Are You A Fanboy?


New member
Jun 15, 2008
Actually, I guess you could call me a Lost Odyssey fanboy... I wonder how many times I've posted about that game on these forums - must have been at least 5 times today alone.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
I am a fanboy for many, many things. Persona, Silent Hill, Killzone (yeah, I loved the first one when it came out too), etc. Also some companies like Bethesda, Valve, and Blizzard (not WoW though.. I hate MMO's).


New member
May 8, 2009
For years I was an avid Square fanboy but stopped following it right around the creaion of Driving Emotion Type-S.

Presently I would be willing to list myself as a Bethesda Fanboy, most likely Fallout as well. However I'm not willing to defend tooth and nail to defend either series, as a rational adult I'm more then aware that my tastes could very well be my own and that other people have their opinions. And much like a rational adult I accept that opinion and take it with a grain of salt.

So in truth I'm not a fan"boy" I'm a fan"man". Ha...

Add: Always will like Sonic, though his games have been rather sub-par for several years. Maybe one day Sega will get it right... and then I'll be a Chinese Jet Pilot.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
JtLaneside said:
Does it count as being a fanboy if I just enjoy winding up fanboys?
Yes. You're an anti-fanboy fanboy.
Rhayn said:
Huge Mass Effect fanboy. If you couldn't tell.
Same here, as well as (settle in for a list) Valve, Splinter Cell (except the abomination that was Double Agent), Zelda, and Metroid. I would be ashamed, but I'm convinced that there's three types of fanboys:
1)The good kind, like me. Those who simply enjoy a game more than the average person, but not to the point of worship or shunning other things.
2)The bad kind. The kind used as an insult. The blindly devoted fan who looks at dissenting opinions with rage.
3)The guy who does my avatars.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
I used to be a big fan of Nintendo, until they stopped supporting me and my gaming needs (SSBB was the last straw, it made a mockery of everything SSBM stood for). I'm also a RareWare fan (Not so much for the XBOX material, I blame Microsoft from quelling their creative genius), and a fan of 3PSes (Yes, I love them more than any amount of joy FPSes could bring me), ultimately concluding in my fanboyism of Jet Force Gemini. This is the only game I will ever hold up with the praise or true greatness.

I am an anti-fanboy of pretty much everything that has been released beyond the year 2005 with the release of the XBOX 360. This and the super popularity of some of the worst most bland examples of shitty games to ever exist (ex: COD1-5, GoW, Fallout 3, Assassin's Creed almost any new fps, it goes on and on. [On a side note, how is it that stopping to shoot, and removing anything to prevent death {aside from causing a stalemate} be fun?). Also I'm an anti-fanboy of FF7, it wasn't that spectacular even if it was good.

Lastly I'm a fanboy of using parentheses to no end.


New member
May 10, 2009
I used to be a Nintendo fanboy until Nintendo turned the Wii into a lemon.

That being said, I still love Nintendo handhelds, having owned every Gameboy excluding the Micro and yet to be purchased DSi.

And I'll keep beating the PC-gaming drum until the bitter end.


New member
Jun 28, 2008
I used to be a nintendo fan boy, but then I turned 12 and started buying multiple systems. Now I hate everyone. For example, the Wii is a kiddie system that hasn't lived up to it's potential. The PS3 is like a golden platter with nothing but lettuce on it. Sure, it's a mighty good platform, well made and shiny. Too bad there isn't anything to play. The 360 is a shoddily built system which should all be recalled, repaired and resent out the original buyers with an apology and a refund. It does though, have the best exclusives.

So yeah... I hate everyone now.


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
I guess I'm a Halo fanboy... why? Apparently just liking Halo makes me a fanboy, actually liking the story and playing the game is enough to grant me as a fanboy. So you know what I'd rather be the fanboy playing the game he likes then being.... whatver the hell people seem to think is the opposite of a fanboy.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Vrex360 said:
I guess I'm a Halo fanboy... why? Apparently just liking Halo makes me a fanboy, actually liking the story and playing the game is enough to grant me as a fanboy. So you know what I'd rather be the fanboy playing the game he likes then being.... whatver the hell people seem to think is the opposite of a fanboy.
It seems that anything other than apathy makes you a fanboy (yes, even hatred, as that makes you an anti-fanboy). I wouldn't worry too much about it.


