Anonymous Strikes Back, Hacks "Internet Security" Firm

Desert Tiger

New member
Apr 25, 2009
I still love this presumption of "all of Anonymous are super hackers". I'm about as computer literate as the next guy. I wore a Guy Fawkes mask in Manchester protesting against the Church of Scientology. For those five hours, I was Anonymous. Am I now? No. Next raid? Hell yeah. People need to sit down and figure out that Anonymous isn't a structured organisation.

Any one of you who picks up a cause against a higher power that's sole power is that they can demonise or criminalise (granted, yes, these are criminal activities this particular cell are partaking in) you on an individual basis can fall back on the Anonymous banner to protect you. It's not a group or faction, it's a tactic. And anyone can tell you that with the triumphant examples of Guerilla warfare and Terrorism - you can kill a group, but you can't kill a strategy.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
One cannot help but wonder if Anonymous work for ubisoft; their general outlook when they do "big" things (like attack Scientology) is one of freedom. That is freedom as in true freedom (ie: you're free to say what you want), not 'freedom' (as in you're free to say what you want as long as blacks / gays / Muslims / Jews / Christians / every other dumbass on the planet will like what you say).

Anonymous rarely harm normal people, because they have nothing to gain from harming their own. They are a personification of our desire to bitchslap the people who are defended by laws; laws that are meant to serve US, not them.

I personally look forward to the day Anonymous takes out the Pentagon, purely for how hillarious it'll be to see them ruling America.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
dududf said:
As if Pay Pal is any better then anonymous. Go tell that To India or various other people they rob and steal from. Like for instance, Notch the creator of Minecraft. How much did they steal from him you ask? 600 thousand euros.

Fuck paypal if their site got shut down and lost millions in dollars because of it, it still wouldn't be near from what they've out right stolen from their users. I personally lost 300 bucks to paypal, my account has been "under observation" for the last 4 years.
There is an error in your evidence none of Notch's money was taken from him, it was just locked for a few days due to massive increase in activity (By massive mean going from hundreds to hundreds of thousands of Euro) It was unlocked and all money returned to Notch. Get your facts straight before claiming a company makes it's profits by stealing over half a mil from a user.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
The Hairminator said:
danpascooch said:
Honestly, what IS hacking if this isn't it? I understand something like DDOS involves running a premade program, that's not hacking.
DDoS stands for Distributed Denial of Service, and basically works in the way that you have a botnet (a network of computers that do your command- the owners may or may not know they're a part of it- watch out for malware people!) that ping and spam the site you dislike to the degree where it simply goes down.

It's not hacking, just a way to be annoying.
I know what DDoS is. And I JUST SAID I don't consider it hacking.

Why did you quote me?

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
Mantonio said:
What crimes, pray tell? Protesting against Scientology? Defending Wikileaks? Revealing a sham of a security company that is taking peoples private information and selling it to the FBI? What?
I just found out that a friend of mine lost his business's server to a drive-by... not a targeted attack, just a random swipe with a zero-day flaw to burn anyone who could be burned. He's got a long, hard week of reconstruction ahead of him.

Today is not the day to convince me that this sort of shit is either justified or harmless fun.

-- Steve


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
Do4600 said:
vrbtny said:
I sort of see this as a huge troll wars. I have both respects for both sides, but it is a bit like that.

On a side note -- a challenge for "Anonymous."

'Hey guys? How about putting all your amazing haxoring ability into cracking some terrorists sites? Or China's?

I'm sure the FBI would be your best buds then.
Yes, but where are the luls in that?
I'm pretty sure China's Secret Services report on, say, the superbowl, would be funny.

Anymous!! New Challenge. Go get that^

Tron Paul

New member
Dec 11, 2009
Honestly Anonymous is a loosely collect group of shitheads going after another bigger group of shitheads (some of the time). I think some of the reason why people keep acting out against the US is because the US always tries to regulate the world. Not just militarily, but policy wise as well. Domain names have been seized under ICE, even domains that have been proven legal in a court of law. America needs to give up its perceived stranglehold on the world.

Looking to expatriate.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Shadow_Bunnies said:
dududf said:
As if Pay Pal is any better then anonymous. Go tell that To India or various other people they rob and steal from. Like for instance, Notch the creator of Minecraft. How much did they steal from him you ask? 600 thousand euros.

Fuck paypal if their site got shut down and lost millions in dollars because of it, it still wouldn't be near from what they've out right stolen from their users. I personally lost 300 bucks to paypal, my account has been "under observation" for the last 4 years.
There is an error in your evidence none of Notch's money was taken from him, it was just locked for a few days due to massive increase in activity (By massive mean going from hundreds to hundreds of thousands of Euro) It was unlocked and all money returned to Notch. Get your facts straight before claiming a company makes it's profits by stealing over half a mil from a user.
Thank you for informing me of that tid bit, I was not informed on that aspect. How ever the point still stands. How ever your negative tone is uncalled for.

