Another thread about sexism in video games.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Oh hey look, male Ryder looking like a goober cuz videogame faces. Miranda was supposed to be a smoking hot babe yet her face ended up looking funky too. Was she made ugly on purpose, or was it simply the case of the difficulty of making a realistc 3D animated face, especially when the team in question wasn't as up to task? Hmmm.
It's always telling when people don't compare like to like. The picture credit on the second one is a dead giveaway
She looks...fine? At least, not any *worse* than male Ryder


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I think that's mostly a distinction without a difference because those that fanatically hate everything woke don't have a more favorable opinion on progressives either.

Besides I'd argue that the game isn't at all graceful about its core message. We're beaten over the head with the fact that tradition has completely stifled and corrupted Japan which is a message any member of the right, let alone the alt right would fine enormously discomforting.
Except you can choose to prove Tradition actually can still win through as an option in how you play.

Well, one simple difference is that you add variety. There's nothing particularly wrong with sexualization so long as it doesn't become the driving feature of a character (unless narratively appropriate) and isn't tied to one gender, which in the vast majority of cases are women.
Except it does happen to men it's just so normalised it's accepted lol. It's funny really sites pearl clutching over the likes of Bayonetta were gushing over "Hot Ryu".

Exactly. We should strive for a more level playing field when it comes to sexual preferences in media. And currently it's still very much geared toward straight men.
Because it's a far easier standard to go for a main generic look that will work while with sexy male characters it's much less a set standard and often will keep changing a lot. It's far easier to recognise the large breasts round hips sexy female lead than the variety of what's deemed sexy in male leads which range from basically male Twinks to Boogie 2998 (yes really) and everything around and inbetween

Except there IS a gay relationship at the forefront of the game, so how was that trailer going out of its way to show how gay it was other than the simple act of two girls kissing? Were they supposed to not show them being gay in any of the trailers to not have there be "tonal whiplash"? It revealed not only a new relationship, but one of the most important relationships that was going to feature in the game. And two trailers were already released prior with zero gayness, so when were they allowed to show that kiss, the fourth trailer, or the sixth, or just not at all?
The same way they treat other relationships in games trailers normally, you have the kiss be one short scene in the rest of the longer trailer most likely. The trailers for Metal Gear Solid 4 didn't focus on Snake and Quiet's relationship, nor did Red Dead Redemption 2, nor many other games with relationships in them.[/QUOTE]


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
For starters, having one or two mentions (in a 40+ hour game) of someone being gay isn't exactly progressive. Secondly, the way the game treats it is not normalizing it, quite the contrary. The first mention of someone being gay is the side quest about a seemingly suspicious man going out at night, and you find out the guy was visiting the grave of a man he loved and wanting to keep it a secret cuz gay. The second mention is Lady Masako having an affair with one of her hand maidens and not pursuing it because she needed to stay loyal to her husband.

Now, both of these cases feel somewhat appropriate for the culture this story takes place in, though I can't be sure as I think there was a bit more sexual freedom in Japan before WW2 hit. Either way, it's not what I would call progressive or normalizing it.

You can claim the game is "woke" for not only not sexualizing any of the female characters but also for having female characters that look like regular women and not super models, but as for the representation of different sexual identities, not so much. Also, strange that none of these reactionaries championing Ghost said anything about its female characters looking "ugly" as opposed to TLoU2 where it became a huge sticking point.
Why is it no progressive when it's showing the gay character in context but also say yes gay people did exist in the past too and may have been looked upon strangely or with suspicion. It's normalising as it's not treating the character as a spectacle just basically saying "They exist" in game.

Yes, in japanese media. The standard for male characters in western games is that they look rugged, the standard for male characters in japanese games is that they look like they're in a boyband. Hence the guy refering to Jin (a japanese character in a western game) as not-traditionally handsome.
Yes because the rugged look is seen as attractive in the West by some. It's why as an example the male feminist ally dude who popped up on twitter a lot going by the name Misternegative was posed outdoors looking like a hipster crossed with a lumberjack


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
And the reveal trailer didn't? The one that showed her strangling a woman with her legs, and pulling a hammer out of her skull and getting it ready to bash some zombies with? Nobody was making a fuss over that. Nobody. Also Naughty Dog's previous game was Uncharted: The Lost Legacy where the main character was feminine and strong, so.. *shrug*

And there've been plenty of feminine i.e. sexy women in games that were strong, so what's your point? That this one instance of a strong woman not looking feminine completely disrupts the balance?

People didn't become toxic about Abby's looks till she became Joel's killer. Because a lot of men can't be critical of women without resorting to criticizing their looks.
A lot of so called progressives seeming can't see anything about a female lead beyond their looks if they look too good though.......

