Anti-Whaling movement's cool new ship

Silent observer

New member
Jun 18, 2009
If I remember the tv show correctly, the sea shepherds had a really out of date old ship which was constantly failing, so my question is how the devil did they afford this? oh wait...


New member
Apr 16, 2010
It's piracy, basically. They're actively being a nuisance at sea, no matter how bad-ass their boat looks.

I think they're pretty moronic, but as far as I'm concerned they're welcome to be as much of a nuisance as they please. Though I won't be surprised or cry foul when somebody sinks their ship


New member
Oct 15, 2010
@Terminalchaos "responsable for our whale shortage" ? What do you mean with that ? You needed a whale this morning, but there was none in your swimming pool ?

The americans are responible. They hunted the whales down for the oil (try reading books, like moby dick) and the rest (meat, bones) was throuwn into the ocean.

Of course, a lot countrys where involved in this, but (as always when something on earth goes downhill) americans where the worst.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
But these pussies don't actually do anything.
Sure they think they're tough and dangerous and performing "sabotage missions" but I won't be satisfied until I see them actually scuttle a whaling vessel.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
all they need is a salvaged destroyer from WW2 with the six inch naval cannons.

that'll end the whaling pretty quick

Xaryn Mar

New member
Sep 17, 2008
Enkidu88 said:
TestECull said:
What you're saying is that you support terrorism. That's all these types amount to. They show up unannounced, break in, scare the living hell out of some poor innocent worker, break a bunch of stuff, sometimes steal things, and get the hell out before anyone can find an assault rifle with which to rid the world of some pests.

I'm for protecting the environment, but I draw the line at terrorism. I don't care why they're doing it.
I wouldn't call it terrorism, all they do is go around blasting loud music at the whalers hardly anything traumatic. Now if the boat had attached torpedo launchers, then we could call it terrorism.
Actually then we would call it a declaration of war on Japan from the country their boat is registered in. What they are doing now is already an act of aggression/piracy against the Japanese according to the international rules of the sea.

A ship is considered as being part of the country it is registered in (as in flying the flag of) and any ship has the right to defend itself from attack (which means the Japanese would be in their right to kill the Sea Shepards if the SS ever boards them).

If the Sea Shepards don't fly a country's flag then they are to be considered pirates and the same rules as above goes.

I just hope the Japanese do what they must against these pirates/eco-terrorists.

P.S. It is the same laws that make the attack/boarding of the Turkish ship by the Israeli a breach of international law and in principle a declaration/act of war.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Terminalchaos said:
TestECull said:
I can't wait for them to get sunk this time too. What they do amounts to terrorism.

there's nothing wrong with protesting whaling, but the line is quite firmly crossed when you start attacking whalers.
I think hunting endangered species is just as bad if not worse. They deserve to be attacked for attacking whales. Japan (along with some of the northern countries) is primarily responsible for our whale shortage int he first place. Their cultural proclivity to hunt and eat whale should be treated like other outdated and cruel cultural proclivities shared by other cultures such as slavery and stealing land.
Why is eating whale wrong? it's delishous!XD but seriously though. like "slavery and stealing land"? This i a prime example of cultural imperialism. There is no good reason we shouldn't wahle if it's done responsibly. You just think it's barbaric because you don't do it. In my country many small fishing towns have to rely on whaling to get by. In Norway we tag and hunt whales that are getting old and have been way below our qouta for many, many years. And theres no whale shortage in our sea. So there =/


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Whale wars.. biggest bunch of fucking idiots to ever own a boat. Fuck them. No, honestly. Fuck those whiny pussy-ass maggots. I don't give a shit if their cause is "righteous" or not. They are assaulting people who are just doing their jobs. First of all, this hysteria about whaling is some hippie crap. But fine, fight for your cause, it's your right. But don't fucking try to assault and attack people who do it. Go through the proper channels; Gather support through sensible rallies, write letters and petition officials until they take action. Get into the media, get some attention, get some people with more power to recognize the problem. Whale wars and their stupid ass captain, who by the way got kicked out of the fucking PETA for being too crazy (!!), are doing exactly the opposite of what they ought to. First off, they're a bunch of fucking crybabies. "THAYR TRYIN TOO KELL OUS OMFG" they yell while in a small dingy trying to hurl shit onto the decks of much alrger boats. No, dudes, they just want you to fuck off. It's your own fault if your shitty ass boat capsizes and you drown in the Bering sea. Second, they try to pull a stunt where they claim to have been shot by the crew of a Japanese vessel, until they reveal that it was a ploy to get attention. Yeah, good method! Lie! Surely there'll be no backlash to that. Third, just.. fucking watch the show! Just one episode! They're the most uncharismatic, uninformed, unlikable and idealistically blinded idiots in the world.

