Are You A Fanboy?


New member
Sep 1, 2008
Valve, Nintendo, and Final Fantasy IX. I love these games. Valve because they simply never made an actual bad game (within the basis of opinion), Final Fantasy IX because it was everything (no matter how little it was) good about VII and VIII wihtout the emo bullshit. Nintendo because of the classics as well as (some) of their new IPs.


New member
Jan 3, 2009
uhhh the irony...
I was just about to say there's -only one- game that brings out fanboyism in me, and that's Persona 3....


New member
Apr 22, 2009
Ridiculous PC fanboy. I'll actually judge *people* based on them liking the wrong games (console games!).

If I had to pick a console manufacturer to align with, it would be Sony I suppose. MGS, GT, GoW, Ico, FF etc.

Oh, further, there are some games which I'm pretty much an anti-fanboy for. Fallout 3 would be an obvious one, Gears of War another.


New member
Apr 6, 2008
Used to be for X2: The Threat and X3: Reunion. Then I just got fed up with Egosoft just remaking the same engine over and over. The saying goes, don't fix what ain't broken, the problem is, they aren't fixing it. The interface could have alot more functionality that they keep denying it, and there are models from X:BTF in X3: Reunion, mostly not being used by taking up space for no good reason.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
-Seraph- said:
I can openly admit to being an enthusiastic fan (fanboy if you must). Although I consider myself the more moderate controlled fanboy that will only argue in defense of my passions if someone else is simply speaking lies, misinformation and is just blatantly ignorant. So yea, I'm a "polite" fanboy that lets out my inner rage at the unwise.

As for what I am a fanboy of? JRPG's, PC's, PSP (and a bit of Sony overall), Anything Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, and some other stuff I can't be bothered to remember.
JRPGs suck, PCs suck, PSPs suck, Sony sucks, Stargate sucks, Battlestar sucks, and everything else you like sucks.

...Now to sit back and see what happens :D

To stay on topic, I'm an Oddworld fanboy. It's a pretty easy position to be actually, because it's not popular enough to attract any strange hater types


New member
Mar 17, 2009
aww yea said:
i do love my psp but i wont fanboy it, ive played pokemon. i know what gameboys have to offer.

my fanboyhood belongs to FF games and macs

with the macs its probably to annoy those irritating Windowmen that brag about all this superior window crap only to find out i like macs for the feel and the looks, something that cant be beat with any sort of spec or sale record etc.

FF is just love...
For the record mac is inferior


New member
Nov 22, 2008
I am an anti-fan for various games and series, convinced they will never mend their ways, but not a fanboy for any in particular.


New member
May 19, 2008
Amarok said:
-Seraph- said:
I can openly admit to being an enthusiastic fan (fanboy if you must). Although I consider myself the more moderate controlled fanboy that will only argue in defense of my passions if someone else is simply speaking lies, misinformation and is just blatantly ignorant. So yea, I'm a "polite" fanboy that lets out my inner rage at the unwise.

As for what I am a fanboy of? JRPG's, PC's, PSP (and a bit of Sony overall), Anything Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, and some other stuff I can't be bothered to remember.
JRPGs suck, PCs suck, PSPs suck, Sony sucks, Stargate sucks, Battlestar sucks, and everything else you like sucks.

...Now to sit back and see what happens :D
*slowly creeps up behind him with a knife in hand*

Now see here good sir, surly you must be joking, I would hate it if something bad were to happen to you.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
I am not a fanboy of a brand but more a fanboy of what games could be, an example is I feel that both Bioshock and Fallout 3 are rushed, under deved and unpolished.

Ultimately they are ok games but they are so under done they are not worth the price of admission.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
-Seraph- said:
Amarok said:
-Seraph- said:
I can openly admit to being an enthusiastic fan (fanboy if you must). Although I consider myself the more moderate controlled fanboy that will only argue in defense of my passions if someone else is simply speaking lies, misinformation and is just blatantly ignorant. So yea, I'm a "polite" fanboy that lets out my inner rage at the unwise.

As for what I am a fanboy of? JRPG's, PC's, PSP (and a bit of Sony overall), Anything Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, and some other stuff I can't be bothered to remember.
JRPGs suck, PCs suck, PSPs suck, Sony sucks, Stargate sucks, Battlestar sucks, and everything else you like sucks.

...Now to sit back and see what happens :D
*slowly creeps up behind him with a knife in hand*

Now see here good sir, surly you must be joking, I would hate it if something bad were to happen to you.
The Analogue stick on the PSP hurts my thumb, What are you going to do about it!!!!


New member
Jan 22, 2008
I'm a partial VALVe-fanboy.. only thing that bothers me is the "currency update".


New member
May 19, 2008
Amarok said:
The Analogue stick on the PSP hurts my thumb, What are you going to do about it!!!!
Really? I never had a problem with it and I play the thing every day, or shall I say night (insomniac). Never once cramped up although it's gotten a bit numb, but thats the case with any extensive use of any controller with me. Just mod the stick or something would be my guess.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
-Seraph- said:
Amarok said:
The Analogue stick on the PSP hurts my thumb, What are you going to do about it!!!!
Really? I never had a problem with it and I play the thing every day, or shall I say night (insomniac). Never once cramped up although it's gotten a bit numb, but thats the case with any extensive use of any controller with me. Just mod the stick or something would be my guess.
Maybe I just have massive thumbs


New member
Oct 9, 2008
I'm a smidgeon of Nintendo Fanboy, with a sprinkling of Trekkie and Star Wars and a delightful pich of Metroid ands Pokemon. Sorry, I was cooking earlier.
Now... can I be an anti-fanboy (I'm calling that yobnaf)? If so, I am a dedicated Twilight yobnaf.
As far as fanboyism goes, I'm going to add a serious note and say that fanboyism walks a very thin line - you are either a reserved fanboy (eg. you like and defend a series and will, I given a fair opportunity, attemp to passively convert someone to that series) or an aggressive fanboy (the stereotype, but much less common variety, who actively seek out points to flame a series/company etc or break a fan of a series etc to denounce it and join your ideas. This, I say, is rampant ignorance.)