Are older games better? Or is that just the Nostalgia talking?


New member
Jan 12, 2010
I don't think older games are better back in the day but I do miss how quirky games were back then during the previous console generations even as recent as PS2, xbox, gamecub era. Back then I was playing super crazy and creative games that such as Katamari Damancy, No One Can Stop Mr. Misquote, The Oddworld Series and Armed and Dangerous. Now a days everyone is worried about making heroes that are badass and cool and its a rare thing to find a super crazy game out there.


New member
Apr 19, 2010
Developers are too focused on realism and graphics these days. That is why the games of old are still better. Gameplay was front in centre.


Rating: Negative Awesome
May 19, 2009
Sarge034 said:
I find the 8-bit music to be the best and older RPGs just seem better for some reason.....
Might be why my favorite old game is Castlevania 2 Simon's Quest.
"What a horrible night to have a curse"

I think Super Castlevania IV is the best game ever made though. Simon's Quest kinda sucked.

OT: It's mostly nostalgia there are a lot of good games and bad games from back then like there are now.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
Little of both. Older games were much more diverse. Doing tons of stuff. Whereas today we'll have massive marketing campaigns over tiny differences.

In the past I could buy a game about collecting magical cards that summoned monsters into an environment filled with them, to attack, heal my deck, or even transform me into them. And That wasn't awell known game at all.

Yet in more recent years we made a big deal about cover based combat.

Pyro Paul

New member
Dec 7, 2007
a lot of old games are genuinely good and often better.
The 'Extra Credits' show here on the escapist went over why some older music seems better, and this does also apply to the games themselves as well. To cut make it short, the Core Mechanics of older games are so well refined and solid. This is because often older games are little more then Just the core mechanics... they had to depend on those mechanics being good for the game to be good.

having solid core mechanics makes a game fun regardless of its age. A problem that has plauged current generation games is the focus on other attributes of a game, such as asthetics, that often leave the core mechanics of the game under developed. Seeing as how asthetics alone can sell games (see Metal Gear Solid series, Xenosaga series, recent additions to the final fantasy series, and Crysis series) many modern games have had a less weaker core mechanics.

yes, older games tend to be better.
however that doesn't mean that all old games are the best, or that new games will be craptastic...


New member
Sep 11, 2009
We had a huge lot of "oh my god i have never seen something like that before" games from the 80s until the early 2000s. The kind of fast Technical evolution and always new possibilities are just not given any more. And you cant invent the tire a second time, real new ideas and genres wont come as frequently like we where used to.
Additionally to that and thanks to the enourmous technology behind nowadays games, the developers have costs of millions and millions to make a game, so they cant risk success for a creative idea.


New member
Apr 11, 2010
One thing I miss most from older games is a world map. Even if you are a building-sized person lumbering around the continent, it is reassuring to see a scoop of land, the ocean and the horizon.

New member
Mar 17, 2011
Zeithri said:
I want to counter you, no harm with my purpose.

I grew up during the Nintendo era. I have played a lot of Nintendo games, I have also played a lot of crappy ones.
I've played most on emulators. But you know, I've gone further back in time to play even older games;

I have played most of the games in this clip and I quite enjoyed Alien on Commandore 64.
It's creepy and it's good. It'd also be awesome if it was made today (I've had plans on how it'd work).
So is that Nostalgia? Not at all since I didn't play it in my childhood years ;o

So yes, there are good games in the old times.
You just need to look for them and not condemn them.
I think you're missing my point. I love old games, I still play Alex Kidd and the Wonder Boy series on the Wii's Virtual Console. But my point was that if you closed your eyes and pulled a NES game off the shelf at random and a PS3 game off the shelf at random and played them both, there's a much higher chance that the PS3 game is going to be more fun. There are classics on every console, but to me the real test is playing the forgotten games, the average games that never received nor deserved particular acclaim, and even the shovelware on all the various consoles and observing the overall quality of them. I think that the general quality of games is higher now than it ever has been.

Admiral Stukov

I spill my drink!
Jul 1, 2009
I return to Deus Ex every now and again to compare how it measures up to new games.

So far it wins every time.


New member
Oct 8, 2010
It's 50/50, especially for a lot of our age range, I believe. The oldest games like Pitfall and Pong weren't "great," and games didn't really become awesome until just before the NES, when you started to get stuff like Donkey Kong.

Then I think the real golden age of games ranges from the NES through the PS2, because no matter what console you had during that period of time, your system of choice had some pure gold.

Why? Because up until the last couple of years, games didn't require an absurd amount of money to produce, so instead of experimental games like Legacy of Kain, the original Silent Hill games, Kid Chameleon, the original Resident Evil, etc., all we get now are Modern Warfare clones because the industry knows they'll sell.

I think this is why the Indie Game "scene" (for lack of a better word) seems to be growing, because we're willing to sacrifice the graphics and modern standards like chest-high walls for a unique experience, like Minecraft or I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MBIES 1N IT!!!1


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Macedon said:
I love to go back and play older games for the 10th or 15th time. The games I go back to the most are Suikoden 1, 2, and 3
I just picked up Suikoden 1 on PSN (5.99 is a steal for that game) but I'm waiting until I get a PSP next week to play it. I loved that game, seriously it's my favorite RPG of all time. My brother likes turn based JRPG's and I tried to get him to download it from my acct. but he says the graphics will keep him from enjoying it. Any advice on how to get him to play it or sequels with upgraded graphics?


Derp Master
Aug 11, 2009
I think a larger percent of games today are good or at least tolarable, while the true jewels are as few and far between as they always have been.

Captain Epic

New member
Jul 8, 2010
As someone who didn't grow up with games older then the previous console generation, therefore having no nostalgia glasses, I think newer games are generally better. Case in point: I preferred Twilight princess over Ocarina of time. Oot was definately amazing for it's time, but I must say Tp was more enjoyable. Tp had a much more lively world, a more engaging story, and brilliant dungeon design. I will say that the old pc games like system shock or Deus Ex look better then old console games, but I have little experience with those kinds of games. I haven't played an old game that was as fun and enjoyable as the likes of Bioshock, Mass Effect 2, and Read Dead Redemption. I believe that as the technology used to make games increases, so does the quality of the games and the standards that they are judjed by.
Jun 13, 2009
Older games are also better because the multiplayer aspect was a side attraction, not the sole reason the game was made. People actually made games, rather than multiplayer arenas with vague back stories.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
I just enjoy older games because to me they are really fun. The only game I went back to and realized that it kind of sucked was Earthworm Jim. Why? The freaking water level.....

Stevor Compton

New member
Mar 20, 2011
The Maddest March Hare said:
Older games are also better because the multiplayer aspect was a side attraction, not the sole reason the game was made. People actually made games, rather than multiplayer arenas with vague back stories.
The older games I'm thinking of had no multiplayer unless someone was sitting beside you!