Colour Scientist said:
Sarkeesian is only number 13?
I was led to believe she was worse than Hitler.
I feel so betrayed.
four listings for this Christopher Moot Poole Chan person. Whattaguy! Whose fucking e-peen do
I have to sleep with to get ranked on such a mind-blowingly legit list?!
OT: Oh, that is
awesome! I can totes vote for Vlad the Impaler!

...And apparently, women really like Heinrich Himmler. Alrighty then.
And it links to a gallery of hot Chris Pine photos! Hot diggity dicks!
Oh, OP: look at the 'See list ranked by...' menu to get a clearer picture of who thinks who is
really the worst. Also, no, I am not fucking serious...much. For a clearer picture, ask me again on Tuesday. This coming Tuesday, though, not last Tuesday.
EDIT: Oh. I see he's apparently on there about seven times, actually.