Another new question to all you girl gamers out there...


New member
Jun 3, 2009
I swear to god, if this causes another "Girl Gamer..." thread uproar I am going to find your house and kill you. You think I won't, but these threads annoyed the shit out of me.

OT: When I play online, I usually don't hear girl gamers getting treated differently. At all. Occasionally there'll be some joke about it, but the girl usually laughs it off.

Now, I have a question for you Not G. Ivingname. Do YOU treat girls differently online? Or do YOU hear them being treated differently? Because, the majority of the online gaming community is made up of the same types of people. You won't find anything different by playing different games. If you've played any online game with a girl you'd know the answer.

Sorry if I sound cynical in this post, that was not my intention in the least. I was simply trying to point something out. The reason I sound pissed is because I hate these threads more than ANYTHING.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
My friend who I keep in touch with, and still plays wow, has had three relationships out of the game. Not just hitting on girls, but full on relationships, he went to Melbourne to meet one, one came from Adelaide, and the latest lives in Brisbane.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Actually my girlfriend loves playing Killzone 2 and beating the shit out of the boys, then telling them at the end of the match that she's a girls. It make them cry ^^
lol I love my girlfriend XD


New member
May 9, 2009
Of the two girls I can remember playing with:

One sucked and COULD NOT AIM DOWN HER SIGHTS the entire game. What was she, a 8-year old boy?

One was pretty good, but was playing with her boyfriend and just flirted with him the entire time. It was funny though.

However since my mic broke I have not had the chance to hear/insult anyone, male or female.

also i just realized that the first sentence could be interpreted in a sexual manner so ha i guess


New member
Jun 1, 2009
it doesnt happen as often as you'd think really..if i play halo for 6 matches and say out of those 6 matches i am matched with 7 random people who aren't on my friend's list, i'll get around 4 total doushebags who tell me to make them a sammich and maybe 1 that wants to do dirty things to me... i dont care about winning in the least, i play for fun all the way.. but it's always nice to beat the hell out of a guy like that because they dont know what to say afterward lol.. normally if i beat them i'll hear "COME ON 1 V 1!!! COME ON!!!" lol.. it doesnt bother me because i can just easily mute them and enjoy my evening... i'm not mouthy but i've been known to pipe up a few times.. and theyre likely thinking about my insults in response to their doushebaggery much longer than i am lol


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Daveman said:
Suki the Cat said:
Daveman said:
Seriously though, it can't just be me who refuses to acknowledge their existence...

WooOOoOOOoOOOooo! I'm the ghost of female-gamers! Come with me, I will show you something! *takes your hand and soars out trough your bedroom window*
You're the first person to ever literally terrify me over the internet. Gratz I suppose.

But seriously, I may not have played a HUGE amount of online games but I haven't even heard a female voice over chat before. Plus none of the girls I've EVER met in my LIFE have even the remotest interest... except the one I mentioned before who basically once played Monkey Island...

Maybe they're hiding from me...
I think they are hiding, I was practically introduced to most of the games I play by girls


New member
Mar 30, 2010
I always make fun of girls online. Now that I think about it I make fun of everyone online, and in real life.

On a related note whenever I first hear a girl in-game I AWLAYS say "GREAT! Who left there Xbox in the kitchen?"


v11.1 beta2
Apr 10, 2009
TheSeventhLoneWolf said:
I don't see the uproar with female gamers.

Female gamers are just male gamers that're female to be totally frank.
You are a freaking MASTER of deduction... Well done on figuring THAT one out... :p

Y'know what, it's not necessarily that all guys are like that, it's just that the nice ones are often quiet, or completely silent, not wanting to be associated with the blithering idiots that you do find in lobbies across the globe. Therefore, the loud, annoying, sexist guys are the ones who get remembered... "ugh, I never play online. Every time I do there's just a bunch of guys screaming at me to make them a sandwich." " what about the nice people?" "I couldn't hear them over the bellends screaming down their mics..."


New member
Jul 23, 2009
Well it can surprise me a little when I hear a girl over a mic, but I usually just say "hey your a girl." and then that's about it


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Not G. Ivingname said:
I only see that really happen after said girl rejects guys trying to flirt with her. Here is an example: Guy: "Hey I've got a cam, can I add you?" Girl: "No I'm not a slut or interested in internet dating, I just want to play games" Guy: "Fuck you you stupid *****". I think this might have to do with nerdy guys sex drives and the smaller amount of girls that are online gamers. Thats my guess, either that or xbox live is full of lonely horny guys... (Why is everyne looking at me? = P)

Satine Phoenix

New member
Feb 19, 2010
Megacherv said:
Satine Phoenix said:
Thanks for posting this QuestioN!

