Anti-Whaling movement's cool new ship


New member
Aug 15, 2010
It's a cool boat, no doubt. But I think it should be capable of attacking Whalers on the Moon.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
As long as the whalers are only targeting specific species of whale - Minke, primarily, due to the abundant population, I've no problem with it.

I've always found it ironic that these so-called environmentalists tend to fight back by putting humans in danger. What next, radicals trying to protest against abortion by bombing buildings?
Wait, bad example.
Conservationists trying to save seals by harpooning Orca whales?


New member
Jun 17, 2009
aldt said:
As long as the whalers are only targeting specific species of whale - Minke, primarily, due to the abundant population, I've no problem with it.

I've always found it ironic that these so-called environmentalists tend to fight back by putting humans in danger. What next, radicals trying to protest against abortion by bombing buildings?
Wait, bad example.
Conservationists trying to save seals by harpooning Orca whales?
Orcas eat seals; clearly the orcas are terrorists.

Lord Doomhammer

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Apr 29, 2008
United States
Enkidu88 said:
Come on, torpedoing whaling ships would be much more entertaining television.
Just putting it out there. Torpedoes work by cracking the spine of the boat with a pressure wave of water from beneath (about 20feet or so if memory serves). This pressure wave is designed to crack about 15 inches or homologous rolled steel armor, and will liquefy the insides of any living creature (whales dolphins ect.) at over 500 meters.

That said, I would absolutely love to see the eco-terrorists torpedo the whalers while they're whaling.


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Nov 8, 2008
Zeeky_Santos said:
Berethond said:
Why bother with the fancy new ship?
The whalers will just sink it like they did the last one.
What I don't get is why the 'Sea shepherds' don't just sink the whaling ships. I mean, wait till it's fucking dark, approach the ship in a tiny ass boat (hence slipping under their radar), climb up on the deck, go down to lower decks, plant pile of thermite at hull, escape.

A nice big hole in their hull should delay their 'research' for a while.
The whaling ships have armed guards.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
Zeeky_Santos said:
Berethond said:
Why bother with the fancy new ship?
The whalers will just sink it like they did the last one.
What I don't get is why the 'Sea shepherds' don't just sink the whaling ships. I mean, wait till it's fucking dark, approach the ship in a tiny ass boat (hence slipping under their radar), climb up on the deck, go down to lower decks, plant pile of thermite at hull, escape.

A nice big hole in their hull should delay their 'research' for a while.
Cause you know doing that and potentially killing a bunch of people is you know....murder.


New member
May 17, 2010
TestECull said:
sosolidshoe said:
What the shit are you talking about?
What I said was terrorizing innocent fisherman because of the game they're after is just as wrong as hunting something to extinction in the first place.

You assert something, I counter that assertion, you try to pretend that's an attack on you?
Sure seemed like a personal attack. Counter-points don't usually have "your argument is invalid" or some variation thereof in them.
And for the record, I'm British, and my subscription to certain philosophical principles(namely Positivism and Cognitivism(specifically Ethical Naturalism)) have no fucking relation to America.
Doesn't matter. Anyone who's sentiments lean towards allowing the type of nonsense and eco-terrorism those groups commit is going to give my stupid government ideas of grandure. Openly endorsing such actions will only make them think Team America: World Police was a documentary.

God, sometimes I'm ashamed to live under that flag...but now I'm starting to get off topic.
Aha, I see the issue, you seem to have hallucinated while attempting to read my post, and somehow decided that my critique of your argument that "cultural reasons" are sufficient justification for hunting a species to extinction for me endorsing eco terrorist, despite me clearly stating my opinion on that matter in the first paragraph of my post.

Also, I suggest you wikipedia those philosophical principles I named, you will perhaps then understand my argument better.


New member
May 23, 2010
Well, it's a badass boat, I'll give them that.

That said, I'm all for whaling, so long as one does not kill endangered species.


New member
Nov 30, 2008
I don't get all the people supporting the Japanese cause in this thread... the Japanese don't actually have a historical connection with whaling and they're killing endangered species.
There's absolutely no way to stop them except with this kind of harassment.
I donate to them, and stopped donating to Greenpeace because the bastards stopped their campaign against whaling.
It's a beast of a ship, and my god I hope it has huge speakers on the back like the last one did... it was fuuuuuuuuuucking awesome


New member
Nov 13, 2009
Sea Shepard are pretty annoying. In fact they operate out of where I live during the southern whaling season, and while I dont support the actions they take in the souhern ocean, the blatant vote buying Japan performs in minor pacific countries by building infrastructure and providing no interest loans means that legal options are not working.