Any cyberpunk story recommendations like deus ex human revolution/deus ex


New member
May 27, 2009
Justanothergamer300 said:
I know it's not totally video game topic but it partly still relates.

I've been playing through Deus Ex Human Revolution, and something I just realized is that I enjoy cyberpunk stories.

So I'm asking the escapist do you have any recommendations books, tv, cartoons, anime, video games, movies anything with an interesting cyberpunk world

PS: Things I've seen The matrix trilogy, yea that's about it I know
EYE: Divine Cybermancy is the closest thing you can get, it plays like how Deus Ex would in the modern day but better/ more insane. Its £20.00 on steam i think.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
weker said:
Justanothergamer300 said:
I know it's not totally video game topic but it partly still relates.

I've been playing through Deus Ex Human Revolution, and something I just realized is that I enjoy cyberpunk stories.

So I'm asking the escapist do you have any recommendations books, tv, cartoons, anime, video games, movies anything with an interesting cyberpunk world

PS: Things I've seen The matrix trilogy, yea that's about it I know
EYE: Divine Cybermancy is the closest thing you can get, it plays like how Deus Ex would in the modern day but better/ more insane. Its £20.00 on steam i think.
I love E.Y.E. It really is absolutely insane, but it has some pretty damn cool things about it, even if it's pretty buggy.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
I'm not sure if anyone's said this yet but the book Snow Crash,its not as pure a cyberpunk as the Sprawl Series but its one of my personal favourites and I think more people need to read it.


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Jul 18, 2008
lastwanderer said:
richard morgans altered carbon trilogy
The similarity to Deus Ex is disturbing, but I couldn't really keep myself past the first book at all.

Main character is an augmented detective, basically, explores transhumanism and has a big twisty plot.

As expected, the thread is packed full of stories written by Philip K Dick. It's one of my favourite genres, so let's see more!


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Go to GOG sign up and download Beneath a Steel Sky for free. Cyberpunk point and click.

As others have said it is hard to go past the Sprawl trilogy by Gibson and the supplemental short shtory collection Burning Chrome, although it is dated tech wise. I like all of Gibson's work myself and would reccomend the Bridge trilogy and the ummm, Bigend trilogy? Spy trilogy? Fashion trilogy? His most recent three books anyway.

Snow Crash has also been mentioned and while I like Stephenson I think Cryptonimicon and the Baroque series are far superior books that unfortunately have nothing to do with cyberpunk.

Other than that, I don't know, have you seen D.A.R.Y.L.?


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
TypeSD said:
Justanothergamer300 said:
I know it's not totally video game topic but it partly still relates.

I've been playing through Deus Ex Human Revolution, and something I just realized is that I enjoy cyberpunk stories.

So I'm asking the escapist do you have any recommendations books, tv, cartoons, anime, video games, movies anything with an interesting cyberpunk world

PS: Things I've seen The matrix trilogy, yea that's about it I know

Uplink:Hacker Elite. Made of win.
Uplink is really good, but probably not for everyone. It's not particularly forgiving.

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
Snowcrash, Ghost in The Shell, Blade Runner and of course, the original Deus Ex.

You might also enjoy RoboCop. It's not cyberpunk per se, but I'd recommend it to anyone and it's available via netflix.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
arragonder said:
crap zero history's the last part of that trilogy Q_Q can I still read the first two books without it being spoiled because I read zero history?
You should be fine, there are repeated characters, and massive shout outs to the earlier books in Zero History that you will still enjoy in retrospect.


Contra Bassoon
Jan 15, 2010
Phoenixmgs said:
SnakeCL said:
Ghost in the Shell for anime. Both the movies, and the series "Stand Alone Complex" and "Second Gig" Actually, the setting itself in GitS is more of a "post augmentation" world.
Ghost in the Shell is so good, it's not one of the best anime series I've seen, it's one of the best TV shows I've seen. I usually dislike most anime but Ghost in the Shell is pretty much devoid of any common anime traits I loathe.
Ghost in the Shell is really, really good. I'm currently watching it alongside playing Deus Ex: HR and there are a lot of interesting similarities between the two. Hell, Ghost in the Shell is practically Deus Ex in Japan, give or take a few differences in technology and terminology.


New member
Feb 27, 2008
Well it seems I was probably way off with the Blade Runner thing. Not surprised really,
I was expecting it to at least be based off a book.

Speaking of Blade Runner however, there is actually a game too!
It's a point and click and apparently it is also quite good. It's not just a copy of the story from the film either. There's a new story and new characters etc.

The Aliens quadrilogy has quite a strong cyberpunk feel to it, not sure if it's considered as such though.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Another option, since ShadowRun has been mentioned, is to track down copies of the old SNES and Genesis ShadowRun games. The Genesis version is more action RPG and the SNES is more.. umm.. weird action RPG point and click hybrid, but both are great plays if you're into slightly retro gaming.

crusha_aa said:
Well it seems I was probably way off with the Blade Runner thing. Not surprised really,
I was expecting it to at least be based off a book.
BladeRunner is excellent, and should be seen by everyone.. but it's not really a great example of cyberpunk in it's classic sense. And it is based on a book. "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" is the name of that book and it was written by Philip K. Dick. Unlike with many movies based on books, both the book and movie are excellent though they are quite different in some ways (and quite alike in others).

Dick also wrote several other books/short stories that have inspired films (Total Recall is based on Dick's "We Can Remember it for you, Wholesale" and Minority Report is based on.. Minority Report). Dick's work is another great read for cyberpunk even if his writing is often, to put it simply, out there. He doesn't always tackle cyberpunk directly, having been writing long before cyberpunk really existed in earnest, but many of the themes he uses later became cyberpunk staples.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Heh everyone mentions Shadowrun but nobody mentions Cyberpunk 2013, 2020 or 203X which were fantastic (pen and paper) rpgs.

I still have all the Chrome Books which were essentially all the cybernetics that were in the world.

People have mentioned it but Snow Crash, also Diamond Age by the same author.

Also, also: Anyone played the Netrunner CCG? It's out of print now but I still play it with a friend of mine.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
arragonder said:
shadow_Fox81 said:
crusha_aa said:
Blade Runner is the obvious one. That film pretty much gave birth to cyberpunk (correct me if i'm wrong anyone).
i think it brought the genre to western audiences and gave it a more restrictive definition.

but cyber punk has always been there in comics the Airtight garage was an influence on ridley scott's film and much of the key element of cyber punk existed in the works of Osamu Tezuka as well as many other japenese and european graphic novelist up until its explosion in the 80's.

but Masunume Shirow Perfected the genre

(edit: i'm begining to feel i'm the only one who read the original ghost in the shell novels)
don't forget that blade runner is actually based on a book, do cyborgs dream of electric sheep. that and gibbson wrote his books before blade runner came out.
Sorry.. Who the hell is Gibbson?


New member
Oct 23, 2010

Also, Snow Crash. Its kind of unique in that its actually a lampoon of Cyberpunk, written before cyberpunk "seriously" took off.


New member
Aug 18, 2011
The A-Men trilogy storyline is centred around a direct brain access games universe that draws people into a deadly game played inside their own mind. It started out as an actual text/graphical adventure game called Mind's Eye (sadly unpublished) and grew into novel statusafter reading the excellent God Game by Andrew M. Greeley. Unlike God Game, the world milieu it's set in is definitely Dystopian cyberpunk --- and well worth a look (and listen, too as the dramatised version of the first novel is free to download on iTunes).

The books are The A-Men, The A-Men Return and Forever A-Men.