Its kind of weird that the Majority (and I mean majority) of guys who play games feel like its their own private secret thing they do that they can only do with guys. Its like they've made it up in their heads. Just like its weird for them that girls would be Programmers or IT or *Gasp, like comics.

What kind of stone age do they live in? Didn't we get past all of this a few decades ago?

I'm sincerely sorry if this might offend you or piss you off, and I know that this is against the whole 'equality in gaming between genders' subject we have going on here, but it's still a mind-blowing concept to have a person who openly admits to being a porn-star on here. Just...*head exploding*...although if you are the one from I Hit With my Axe that I'm thinking of, you did give me one of my favourite quotes I've heard on this site.

My friend does always say "It's weird that there are girl playing this" whenever one of the regular females are on the TF2 server I frequent. I then have to remind him YET AGAIN that some of the best gamers in the world are female
Really? :D Yea, I'm that Satine.

I guess the world never really truly changes and Men and Women will always look at each other like alien species. I'm not offended at all. Mostly entertained. On your side of the screen it may be mind blowing. On my side of the screen its a fun experience I had when I was younger. Being out of it for 6 months feels like a lifetime ago.

Oh well. ... oh, what was your favorite quote?

Oh and my favorite post so far on this forum has been the guy who openly plays girl characters to get the perks. Priceless. :)

Eternal Entity

New member
Oct 30, 2008
If I hear a girl over the mic, I treat them better than I do everybody else. And I'm also the guy who jumps to the girl's defense if some asshat starts asking for sammichs or for sex or something. Just about every girl I've played with online has been at least decent, and a handful of them have gotten better scores than I did.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
I get hassled once in awhile, but most of the time I just mute them and move on. It, to me, has gotten much better over the years. I don't get hit on or picked on nearly as much even after they are aware that I am female.

The only time it actually does get out of hand is when I decide to play multi-player around 2-5 in the morning...Oh and when the Xbox live web-cams first came out....Ugh...I must of reported about five people for the inappropriate photos they kept sending me.


New member
Mar 3, 2010
someone once asked about my gender in WOW, and he but considering that I was being an intentional creeper first, he just felt the need to out-do me in that respect, and did a pretty phenomenal job of it. I would expect anyone else to do the same. try to bother someone, they bother you back. in the realm of harassing, I don't usually mention that I'm a girl, but honestly people -- if you EXIST, you will be mocked at some point in your life. it's inevitable. sometimes it's for your looks, sometimes it's your geekiness, sometimes it'll be your Serenity obsession, and sometimes it'll be because you're a girl in a male-dominated game. GASP. live with it.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
It certainly doesn't happen every time I'm on voice, but it happens often enough to sicken me. Usually I get abuse if I'm winning and talking- clearly it's very aggravating hearing that the person who's beating you is a woman. If I'm sucking, not so much though I occasionally get a 'I won't let them hurt' you.

I've been told I should not talk or change my icon to not a picture of myself or both. Screw that, I shouldn't have to hide that I'm a girl.
Dec 27, 2008
Female gamers are like male gamers with vaginas. Actually that is exactly what they are but it isn't that big of a difference. I don't treat anyone any differently online, unless they are ass-fucks then I hate them.

child of lileth

The Norway Italian
Jun 10, 2009
I hate playing online, just because most games I have that allow online play, ALWAYS have voice chat, with no mute option, even with no mic being used on my end. So even though I never have a mic, I always have to listen to people calling me a ****, over and over.

That's why I like to keep my gender unlisted in most cases, even on forums. That, and I want to be able to play online without reaching for the mute button for my t.v. every time I play. lol

Tracer Bullet

New member
Nov 9, 2009
My brother's friend recently got married. And as a "romantic gesture" he made his Live account avatar. Into a girl. He started getting messages from random dudes trying to hit on him cause they think he is a chick. Well as a joke he would reply to their messages which were like " Hey baby, What's up? ;)" To which he would reply, "Great. I just took a piss standing up." Just thought I'd share that. Sooo yeah women are harassed a lot on Live. Wonder if it ever actually worked....