard, don't do it. If you're too tired to post, don't. You'll only say stupid shit you shouldn't have, like revealing to the world exactly how the inner workings and hierarchy of Anonymous is really set up.
I will disagree that I revealed all that by posting PLF propaganda but your other point is noted.


New member
Jan 23, 2011
-Samurai- said:
I can't wait till life bites these stupid kids in the ass.

When the government decides to start pushing ISPs to police their users activities, you can all thank this group of would-be e-vigilantes.

The phrase of the day is; "counter productivity".
Quoted for truth!


New member
Feb 8, 2011
crazythunder83 said:
-Samurai- said:
I can't wait till life bites these stupid kids in the ass.

When the government decides to start pushing ISPs to police their users activities, you can all thank this group of would-be e-vigilantes.

The phrase of the day is; "counter productivity".
Quoted for truth!
Through this, it was reveled that Bank of America hired companies to attack wikileaks. HGGary's intel on Anon was discredited and future attacks on wikileaks were hindered. And your still trying to say that its counter productive.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
h264 said:
Through this, it was reveled that Bank of America hired companies to attack wikileaks. HGGary's intel on Anon was discredited and future attacks on wikileaks were hindered. And your still trying to say that its counter productive.
It was counter-productive.

I'm curious about what you think was actually accomplished here? Did hundreds of people suddenly resign? How many people closed their BoA accounts over this? Is HBGary bankrupt, are the hatchers of this insidious scheme brought to justice and removed from the field of play?

No. Nothing happened except for a few computer geeks patting themselves on the back for a job well-done while failing to realize that the dragon they think they slew was only stunned momentarily... and rising up behind their unsuspecting backs with renewed vigor and a shit-ton more fury.

You see, the only thing that was REALLY accomplished here is that Anonymous and Wikileaks went from potential threats to CERTAIN threats. The un-focused bullseye on both organizations is now centered.

Worse, they didn't even accomplish the goal of teaching companies like this NOT to put together action plans of this nature... Instead the more likely scenario is that they are even MORE convinced that measures need to be taken. If anything, they will be MORE careful now that they realize what Anon or whomever has shown what they are capable of. Unfortunately, they have also possibly inadvertently shown the LIMITATIONS of what they are capable of. If one's only method of action involves stealing information and using email hacks and other simple tricks while relying on the anonymity and support of a largely oblivious internet pop culture to shield you, it won't take these companies and agencies long to bring a more gritty, realistic, and frightening hammer down.

I have no love for corporations, but I respect their power. Only a fool would carelessly disregard an enemies potential to wreak massive harm and retaliate strongly. Not only that, but I have a feeling that while the FBI, security contractors, and nefarious companies working FOR the banks and corporations have few if little qualms about getting their hands PHYSICALLY dirty, most of Anonymous and wikileaks is almost entirely comprised of people who would rather hide in a large, large crowd and toss stones from afar.
Sooner or later though, someone is going to get hurt. Badly. Either physically, financially, or emotionally. You'll find that when this starts to happen, I'd wager the number of Anonymous members is going to plummet faster than if they had made a swastika their new standard.

All Anonymous have accomplished here is that those they have attacked will simply get BETTER at hiding their secrets. They won't stop having them, they'll just keep getting increasingly harder to discover their plans or get information... and with the unlimited budgets at their disposal, Anonymous and Wikileaks will never be able to keep up in an Information Technology and Security arms race.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
HyenaThePirate said:
All Anonymous have accomplished here
I've already listed what was accomplished in my previous post. Additionally, I will add, that because this plan has been released. It will be easier to identify serious actions taken against wikileaks for what they are.

Going on about your opinion of what you think happened is of no interest to me. I back up my claims with evidence, not speculation.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
captain underpants said:
Well aren't you just the little rebel? Fight those horrible governments, man! Everyone is a sheep but you!

I've heard this exact rant on everything from piracy to murder and I'm still not impressed. The government isn't some machine that's bent on controlling every citizen and hooking us up to tubes and not letting us leave our houses. But, hey, you go and be as conspiracy crazy as you want.

Small note: The "kid" insult doesn't exactly apply to me. See, I'm whats called an adult. Age wise and responsibility wise. I work 6-7 days a week, pay my bills on time and in full, and I don't partake in any illegal activities while on some power trip for a cause no one gives a shit about.

And, you know, your bleating sounds exactly like every other super-different-anti establishment-rebel sheep I've ever heard.

captain underpants

New member
Jun 8, 2010
-Samurai- said:
Well aren't you just the little rebel? Fight those horrible governments, man! Everyone is a sheep but you!
Grow up.

-Samurai- said:
I've heard this exact rant on everything from piracy to murder and I'm still not impressed. The government isn't some machine that's bent on controlling every citizen and hooking us up to tubes and not letting us leave our houses. But, hey, you go and be as conspiracy crazy as you want.
Never said it was. Hyperbole is not a convincing argument.

-Samurai- said:
Small note: The "kid" insult doesn't exactly apply to me. See, I'm whats called an adult. Age wise and responsibility wise. I work 6-7 days a week, pay my bills on time and in full, and I don't partake in any illegal activities while on some power trip for a cause no one gives a shit about.
I'm sure you will be rewarded well for your fine efforts, citizen.

-Samurai- said:
And, you know, your bleating sounds exactly like every other super-different-anti establishment-rebel sheep I've ever heard.
'Nah, you are' isn't a convincing argument either. Got anything else?


New member
Jan 8, 2009
AnonOperations said:
HyenaThePirate said:
All Anonymous have accomplished here
I've already listed what was accomplished in my previous post. Additionally, I will add, that because this plan has been released. It will be easier to identify serious actions taken against wikileaks for what they are.

Going on about your opinion of what you think happened is of no interest to me. I back up my claims with evidence, not speculation.
In other words:
"I have no real answers to what you ask. Your observations were painfully accurate. All I can do is continue to spin things in the way that supports a particular ideological view point which purpose is to ensure that the people who don't know better come to believe Anonymous and Wikileaks are anything other than what they appear to be: self-serving, over-dramatic, attention-seeking children with a far too rose-tinted view of the world and an even worse over-estimation of the impact of their "accomplishments."

But I understand. If you'd rather spend your time spreading propaganda instead of addressing the concerns that are going to be making a massive difference in support of Anonymous and Wikileaks in the future, then go right ahead. I'm sure that's going to be very helpful when the hammer starts to drop on these groups, with the public opinion heavily AGAINST them thanks to, in part, a lack of common knowledge about the organizations as a whole, the spin the government and corporations will undoubtedly unleash to paint wiki and anon as evil empires populated by immature, ungrateful, destructive Jr. Terrorists, and of course, the ridiculous actions by the organizations less savory members who will be out there un-controlled making a bad name for everyone involved as they do stupid things just for kicks and giggles all the while the FBI and Governments of the world target whatever members they can for immediate and swift persecution.

So yeah, don't worry about it. At this point, I'm pretty certain there is little left with which to sway my opinion in favor of Anonymous, since even if I was given an assurance of safety from their ranks, no one exists within the group with enough power or authority to insure any promises of immunity.

By the way...

Don't take my posts out of context please. That's lame.

My ENTIRE statement I made was:

All Anonymous have accomplished here is that those they have attacked will simply get BETTER at hiding their secrets. They won't stop having them, they'll just keep getting increasingly harder to discover their plans or get information... and with the unlimited budgets at their disposal, Anonymous and Wikileaks will never be able to keep up in an Information Technology and Security arms race.[/b]