Oh hey look, male Ryder looking like a goober cuz videogame faces. Miranda was supposed to be a smoking hot babe yet her face ended up looking funky too. Was she made ugly on purpose, or was it simply the case of the difficulty of making a realistc 3D animated face, especially when the team in question wasn't as up to task? Hmmm.
Far less of a goober actually. A bit derpy (it's mostly round the eyes) but no seemingly major changes to facial structure at all unlike with female Ryder. There's issues with face scanning tech and woman's faced (long story) but it shouldn't be happening to the extent seen with female Ryder and studios are more than capable of making changes to make them look more like the face model and correct the issues going on. Liana K has said about the face scanning issues before on her channel and it's not some unknown thing in game dev by now.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Except you can choose to prove Tradition actually can still win through as an option in how you play.
No not really. The narrative will always set up the conflict between tradition and ''the ghost''. At times the gameplay even forces you to ghost it up to ensure your playstyle won't get in the way of the message.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Except it does happen to men it's just so normalised it's accepted lol. It's funny really sites pearl clutching over the likes of Bayonetta were gushing over "Hot Ryu".
You're right, it does happen to men, just not the type of sexualisation that women are subjected to. Men are subjected to 'be a man/don't cry/don't be feminine', which equally runs as rampant in media as the sexualisation of women, and is just as toxic and needing of some culling.
Because it's a far easier standard to go for a main generic look that will work while with sexy male characters it's much less a set standard and often will keep changing a lot. It's far easier to recognise the large breasts round hips sexy female lead than the variety of what's deemed sexy in male leads which range from basically male Twinks to Boogie 2998 (yes really) and everything around and inbetween
And that's good how?
The same way they treat other relationships in games trailers normally, you have the kiss be one short scene in the rest of the longer trailer most likely. The trailers for Metal Gear Solid 4 didn't focus on Snake and Quiet's relationship, nor did Red Dead Redemption 2, nor many other games with relationships in them.
And that trailer didn't treat it normally because.... what? Also, did you even watch the trailer? It's all together 14 seconds of kissing in a trailer that's 11 minutes and 53 seconds. That isn't short? Or are we adding the slow dance to it as well? Even then, the majority is violent murder action. How are you still complaining about this!?
A lot of so called progressives seeming can't see anything about a female lead beyond their looks if they look too good though.......
'Nuh uh, YOU.'

Nice retort.
Far less of a goober actually. A bit derpy (it's mostly round the eyes) but no seemingly major changes to facial structure at all unlike with female Ryder. There's issues with face scanning tech and woman's faced (long story) but it shouldn't be happening to the extent seen with female Ryder and studios are more than capable of making changes to make them look more like the face model and correct the issues going on. Liana K has said about the face scanning issues before on her channel and it's not some unknown thing in game dev by now.
Games with dialoge choices all have a high risk of funky faces, because the faces are neither mo-capped nor key framed, they're running through a collection of canned animations. That ontop of realistic 3D faces always, ALWAYS looking a tad uncanny. Every game of this type, whether it's The Witcher 3. Horizon: Zero Dawn, or Mass Effect have most character faces looking more odd than is usually the case in realistic looking games. And seeing as Andromeda had the production issues it had it sticks out there even more.

And could you stop bringing Liana K into things, she's a dummy. So is Moviebob, so how about you knock it off with constantly name-dropping him as well.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
It's always telling when people don't compare like to like. The picture credit on the second one is a dead giveaway
View attachment 5309
She looks...fine? At least, not any *worse* than male Ryder
The girl in this image has this weird uncanny valley thing going on, she looks like a plastic doll, something is weird with the texture of her skin. Too weirdly smooth and shiny. The guy just looks kinda startled.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
The girl in this image has this weird uncanny valley thing going on, she looks like a plastic doll, something is weird with the texture of her skin. Too weirdly smooth and shiny. The guy just looks kinda startled.
She just has clearer skin is all. Dude needs a shave

What I mean. Sometimes people are shiny
Last edited:


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
You're right, it does happen to men, just not the type of sexualisation that women are subjected to. Men are subjected to 'be a man/don't cry/don't be feminine', which equally runs as rampant in media as the sexualisation of women, and is just as toxic and needing of some culling.
And that's good how?
Oddly there is a level of sexualisation of male characters and men it's just different and weirdly it's kind of seen as more accepted or sort of bad for men to call out. E.G. certain youtubers who got a bit of blowback for asking if people could please not write slash fiction about them and their best friend or at least stop sending it to them or other because it made him feel somewhat weirded out because the person they kept pairing him with was a good long time friend and yeh not how he thought about the guy or wanted to.

A lot of the difference comes down to the traditional idea of it being men who have to do the approaching and make the first move etc etc.

