Anti-Health Care Reform Groups Offer Virtual Currency for Support


New member
Sep 6, 2008
If they were giving away Microsoft Points, that would be one thing. In this case, I can send the letter to the politicians against reform myself, without having to be spammed with hundreds of messages a week.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Low Key said:
Doug said:
Low Key said:
Doug said:
Low Key said:
So a site called "" is anti-health reform? It looks to me as if they just want a health bill that won't fuck us all. The Escapist should stay out of the fear mongering business and leave that to the government.

Besides, the House just voted to move out of debate and into passing the bill last night. There isn't much the average person can do to stop it now. Go and sign up for points. Big whoop.
You really think a website thats buying people's votes is going to do the right thing? Yeah, I'm sure it will... hmm
I have signed several health reform petitions and haven't received anything in the way of spam or junk mail. Paranoia?
Erm...what? I didn't say anything fucking thing about spam; I said a website that PURCHASES PEOPLES VOTES isn't likely to do whatever's right. Else, why the fuck do they buy people's votes?

What I'm saying is, if you have to pay people to get a vote, they probably aren't likely to be getting geniue public support whilst making it look like they do. This is called 'vote rigging', or more accurately, a bias poll because its a petition and not a vote.
Do you actually think that will stop the health care reform from passing? I don't think so, which is a damn shame. And if people are willing to compromise their beliefs for some virtual bucks, shame on them too. They deserve to be a statistic. You'll see just how popular this health bill is next November when all of the House seats are up for election.
Honestly, no, I don't think it will have any effect. But it sets a precedent for the use of virtual goods and services for bribing floating or non voters. And whilst I doubt it'll reach the point where the next US election is decided by such a factor (i.e. because the company can't follow you into the booth and watch to make sure you cast the vote the way they want you too), I do think it will be used in future to try and convince US politicians that public opinion is different from what it is.

For example, in an evolution vs 'intelligent design' discussion/bill/etc, imagine one side offers virtual loot for WoW (I doubt Blizzard would sign up for politics, but lets roll with it for the moment). You'd get anywhere thousands to millions of people's names for/against the bill/etc who really don't have strong opinions on the issue in the first place.

I mean, fortunately, it doesn't affect me yet, living in the UK and all, but whatever shitty political bullshit moves work in the US get exported to here.

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
Doug said:
I don't know if you guys have lobbyists in the UK, but they are a dime a dozen here. They have effectively been buying votes for over 100 years for one thing or another. That's why the American government sucks, especially the current one. People signing up to some website isn't going to change anything. The letters I have sent to my senators have yet to be responded to despite me sending them over a month ago. The one guy that did respond, a state House member, sent me a pre-written email, and he is against the health reform too.

This isn't the first time politics have been integrated into the opportunity of getting free stuff either. The Escapist just happened to report on this one.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Low Key said:
Doug said:
I don't know if you guys have lobbyists in the UK...
Not....really. I mean, we do, but really, the vast majority of the population knows that 90%+ of politicans are liars, thefts, or outright shit bags (see Peter Mandelson for an example of all 3 in one body). So, basically, unless a lobby happens to be news flavour of the hour, they don't really get a look in.

Low Key said:
That's why the American government sucks, especially the current one.
Not really. Your government sucks for the same reason all governments suck - politicans run them with only occasionally rare individuals of talent rising into the top office (pretty much just Nelson Mandela, Churchill, and possibly JFK spring to mind; Oh, and probably FDR), with idiots in the rest of the time. Democracy is hence the process of people trying to work out who's the one less likely to mess shit up.

Anywho, if this is really the way stuff works in America, thats very disappointing. Though I don't really get American politics; you all seem to get so worked up and bi-partisan about every damn thing.

No, not health care, which is important and a pretty huge issue, but even little things, like making it an offense to drive without a seat belt on if a car has them equiped. I remember reading about a kid in America who took it as a personal affront to have to wear a seat belt because it was law and ended up dying in a car accident because of his 'beliefs'.


New member
Sep 28, 2009
sounds like people are whoring their opinions, if you will
Demented Teddy said:
Lord_Panzer said:
Demented Teddy said:
If you're gonna sell your vote then you don't deserve a vote.
Wrong. If you're going to sell your vote, at least sell it for something worth having.
People selling their votes is a perfect example as to why the majority is unfit to govern itself through democracy.
Well, my good teddy, you have a point, but democracies the best we've got so far, seeing communism went SO well.
that being said, I sympathize. BUT, as long there are incredible idiots and incredible assholes, if not slightly smart, exploitation will occur


New member
Sep 28, 2009
Demented Teddy said:
samsonguy920 said:
Demented Teddy said:
It still F's up the democratic republic system because politicians may make choices based on what they believe is the majority opinion.
Fixed that for ya, and politicians do that anyway. Either way we don't need another stick in the wheel to screw it up even more.
I was talking about Democracy the idealology, not the democrat vs republican thing going on in America.
A republic is a democracy.
that is another of the things I hate about america, that we're so black and white when it comes to politics in general.

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
Doug said:
Anywho, if this is really the way stuff works in America, thats very disappointing. Though I don't really get American politics; you all seem to get so worked up and bi-partisan about every damn thing.

No, not health care, which is important and a pretty huge issue, but even little things, like making it an offense to drive without a seat belt on if a car has them equiped. I remember reading about a kid in America who took it as a personal affront to have to wear a seat belt because it was law and ended up dying in a car accident because of his 'beliefs'.
That, in America (and I'm sure elsewhere), is who we like to call an idiot and/or troll. I ***** about things concerning finances since it's my money they are taking to pay for it. That's about it.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Demented Teddy said:
samsonguy920 said:
Demented Teddy said:
It still F's up the democratic republic system because politicians may make choices based on what they believe is the majority opinion.
Fixed that for ya, and politicians do that anyway. Either way we don't need another stick in the wheel to screw it up even more.
I was talking about Democracy the idealology, not the democrat vs republican thing going on in America.
A republic is a democracy.
BZZZZZT, wrong. Thank you for playing. Though you don't get a consolation prize.
A democracy is government determined by election by every single of its citizens. A republic is a government determined by election by representatives, usually termed as senators. Research history of the Roman Empire to find some of its roots, although the concept goes even further back in time. America has not been nor probably ever will be a true democracy. The closest thing to a democracy is only down to the town and city level where people are given the vote to certain laws and propositions. Otherwise the country in general is run by the House of Representatives and the Senate. The President is not even directly elected by the people, but instead an electoral college, which by rule of thumb follows the popular vote, but many states do not restrict their electors to follow the popular vote. So John Q Citizen in the good ol' USA has just his voice to help sway opinion. But when it is put against lobbyists representing big corporations, we may as well sound like a fly buzzing against a window.
Which helps add to the screwed uppedness to this scam (and yes, it is a scam), since as I said, lobbyists will meet with elected officials, and point at the valid points of what this program will put out. Valid meaning what they choose to present. It's a tool for false support, basically the gray area for fraud, but lobbyists have never let that stop them. They get paid big bucks to sway senators and representatives to vote for or against bills in big corporations', or even big organizations', interest.


New member
May 22, 2009
I realise these games are addictive and whatnot put people want their fictional currency so badly they are willing to sell their vote?

Stupid, stupid people.