Apple's Steve Jobs Announces the "iPad"


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2008
But you wouldn't be able to type with your thumbs... Also watching a whole film on this would be a pain unless you have a stand, and even then you can't take the stand everywere you go.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Meh. So, as per usual, Apple are jumping on the bandwagon long after it's become old news. And, as per usual, they seem to think that they can get away with it and somehow corner the market. Guess what Apple, Tablet PCs already exist. PDAs already exist. And yes, digital book readers already exist (you REALLY think you're gonna topple the Kindle? Sod off you arrogant gits). Combining them is not new, it's unneccessary. The iPod was great because it was a simplification and unification of the whole concept of an mp3 player. The iPhone worked because it combined two products that people tend to carry around everywhere and added a lot of functionality at a price pretty similiar to what was already on the market. The Macbook ...well, as far as home computers go, I have no time for you Apple, you charge nearly twice as much for the same spec as the relevant Windows PC and your operating system is about 30% idiot proofing, 10% usability, and 60% mindless fan hyperbole.

In short: Fail, Apple, just... Fail.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Gitsnik said:
TheYellowCellPhone said:
What is the use for that... Sure, it has more battery life, more memory, faster processor, etc., but it doesn't have an iPod or iPhone trait that many love... you can put it in your pocket. It's a big waste of money, it's just if you pumped steroids into an iPhone... it's better and faster but too big.
I hate that the next few lines I utter are going to sound like fanboy-ism.

But you realise that people don't use CURRENT tablet machines to put in their pocket right?

Assuming this suits hardware requirements, it's going to be perfect for what tablets are currently perfect for: SCADA monitoring, doctors checking patient records, walking around a warehouse checking connotes, that sort of thing.
As you just said tablets can already do this and without having to pay the 'apple tax', so pray tell why would a company pay more to do something it can already do with existing products on the market for a lot less?


New member
Jan 26, 2010
No, just... no.

Who would want to carry around something like that? Besides, if it's a so called computer I want it to be able to play a bit more than tetris or the occasional bad touch game.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
::Declines the offer of Kool-Aid from Mr. Jobs::

"Steve, I just want to never let you forget that you created NeXT Computer once upon a time. That is all."


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Oh dear Jobs. You know what you should have done?
Made it smaller, added a camera and maybe the ability to make calls and texts..... Oh.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Gitsnik said:
TheYellowCellPhone said:
What is the use for that... Sure, it has more battery life, more memory, faster processor, etc., but it doesn't have an iPod or iPhone trait that many love... you can put it in your pocket. It's a big waste of money, it's just if you pumped steroids into an iPhone... it's better and faster but too big.
I hate that the next few lines I utter are going to sound like fanboy-ism.

But you realise that people don't use CURRENT tablet machines to put in their pocket right?

Assuming this suits hardware requirements, it's going to be perfect for what tablets are currently perfect for: SCADA monitoring, doctors checking patient records, walking around a warehouse checking connotes, that sort of thing. Apple may be marketing it a little off ball (since when have they not), but when you make a tablet machine... YOU USE IT AS A TABLET.

Basically everything you uttered indicates that your first question was accurate: You've got no sysadmin experience, or anything more than school and perhaps stuck-in-an-office experience. Perhaps.

I'd love to see one of these in the boardroom, so I don't have to leave a laptop in there for the staff to deal with - they can just bring up their calender and notepad on this thing. It's cleaner, more efficient, and it looks prettier than the bigass XPS that's in there at the moment.

I hate how fanboy-ish that sounded, but I've made the same argument about other tablet PC's before, and probably will again.
Too bad the Tablet PCs that already exist are more versatile and have better specs that justify their price tag unlike this thing which doesn't even have Netbook specs. Hell it doesn't even have a keyboard except for that dinky little one that you have to, altogether now, buy from Apple

And the problem is that nobody is going to use this thing as a tablet, at least not the early adopters who are the airheaded yuppies that didn't get the message that this thing is supposed to be a tablet machine. They didn't get that message because Apple is treating it as an iPhone. Hell it looks like an iPhone. It might as well be an iPhone. But it is not an iPhone and that is where Apple has, once again, screwed up. Maybe I can see the business applications for it, but the thing is Apple isn't aiming for business on this one, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks that way about their strategy.


The One with the Cake
Oct 17, 2008
My dad, being the Apple-fanboy that he is, is all over this. These were the exact first words out of my mouth when I saw it:
Me: "So it's just a big iPhone?"
Dad: No...

If you read some of the details on it, you can use separate keyboards, but they have to be bluetooth compatible or buy one of their special keyboards that plug into it. And just to get even more money out of you, if you want to plug in a camera or use an SD card, you have to buy an attachment for that.

This whole thing is pointless, and a waste of money. My friend spent $100 less and got a brand new laptop with much better specs, more harddrive space, and a faster processor.

Now if only Apple didn't have so much money so that they would actually be affected if this sold poorly.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
I own an iphone and an ipod and they both do what I need from that company. Why would I want a monster iphone, exactly? I fail to see how it beats a good old fashioned laptop.