This is even without getting to the weird thing of shippers trying to arrange things to have characters they like end up with the character they identify most with such that sometimes this goes beyond the show into real life where it gets kind of super messed up in what some shippers have done / tried to do.

And that trailer didn't treat it normally because.... what? Also, did you even watch the trailer? It's all together 14 seconds of kissing in a trailer that's 11 minutes and 53 seconds. That isn't short? Or are we adding the slow dance to it as well? Even then, the majority is violent murder action. How are you still complaining about this!?
'Nuh uh, YOU.'
1) it put it right at the start when people are paying most attention thus some-one deemed it most important or very important to showcase up front.
2) It stands out compared to other game trailers by doing it that way which isn't how advertising is usually done.

Nice retort.
Games with dialoge choices all have a high risk of funky faces, because the faces are neither mo-capped nor key framed, they're running through a collection of canned animations. That ontop of realistic 3D faces always, ALWAYS looking a tad uncanny. Every game of this type, whether it's The Witcher 3. Horizon: Zero Dawn, or Mass Effect have most character faces looking more odd than is usually the case in realistic looking games. And seeing as Andromeda had the production issues it had it sticks out there even more.

And could you stop bringing Liana K into things, she's a dummy. So is Moviebob, so how about you knock it off with constantly name-dropping him as well.
Well it depends on how the games are doing it as it could be canned animations but it could also be a model acting out some of the stuff to be the basis for canned animations or other people doing it to get that performance capture too then extrapolating that capture to be sort of modified for other looks based on certain facial points and positions.

Also rather than call them dummies maybe you could try and argue as to why they're wrong as it rather just seems like you don't like them because they disagree with you on some points. Bringing them up also saves me having to write out arguments others have already made and that basically align with my position to so I can write the shorter version of their argument and leave it to those interested to watch the full version of what was said or find it out in their own time.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Except it does happen to men it's just so normalised it's accepted lol. It's funny really sites pearl clutching over the likes of Bayonetta were gushing over "Hot Ryu".
Name any other time it's happened to a guy outside of Hot Ryu

See, Bayonetta is descended from a long line of hyper sexual tit ninjas. You can argue that it's done better or "owned" in a unique way, but that's subjective and debatable. I like Bayonetta, but I understand that she's the best done version of said character thus far and that the concept is hardly unique.

Hot Ryu is a novelty and was very much not designed to be Hot. They just slapped a beard on Regular Ryu. The internet just got weird over the martial arts hobo after he got the slightest bit of characterization. The meme's weren't "OMG look at those abs", they were "he has a great personality and would make an excellent boyfriend". Hot Ryu was hot because he was personified, not objectified

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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
You get brownie points for it because people think you do because we're still in what I'd say is a weird phase where LGBTQQ stuff isn't normalised so much as almost weirdly fetishized in the media like "Come see the strange and magnificent gay, marvel at their gayness and how totally different they are to the normal". Also a lot of stuff with ESG score investing groups. Thus the idea is you need to make prominent LGBTQQ characters to make sure you "Own the bigots and show them this stuff everywhere so they're forced to accept it" somehow which yeh as I say some off as weirdly sort of fetishizing it.
I sort of agree, but two points.

1: Even if you're "owning the bigots," the bigots are still bigots. For instance, if I purposely write a LGBT character just to own the bigots, and those bigots are offended, who's the bigger twat?

2: Even if it is virtue signalling, the trailer is doing a much better job than a lot of other examples, where producers talk up their credentials in "diversity" and "representation." For instance, you could have the same trailer with any character of any combination, and you'd get the same result in terms of tone and theme.

True there wouldn't be the same uproar but then again it wouldn't also be seemingly signalling to certain groups who don't have the best record in internet groups etc and to be clear I don't mean lesbians in general I mean Tumblrites and shippers.
Rule 34.

Or, to elaborate, if X creates Y, and people depict Y in sexual situations, I don't think that's the fault of X. Not unless X was sexualizing Y from the start.

And in this specific case, I don't think two characters kissing is really sexual. It's not pushing any kind of sensitivity boundaries. People have been kissing in games for quite awhile.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
So they put it in as a "hey, we have a gay token"? I remember when Mass Effect Andromeda got dragged for having a trans character like that.
I don't think Addison is a token though.

By the time I played Andromeda, any dialogue of her being trans had been patched out, but as a character? I'm not fond of Addison, but she's a pretty major one. She's one of the senior officers of the Nexus by the time Ryder arrives.

ME Andromeda also got dragged by trans people for that character enough that eventually Bioware chose to patch the characters dialogue to make it so she doesn't announce to you that she's trans in only a few minutes of meeting her.
True, but...