I did not say that they make all of their profits on stealing either.

They're criminals in my eyes they've stolen money from me and many more.

Go to google and type this "paypal sto" and look at all the suggestions that pop up.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
The Plunk said:
This whole thing is like: Punching a police officer, then hiding in a bush and when more police come to track you down, kicking the tracker dog in the face, throwing your passport and drivers license at the police and waving your dick in their general direction before high-tailing it out of there.

If you'll excuse the analogy.
Not to mention spray painting a huge penis on the officer's car on the way, and still managing to escape without a trace. Good analogy...

I really don't understand why there are people who oppose Anon's actions. Granted, they aren't always nice, but their goals tend to be quite noble (as with defending Wikileaks, and retaliation against Visa/MC). I would rather them be the dominant force of the internet than a country such as China or the US. At least they fight for the ultimate form of net neutrality. And lulz. Actually, mostly lulz, the freedom is a by-product...

The Hairminator

How about no?
Mar 17, 2009
danpascooch said:
I know what DDoS is. And I JUST SAID I don't consider it hacking.

Why did you quote me?
Sorry, I suppose I misread. I shall disappear from this conversation at once!
Mar 9, 2010
Once this is all over I'm going to organise a whole pack of information on this newly dubbed 'Freedom of information war'. I can't wait to see this through to the end. As s guy studying A-level history, I hope this is remembered and actually has repercussions to be assessed.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Anonymous isn't an organization like I first thought; I realize that now. It's just a bunch of bored teenagers with some mild computing skills and a "screw the world complex". They're not freedom fighters or whatever and they're not super-dangerous hackers. They think they're hot shit but in my opinion, this whole thing's not going to last very long. The US government, for all its flaws, doesn't take well to getting messed with.


Digs Giant Robots
Dec 30, 2008
I don't know who's side to take on this. On the one hand Anon has done some things to strike back against internet control, but on the other Anon has no boundaries which is a problem.
Anon needs to learn some boundaries like releasing that guy's SSN is NOT acceptable.
This fighting will eventually turn very, very ugly.

Leemaster777 said:
The FBI isn't a group to just let a pseudo-terrorist organization spit in their face and get away with it.
In the USA being a "vigilante" cyber or not is literally called domestic terrorism.
4Chan is fighting fire with fire and it's only going to end badly for all of us.

Bretty said:
As far as I am concerned I think it is hilarious that most people here have entirely missed the point of this attack. A private corporation has been mining for American Citizens personal information... AND THEN SELLING IT TO THE GOVT. Yet all those complaining about Anon seem to have over looked this and pointed straight to Anon as 'the bad guys'.

As far as I am concerned this has been a good show. If only more Americans and private citizens from around the world would stand up for themselves and their neutrality.

This company thought it found a way to make a name and money... instead they found a fight. Something tells me they will be changing direction soon enough.
Even if Anon is fighting for us, the way they're fighting will eventually spill over into our internet lives.
Like I said above, Anon needs to find some boundaries before they keep this cyber-vigilanty work.

Anton P. Nym said:
Mantonio said:
What crimes, pray tell? Protesting against Scientology? Defending Wikileaks? Revealing a sham of a security company that is taking peoples private information and selling it to the FBI? What?
I just found out that a friend of mine lost his business's server to a drive-by... not a targeted attack, just a random swipe with a zero-day flaw to burn anyone who could be burned. He's got a long, hard week of reconstruction ahead of him.

Today is not the day to convince me that this sort of shit is either justified or harmless fun.

-- Steve
Servers aren't cheap and when they attack and destroy them it's the same as say Arson, or breaking someone's mailbox with your friends.
Anon should be held accountable for that.


New member
Sep 13, 2008
Does anyone else find it ironic that you can't actually take down something that is, in all reality, a concept?

Anonymous isn't an organisation, it's people. There's no terrorist cell leader, religious demagogue or commanding officer. It's an ever-changing loosely associated group of people.

It's like trying to fight a shadow.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
I hate anon, but I gotta admit, I found some humor in the fact that they hacked these guys. Also that 'were going to give it to them for free' line was kind of cool.


New member
Mar 11, 2010
Holy crap, I was reading about it more on other sites. The 60,000 emails have been pulled however, HBgary negotiated for their removal.

So basically Anonymous has the firm by the balls, released everything related to anonymous online for the lulz, then played nice to show they have heart.

Message still completely clear.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Hihihihihi, gotta say, I'm behind Anonymous on this one. Great to see them kicking ass in this case tbh, especially considering all the juicy circumstances around it :D