New member
Mar 22, 2009

Fujitsu already has a product called the iPAD.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
lol that looks so stupid, and i thought having my itouch around would be a beacon to get robbed since its so big... that would be horrible to carry around


Hunter of Monsters
Sep 14, 2009
Hooray, another gimmick from Apple. Wait for something powered by Win7 or Android/ChromeOS to come out cheaper with better specs. Or better still, go and buy a netbook if you must desire a gutless computer for portability.

Gotta love that sarcastic tweets about the iPad [] made the number 2 trending topic on Twitter. At least most of Apple's other products had clever/logical iNames.


New member
May 13, 2008
AceDiamond said:
Gitsnik said:
TheYellowCellPhone said:
What is the use for that... Sure, it has more battery life, more memory, faster processor, etc., but it doesn't have an iPod or iPhone trait that many love... you can put it in your pocket. It's a big waste of money, it's just if you pumped steroids into an iPhone... it's better and faster but too big.
I hate that the next few lines I utter are going to sound like fanboy-ism.

But you realise that people don't use CURRENT tablet machines to put in their pocket right?

Assuming this suits hardware requirements, it's going to be perfect for what tablets are currently perfect for: SCADA monitoring, doctors checking patient records, walking around a warehouse checking connotes, that sort of thing. Apple may be marketing it a little off ball (since when have they not), but when you make a tablet machine... YOU USE IT AS A TABLET.

Basically everything you uttered indicates that your first question was accurate: You've got no sysadmin experience, or anything more than school and perhaps stuck-in-an-office experience. Perhaps.

I'd love to see one of these in the boardroom, so I don't have to leave a laptop in there for the staff to deal with - they can just bring up their calender and notepad on this thing. It's cleaner, more efficient, and it looks prettier than the bigass XPS that's in there at the moment.

I hate how fanboy-ish that sounded, but I've made the same argument about other tablet PC's before, and probably will again.
Too bad the Tablet PCs that already exist are more versatile and have better specs that justify their price tag unlike this thing which doesn't even have Netbook specs. Hell it doesn't even have a keyboard except for that dinky little one that you have to, altogether now, buy from Apple

And the problem is that nobody is going to use this thing as a tablet, at least not the early adopters who are the airheaded yuppies that didn't get the message that this thing is supposed to be a tablet machine. They didn't get that message because Apple is treating it as an iPhone. Hell it looks like an iPhone. It might as well be an iPhone. But it is not an iPhone and that is where Apple has, once again, screwed up. Maybe I can see the business applications for it, but the thing is Apple isn't aiming for business on this one, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks that way about their strategy.
Right, I'm quoting you but this goes for the other guy who quoted me as well.

I'm going to gesture back at the post I made embedded there in the quote, and point out a few things. The first one addresses your chant (buy from apple) - if a system has a touch screen and an onscreen keyboard, why would someone want an extra keyboard? So they could either diagnose faults (in which case they are an admin) or because they are doing the wrong thing. More on that in a mo.

My netbook has - quite literally - a third of the system capacity that this thing has in CPU, RAM is shot to hell and storage is less than 1/19th.

An interesting thing about Apple: They have no business "strategy". I quote, from official policy statements: "Apple is a consumer company, not an enterprise company". Of course they market this as an iPhone but bigger, you'd be mad not to. The tablet market isn't that big.

Now, apart from the airhead yuppies (which, by the way, describes them perfectly) doing early adoption, who would use this?

Ohh... let's say.. design companies, film corporations, media companies. For starters. The sort of company that needs to look like they are on the cutting edge of technology, because technology is their business and if they don't look bleeding edge, people don't go with them. I wasn't kidding when I mentioned the boardroom - I've worked in about 30 design houses and where possible they would cut to wireless keyboards, thin clients, pretty much anything to give the person doing the keyboard work less of a physical platform. This is a spectacular idea from them because it combines all the neat features of current PC tablets, with the screaming-gay lines and curves of an apple product. If I go out to a job carrying a Sharp Zaurus people will think my company doesn't make enough to afford new and "hip" equipment, and it reflects badly. The same applies here - I will keep putting the ol' sony tablets into the warehouse so the guys can toss the things around and get crap all over them - but where the customers are, where the "sexy" needs to be, I can see a place for the iPad.

We're gamers, we're immediately biased against Apple things and that I understand. And yet no one has yet to come to me with a better price for a laptop to rival my brand new $1,050AU Macbook.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
It's an ipod touch you can't put in your pocket.
Its heavy.
It has no camera.
It can't multitask.
It has a slightly worse chip than the Nexus One, which is a fucking phone
It has no flash and no flash capability
It has no disk drive of any kind
It has no usb port
It costs a LOT of money.

Fellow posters, if this sells well, I will officially lose all faith in humanity.


Elite Member
Nov 27, 2007
I don't get it.
Apple releases a giant iPhone and everyone creams their pants.

I am looking forward for us Europeans getting the iPad 2 years after U.S release and paying TWICE the price for it, same way we did with the stupid iPhone.

(The iPhone release got delayed 2 years in Europe and cost 900 Euros when released)

Now I'm just waiting for the day Steve Jobs claims that the iPad plays great games and that it is a serious competitor [] to the Xbox.