Any one else secretly wishes the world actually does end in december?


Dec 24, 2011
If you just want to see the world get destroyed I'm pretty sure they made a movie about it you could watch.

If you actually just want it to happen for real your a douche. Sorry, but even Hitler and Saddam Hussein didn't wish death to EVERYONE.

And if you think the notion of trying to survive in a post apocolyptic world would be fun, it wouldn't. It would probably be a few hours of absolute (not fun at all) terror followed by long periods of boredom and probably starvation.

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
Fuck no, got a girlfriend, last year of school and enjoying life very much at the moment. I'd prefer not to see it all go downhill now.

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
Yes, but only for one reason: The new Flash movie set to be released in 2013 has the same writing team as the Green Lantern movie.



New member
Jun 24, 2008
Who wants to go on an adventure filled with treasure and discovery but also danger? Oh, you all want to just live out your boring lives.

How many people have gotten a significant other, a job, eventually got married, had kids and then lived through old age?

Now how many people died in a motherfucking APOCALYPSE!?

I rest my case.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
The_Blue_Rider said:
Risingblade said:
The_Blue_Rider said:
razor343 said:
As long as the world turns into one big Capital Wasteland then sure.
I think the novelty would wear off after you got raped by raiders for the 4th time :p
They only rape you once, after that they mutilate your body :3
How would you know that?,.. unless you are a raider! *pulls out Ol' Painless*
Raul told me...

Safe in the Dark

What is a man?
Jun 5, 2010
I'm pretty inclined to say yes, the world is becoming a bloated, overpopulated place, filled with violence, death, poverty, horrible diseases, corrupt people, and humanity as a whole was probably the worst thing to happen to the world since that meteor that "ended the world" the first time around. You can say I'm selfish for wanting God knows however many people to die, you wouldn't exactly be wrong, but in a sense, not wanting the world to end is also selfish, in a manner of speaking, we're all going to die anyway. Memento Mori? Right?

And no, before you ask, I'm not some thirteen year old who likes to think he's deep and edgy.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Well considering I have just started to piece my life back together after being floored by depression and PTSD. An apocalypse would kind of suck right now.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if it ended just to spite me though. Shit like that happens to me >_>


Nov 9, 2010
Solid Reece said:
Yes, with also quote why.

Some men just want to watch the world burn!
-Don't know who
- Alfred, the Dark Knight (2010?)

OT: It'd be interesting to watch, and i don't have any shit going on, so...indifferent I suppose. Nice to get to Christmas, but it doesn't bother me.


New member
Jul 9, 2011
krazykidd said:
nor do i think that the earth is in such a deplorable state that we deserve to have the human race be annihalited ( well actually i do but thats not the reason).
Haha, you're a funny guy, you funny guy you.

Anyway, I do not want to die, nor am I foolish enough to actually believe that we're in a deplorable state deserving of annihilation since we also keep improving as time passes. I also don't believe that the world should end for every single innocent life on earth merely because a minority keeps giving humanity a bad name.

So, fuck no.

NightmareLuna said:
If it was a large portion of the world, say, every country except Italy, France, United Kingdom, Sweden and Canada, then I would be very happy with that.
What did I ever do to you :(


New member
Oct 7, 2010
RAKtheUndead said:
Actually, I wish just the opposite - so that I can laugh right in the faces of anybody who even considered that the world was going to end this year.
This. I will be PISSING myself if the world doesn't end. I know a few friends who believe we are all gonna die, and I will never let them live it down.


New member
Oct 17, 2007
krazykidd said:
The reason is i would just like to see it happen. How many people would really be able to say , i am watching the end of the world .
If it ever happens, over 6 billion? That doesn't make you overly special.

There are lots of ways to die that are much less common. Being kidnapped and tortured to death over several days with power tools probably isn't all that common - I'd guess it's happened to less than 6 billion people total. Do you want to see that too? After all, not many people have so it MUST be awesome!

End of the day you'd be just as dead, I don't see anything interesting about it... and I'm sure if it WAS to happen you'd be screaming, crying, running and trying to live as much as everyone else... highly doubt you'd find it so interesting then.

I'm all for hypotheticals about the end of the world but this is just being silly.


New member
Jan 6, 2012
Urmm.. Can't tell if some people on this thread are joking or not. No, I do not secretly wish the world actually ends this year. Those are actually quite suicidal thoughts.

Saying you wish it happens just so you can say you saw it happens is a bit silly. Why don't you jump from an airplane without a parachute just so you can say you saw yourself flying (or something just as stupid).

Lucky for me and the rest of humanity who do not wish (secretly or not) the world to end, the world will not end this year.

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
I want lots of people to die so we aren't so overpopulated, but I don't want the world to end. Maybe a good war between China and America, that would be alright with me and useful to the world. :p

Lumber Barber said:
I want to watch both parts of The Hobbit. After that, I don't care, my life will be complete.
Plus, not a single one of you here on the Escapist will survive some sort of fallout-themed apocalypse.
Not even one.
Living in New Zealand = no one gives enough shits to nuke us. Therefore we = survival.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Sparcrypt said:
krazykidd said:
The reason is i would just like to see it happen. How many people would really be able to say , i am watching the end of the world .
If it ever happens, over 6 billion? That doesn't make you overly special.

There are lots of ways to die that are much less common. Being kidnapped and tortured to death over several days with power tools probably isn't all that common - I'd guess it's happened to less than 6 billion people total. Do you want to see that too? After all, not many people have so it MUST be awesome!

End of the day you'd be just as dead, I don't see anything interesting about it... and I'm sure if it WAS to happen you'd be screaming, crying, running and trying to live as much as everyone else... highly doubt you'd find it so interesting then.

I'm all for hypotheticals about the end of the world but this is just being silly.
6 billion is a handfull compared the all the people who have walked the earth since the begining . An apocalypse is a special one time event . Somethin the earth have never seen . I never said the dying is cool or watching everyone die would be awsome . I'm just curious to what an apocalypse would look like . Plus i get to brag in hell that i saw the apocalypse . Also just wishing it isn't going to make it happened ( unless we are playing persona 3).


New member
Jan 12, 2011
krazykidd said:
Now to start i do not believe that the apocalypse will arrive in december 2012 . But i wish it would . Now i am not a person that wishes ill to anyone nor do i think that the earth is in such a deplorable state that we deserve to have the human race be annihalited ( well actually i do but thats not the reason). The reason is i would just like to see it happen. How many people would really be able to say , i am watching the end of the world .

I don't WANT to die , i am not depressive ( well not tothe extend to want to die ) , but if i have to go out well the end of the world seems like a pretty valid way to go out . But i would never admit this outside the internet .

Anyways , so Escapist , anyone actually hoping this happens? What are your thoughts about this apocalypse thing?
Hmm, I can sort of see what you're saying. There are elements to our world that could use a good cleaning away with... mostly governments, nations etc. But too many innocent lives would be lost, by too many I mean all of them. o_O

Be that as it may, as much as I don't want it to, an apocalypse is indeed coming eventually. It could be eleventy billion (I know eleventy isn't a word) years from now, but it's coming. :O


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
Wouldn't really make a difference... being dead and all that. I do like living, though.