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
The fanboy in me tends to flare up when FF6, or the Tales of series is involved. Unfortunatly i'm not good at defendng them and won't waste my time to entice others to my side.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
Nope, to smart to blindly follow much of anything honestly. I have a bad habit of questioning everything, even things are shouldn't like my teachers lol. I do dislike certain consoles but that doesn't make me a fanboy i still own them for their games though


Digital Oracle
Nov 9, 2008
GodsOneMistake said:
Nope, to smart to blindly follow much of anything honestly. I have a bad habit of questioning everything, even things are shouldn't like my teachers lol. I do dislike certain consoles but that doesn't make me a fanboy i still own them for their games though
...and yet not smart enough to use the proper form of 'Too'... Seriously, don't try to claim to be smart and commit a simple grammatical error in the same sentence-- you may as well just throw out everything you typed beyond that point.

Now, laying grammatical arrogance aside, I don't think that 'Fanboy' necessarily equates to 'following/believing in something blindly'. To me (and yes, this is personal opinion, I recognize), saying you're a fanboy means that you are very passionate about something, to the point that you are willing to overlook or accept some faults. Remember, folks: 'FAN' is short for 'FANATIC' (I'll pause a moment while you go reacquaint yourself with the definition of the word.)

I am a full-bore fanboi of:
-good liquor
-good music
-attractive females
-American football
...and perhaps more on-topic:
-Valve games (have never lead me wrong; no, not even ONCE)
-Looking Glass Studios in general, and the System Shock and Thief series specifically
-Unreal (I, seriously, played the original all the way through like more than 12 times, and I own the soundtrack)

Does that mean that I am incapable of admitting that Looking Glass screwed up with the decision to make SS2 using a dated in-house engine rather than shelling out the money to get a cutting edge one? As much as I may try to waffle my way around it, eventually no.

Does that mean that I think the guys from Penny Arcade can't make a bad comic? Not really, but I will argue until I'm blue in the face that- overall- they put out a superior product, even if they occassionally whiff.

The point is, don't confuse 'Fanboy' with 'Irrational fan who will absolutely ignore any logic that does not support his point of view'. Being an irrational asshole needs to be explicitly called out and derided, as it has the same psychological genesis as racism, intolerance, religious extremism, and prejudice: namely, the complete refusal to acknowledge facts that refute core beliefs. That needs to be attacked whenever it presents itself, because it seems to become something of a habit for people.

But a fanboy? That's just somebody who is really, really passionate about the object of his or her affection.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
solidstatemind said:
GodsOneMistake said:
Nope, to smart to blindly follow much of anything honestly. I have a bad habit of questioning everything, even things are shouldn't like my teachers lol. I do dislike certain consoles but that doesn't make me a fanboy i still own them for their games though
...and yet not smart enough to use the proper form of 'Too'... Seriously, don't try to claim to be smart and commit a simple grammatical error in the same sentence-- you may as well just throw out everything you typed beyond that point.

You attempt to throw my intelligence completely out the window based on a simple grammatical error. What was the point in attempting to be such an ass?


New member
Mar 17, 2009
I guess I'm a Half-Life, KotOR, and Mass Effect fanboy. Not really a fanboy of companies. I was very skeptical of Left 4 Dead and TF2 for some reason (TF2 because I had gotten bored of TFC). I guess it's people like me that make new IPs fail. A friend of mine recently bought Killing Floor from Tripwire, and I still am very skeptical, despite having loved Red Orchestra. Weird, I know.


Digital Oracle
Nov 9, 2008
GodsOneMistake said:
solidstatemind said:
GodsOneMistake said:
Nope, to smart to blindly follow much of anything honestly. I have a bad habit of questioning everything, even things are shouldn't like my teachers lol. I do dislike certain consoles but that doesn't make me a fanboy i still own them for their games though
...and yet not smart enough to use the proper form of 'Too'... Seriously, don't try to claim to be smart and commit a simple grammatical error in the same sentence-- you may as well just throw out everything you typed beyond that point.

You attempt to throw my intelligence completely out the window based on a simple grammatical error. What was the point in attempting to be such an ass?
Attempting? Apparently I succeeded.

Seriously, read down a little bit, Captain Overreaction. I specifically stated that I was being 'grammatically arrogant', and thus deprecating my comment. But if you must know, the point was- bluntly- if you ever say "I'm too smart" about ANYTHING, you better make sure your spelling and grammar is correct, or you just look like a dope. Sorry if that offends you, but I think it's entirely valid... after all, if you're smart enough to be 'above' things such as 'blindly following much of anything', shouldn't you be smart enough to use proper spelling/grammar? No offense to you personally, dude, but I'd say the same thing to anyone who made the elitist claim of 'being too smart...' about anything.

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
I'm not a fanboy at all. I like FPS's, but that's more about preferance than anything. It probably has something to do with the fact that my last console that I owned before I bought a 360 in Feb was a PS2, and that was destroyed by my "friends" in late 2003, so I haven't had a chance to play any next gen games yet except for Orange Box and CoD 5.