I might have given their cause support, since I don't like it when animals are treated badly. But this show, and these people, along with the ALF, the PETA, Greenpeace and any other pseudo terror organization can go fuck right off. Using scare tactics, causing property damage, "rescuing" animals only to let them die in the wild of have 90% of them murdered anyway (yeah, I say murdered. If they consider them as important as people, surely killing them counts as murder), trying to brainwash and indoctrinate children by lying and/or decieving them (Sea Kittens? Give me a fucking break).. none of this is going to help, nor garner my support. I respect people who genuinely care about these issues out of their own hearts, but I pity everyone who's been roped in by these eco-psychos and their environmental bullshit.

Excessive swearing? Maybe. But if there's one thing that grates me, it's people with no limits on what they'll do to acomplish their shit, without thinking rationally about their shit. And these people, the whale war gangs.. they're incredibly ignorant in my opinion.


New member
Feb 12, 2010
I thought all they did was blast stupidity at the whalers with giant speakers... I didn't know they were actually attacking them.


New member
Sep 10, 2010
They should have got that HMS Invincible that is being sold, and put in a new engine and computer system and stuff, I think that would be even more awesome... and expensive.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
I can't support Whaling, but the anti-whaling groups (I'm looking at you cast of Whale Wars) are a bunch of immoral incompetent media whores who think lying to everyone is fine as long as it serves their cause


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Nubrain said:
While I've never really watch Whale wars I do agree that something needs to be be done about the japan's whaling industry. There is a documentry called "The Cove" that I think explains it very well. It's about a group of people that go to japan to tape the yearly dolphin fishery in this one town. they are followed around and actaully fear for thier lives and all they are planing to do is tape it not stop it. Well they do offer the fishermen the same amount of money they'd make from killing the dolphins if they just don't do it and they all refuse. Not because it's a clultural thing, not for the money, but just because they see dolphins as pests. The documentry explains a lot of the political things behind this and what Japan does to be able to legally whale (basicaly they buy votes on the internatal whaling comission) I'd recomend it to anyone to watch but just be carful the end is quite disturbing.
So, a slaughter house is equally disturbing your point? An why must everyone say that japan is killing endangered species, the whale that they hunt, the milke is not endangered at all. So there is no real reason why killing a whale, is any different than killing a pig.


New member
May 17, 2010
TestECull said:
sosolidshoe said:
While I don't agree with doing violence to the fishermen themselves, and I'm a bit shaky over the morality of destroying the engines of the vessels themselves, the statement you make above is horseshit.

If Japan were actively engaged in kidnapping Africans and enslaving them, and this had been a tradition for thousands of years, ingrained in their culture as absolutely as whaling is, would you leap to their defence so? I doubt it very much. What about in Afghanistan, where it is "traditional" to blind a young girl with acid if she dares to attend a school and learn? Would you defend that kind of tradition? Now, you can argue whether or not the act of whaling itself is immoral, but "cultural reasons" are not reasons at all, to say otherwise is to say that morality is so subjective as to be meaningless.

Regardless even of that, what Japan does is not limited to Japan. They go whaling in International and even foreign waters, and the species they are hunting to extinction will be lost to the whole world, not merely their own nation. So, even in the event you DID decide to make the ridiculous argument that primitive cultural practices trump rational morality, the argument is invalid because those cultural practices have an effect on other nations and individuals who do not follow them, and do not wish to follow them.
Rules of Arguing over the Internet, article 42, section 5, line 32: "When in doubt, attack the person presenting the argument."

When you can find a compelling reason for America to continue to be the bully and world police it has no right to be I'll be willing to listen to your point. Until then you're just some random joe on the internet pulling random personal attacks out of his back pocket. Good day, sir.
What the shit are you talking about? You assert something, I counter that assertion, you try to pretend that's an attack on you? Ad Hominem, look it up, read the definition, and understand why what I wrote was nowhere near a personal attack.

And for the record, I'm British, and my subscription to certain philosophical principles(namely Positivism and Cognitivism(specifically Ethical Naturalism)) have no fucking relation to America.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
Heh heh heh...

The Sea Shepherds aren't the only ones getting a new boat, or so I hear. Seems the whalers are getting pretty sick of this shit and there are rumors that a guard is in the works. And what is this guard?

Boys and girls, say hello to the DD-122 Hatsuyuki Class Destroyer


Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Guess what these "pirates" are going to use this awesome boat for...

That's right; nothing, except sit around on it and weep for the poor wittle whales.