Doesn't make her inclusion make sense really as it's meant to be a colony that will be having kids with one another as such to establish a new human settlement / base for humanity in the universe. I mean it would have been a simple thing "I was sent because it means I won't be getting pregnant so I'll always be able to deal with stuff" or "Yeh I was one of the best who applied so they chose to send me on those grounds"
Ah yes, because IVF doesn't exist in the 22nd century.

Seriously though, this is a silly argument, and I've seen it applied to other media as well (people decrying the gay couple in Alien: Covenant for example). This is even covered in Andromeda itself, since there's a quest that involves a woman getting pregnant, and it's an issue since it's unplanned, resources are at stretching point, and they'd be bringing a child into a warzone.

If Addison can't concieve for whatever reason, it's small potatoes. Bear in mind there's a bunch of krogan who, even after being somewhat treated for the genophage, can barely reproduce either. Not to mention that there's a whole bunch of alien species that, the asari aside, can't reproduce with each other either.

And if many games portray the ''war on terror'' as valid, as a legitimate struggle against terrorism and if they're all middle eastern terrorists rather than French ones then it sounds to me as if the games have certain things to say about American interventions in the Middle East.
French? That's oddly specific. 0_0


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
The same way they treat other relationships in games trailers normally, you have the kiss be one short scene in the rest of the longer trailer most likely. The trailers for Metal Gear Solid 4 didn't focus on Snake and Quiet's relationship, nor did Red Dead Redemption 2, nor many other games with relationships in them.

First, it was one trailer of many, and not the first.

Second, the trailer is conveying a lot more than "Ellie has a girlfriend," as I've pointed out before.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
First, it was one trailer of many, and not the first.

Second, the trailer is conveying a lot more than "Ellie has a girlfriend," as I've pointed out before.
Doesn't matter, it's a designated "SJW game" therefore its woke and bad regardless of what it actually does, just like how Real Games are never woke or SJW regardless of what they actually do.
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Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
I don't think Addison is a token though.

By the time I played Andromeda, any dialogue of her being trans had been patched out, but as a character? I'm not fond of Addison, but she's a pretty major one. She's one of the senior officers of the Nexus by the time Ryder arrives.

True, but...

Ah yes, because IVF doesn't exist in the 22nd century.

Seriously though, this is a silly argument, and I've seen it applied to other media as well (people decrying the gay couple in Alien: Covenant for example). This is even covered in Andromeda itself, since there's a quest that involves a woman getting pregnant, and it's an issue since it's unplanned, resources are at stretching point, and they'd be bringing a child into a warzone.

If Addison can't concieve for whatever reason, it's small potatoes. Bear in mind there's a bunch of krogan who, even after being somewhat treated for the genophage, can barely reproduce either. Not to mention that there's a whole bunch of alien species that, the asari aside, can't reproduce with each other either.

French? That's oddly specific. 0_0
Addison wasn't the trans character. It was a minor character on the first planet's settlement...Haynes, I think? Anyway, the original dialogue wasn't so much upsetting for people because of her being trans, but the way she was written (such as deadnaming herself).


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
though part of the time they go barely clothed loli
I 'm confused. Is that a joke? Cuz, I don't remember their being any sexualized lolis in either game. And that Beloved going googly eyes for Cereza does not count. She clearly wanted nothing do with big perv. Also, most of the witches wear conservative clothing in the flashback sequences and chapters for both games. Bayonetta, and later Jeanne, are the only ones that strip down. Though its implied that most witches do this to let you know they are getting serious and dangerous. Rosa (Bayo's mom) is so powerful, but chains around her are power limiters as her punishment for breaking the laws. Implying she is even more powerful than you realize.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Miranda was supposed to be a smoking hot babe yet her face ended up looking funky too. Was she made ugly on purpose, or was it simply the case of the difficulty of making a realistc 3D animated face, especially when the team in question wasn't as up to task? Hmmm.
I remember reading somewhere that Miranda's face is perfectly symmetrical; like they scanned in Strahovski's best side and basically hit it with the mirror tool. That's why it occasionally sets off people's 'weird' detectors.
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
I 'm confused. Is that a joke? Cuz, I don't remember their being any sexualized lolis in either game. And that Beloved going googly eyes for Cereza does not count. She clearly wanted nothing do with big perv. Also, most of the witches wear conservative clothing in the flashback sequences and chapters for both games. Bayonetta, and later Jeanne, are the only ones that strip down. Though its implied that most witches do this to let you know they are getting serious and dangerous. Rosa (Bayo's mom) is so powerful, but chains around her are power limiters as her punishment for breaking the laws. Implying she is even more powerful than you realize.
Witches as a character archetype as a whole, not in Bayonetta specifically