Are you comfortable around people of the opposite sex?


New member
Jun 21, 2010
krazykidd said:
Partial Snip

So what about you? Are you uncomfortable around people of the opposite sex? Or is it just me and i'm doomed?
First off, you're not doomed. You can change any aspect of your personality that you want to. I used to feel the same way that you do. Here's what I did, and what I recommend for you:

Work out - a lot. The testosterone boost, as well as the confidence gained from having a healthy and strong physique, will propel you towards women. You won't really be able to explain it, but you will be more comfortable around women.

Stop caring so much. Not in the "go be an asshole" kind of way, but in the fact that you are terrified that they won't like you anymore if you get out of your shell. The fact is, some people will like you, others will hate you, others won't care. The only person who matters is you. You must be your own affirmation. No one else can be your affirmation, and you shouldn't be anyone else's.

So go forth and interact with women!


New member
Sep 25, 2008
I was. Then there was a time when I just kind of opened up to everyone, and become confident in how odd of a person I can be. It's what really matters. Still get along with some of my self-described "awkward" friends too. Learned that it's mostly about confidence and how you carry yourself rather than knowing or behaving in accordance to some arbitrary guidelines of interaction.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Once upon a time, I was uncomfortable around girls. Then again, I was sort of desperate for a girlfriend so I ended up viewing every girl I talked to as a potential one, and that made things a little awkward.

These days, though, I tend to be a little reserved towards people I don't know of either gender, but after a while it's not difficult to talk to them. Some of this comes from maturity; the rest of this comes from spending more than nine years in a retail environment where the percentage of male non-management employees was around 10%. So yeah, I pretty much had to talk to women just to get my job done. Made it a lot easier to do so in a non-work environment!


New member
Jul 21, 2009
I have a friend who is my game master in Pen & Paper who is like that. nice, cool, witty guy, gets ultra nervous around women... I sometimes make him meet women coincidently so he gets practice. I think he gets better...

I grew up with three sisters, and most women make me feel more comfortable than some men. I love to flirt, but I suck at pickup, or asking a girl out. Like I need a reason to talk to a girl I find interesting, then I am fine.

I guess by joining enviromentalist groups, I found many reasons to talk to interesting girls...

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
No. Nearly all of the people I have interacted with on a daily basis for the past several years are male. All of my friends out here and coworkers (with two exceptions, and that's a record) are guys. Even at work, I make products designed for and primarily used by males.

I have no choice but to be comfortable around them. I grew up with the opposite, with only girl friends and family members my age. It doesn't really matter to me who I'm around, I feel pretty much the same around everyone. Though occasionally I feel like I'm seen as the odd person, especially when I'm "new" to a place.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
I'm awkward just talking to people my own age, and even worse when talking to a guy, especially if I find him attractive. Part of my brain shuts down and I end up saying something stupid and senseless, and then they just look at me... I am not a social person.


New member
Sep 6, 2011
Hardly ever, its easy to talk to people just be friendly. besides girls like to be friends first anyway so thats the way to start anything.


New member
Sep 2, 2011
bahumat42 said:
Irreducible Sohn said:
Nah I'm fine if it's one on one. It's when I'm speaking to 5+ people at the same time is when I freak out.
i have this problem (regardless of gender) the more people there are around, the less likely and less often i am to talk to because i feel that i have less interesting/important things to say than other people, its something i really wish i was better with.

(oddly enough one on one im hard to shut up)
Yeah. I hate when I go out to eat with a a lot of people (Think family reunion)and I have to order my food in front 20 different people. And you know the water/waitress won't hear me the first time so I have to do it again. >.>

Reman Khaar

New member
May 26, 2011
I prefer the company of women over men, although I would never consider becoming a friend to any of them. The only time I get nervous around other people is when there are 4+. I hate crowds. They make me want to hurt people.


Add a beat to normality
Nov 16, 2009
I'm socially competent in general. Some people makes me feel awkward, but that's not gender related to me.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
I can talk with girls just fine but I don't have any friends that are girls in all honesty. I could never flirt to save my life though. I'm scared by women (maybe that's why I like my women a little...Dominant) maybe it's a self confidence thing or a self hate thing...

However, I got lucky beyond measure. I managed to somehow get a girlfriend; which I'm still trying to figure out. Maybe she's crazy, maybe she's got low standards or maybe the powers that be did it; I don't know.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Nah, I'm quite comfortable around them. I prefer their company, actually.

Hagi said:
Th3Ch33s3Cak3 said:
Don't see why you would be nervous around women. They're just people, not demons form the moon.
That is one hot demon. With...a beard? And hooves? I am so confused by what I am feeling right now.