Are you tired of SJW?


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Fireaxe said:
Frankly there are a lot of people who would get no exercise at all if not for all the conniption fits they throw, and yes, I'm very tired of those people.

I'm tired of every vaguely negative depiction of a black character being met with cries of "whaaa that's racist".

I'm tired of every vaguely sexualised depiction of a female character being met with cries of "whaaaa that's sexist".

I'm tired of every game with a heterosexual white male protagonist being met with cries of "whaaa brown haired straight white guy" when that's the largest demographic it's being sold to.

I'm tired of people whining there are not enough coloured/gay/female protagonists, if you want that change then either support games with those protagonists or make one yourself instead of being an entitled whining sook.
Every? Ok, please point out the massive complainers for all the games with straight white male characters in the last three years. As well as all the complaints for every single black villain.

Mossberg Shotty

New member
Jan 12, 2013
Xiado said:
I'm tired of SJW, people complaining about SJW, and people complaining about people complaining about SJW. Just ignore them and they will shut up, most of them are terribly insecure and unhappy people who need attention and validation of any kind.
That's genuinely not how I meant to come across. My intent isn't to shame anybody until they stop speaking, it's to provide a point of view that makes sense. I actually got one of my back molars knocked out defending the rights of gays, and it hurts to see the same people I defended condemn me because I think slightly differently then them. Is it so wrong that I want to talk freely without being persecuted because somebody feels my opinions are slightly insensitive? Can we not just accept that no matter what one says, somebody, somewhere is going to be offended?


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Mossberg Shotty said:
But when is enough too much? Personally I think it's when somebody can't say the word "breasts" without getting chased out of town with hypothetical torches and pitch forks.
Please locate where this has happened on this site.

(Spoiler Alert: You can't.)

Mossberg Shotty

New member
Jan 12, 2013
Shanicus said:
Ihateregistering1 said:
Shanicus said:
God no, I'm not tired of SJW's at all.
I'm tired of the bitchy, whiny, pathetic mewling of a sub-set of gamers who are so terrified of cooties that they feel the degenerate need to shout and scream at anything that has both a vagina and autonomy. The impotent little shits who start crying 'unfair!' when people just TALK about having a non-white or non-male character in a video game, whinging as loud as they can that 'it WURRUN'T FIT DA STURRY', with attempts to claim that a white man is somehow relevant to a story that involves fantasy and sci-fi elements so extreme J.R.R Tolkien and Isaac Asimov are going 'Dude, calm that shit down there'.
The sub-set that cries 'Artistic Integrity' for a character to remain White and Male, but condemns it as horrendous pandering to a minority for having a woman or PoC in a semi-relevant position in a game.
Could you provide some examples of this? Because I've honestly never seen anything like that.
It's called 'look at any of the threads on feminism/racism/Anita Saarkesian' that have been started in the last 6-10 months on this very website. Or, Reddit. Or Youtube. Or Tumblr. Or Youtube comments. Or Facebook. Or 4chan. Or Google+. Or Destructoid. Or Giantbomb. Or any gaming site what-so-ever with a forum.

Ok, maybe not Google+. That implies that people use it.

or hell, right here!

Mossberg Shotty said:
Let me first start off by thanking you for being the exact stereotype I need to make my point.

Speaking of bitchy, whiny, pathetic, irredeemable assholes who are terrified of opinions that fall outside of their comfort zones, how do you think you come across? Believe it or not, I'm not opposed to anything that has a vagina, I actually consider myself a sort of progressive. But when is enough too much? Personally I think it's when somebody can't say the word "breasts" without getting chased out of town with hypothetical torches and pitch forks.

It's funny, I never said anything about how artistic integrity is intrinsically tied to straight white male protagonists. Are you reaching for a reason to be offended? How characteristic of you.

You've obviously made up your mind, so there's no sense in saying this, but I'm in favor of varied protagonists and stories. One of my favorite IP's see's me playing as a young black girl, and I love every second of it. But please, feel free to cry about anything that doesn't fit into your bullshit agenda.
It's funny how I wasn't even talking about you. But hey, at least you must earn an awful lot of money as a projector, right?
Hah... that was goo for a laugh. Actually it's funny how you were talking about me in my own thread. Did you think I was just going to ignore you? Stop being offended for two seconds and listen to what different people have to say. It will make you a better person.

As far as any of that nonsense, I don't care what 4chan/youtube are saying. If you care to look in your browser, you're on the Escapist. A website I've called home for the past 5-6 years or so.

As far as money, I only earn as much as I fucking earn. You know what that means, right? It's when you show up for a certain job and prove your worth to society by performing basic tasks.


Tea & Grief
Nov 9, 2009
What I'm tired of is the tedious troglodytes who come crawling out of the cracks every time someone tries to start a debate about some way games and gaming culture is broken and needs to improve, hissing SJWs, SJWs, SJWs. Some people just enjoy pissing in the pool, I suppose...


New member
Sep 30, 2013
erttheking said:
Every? Ok, please point out the massive complainers for all the games with straight white male characters in the last three years. As well as all the complaints for every single black villain.
There are not enough hours in a day for me to track down every complaint about the number of straight white male characters (though you will see more than enough in the Gaming Discussion forum on this very website), but for black villains, just start a thread about Bioshock Infinite and see how long it takes before someone declares the game racist for how Daisy Fitzroy is depicted.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Since I don't really encounter them on this website and I don't really go anywhere else that one might encounter them, I'd have to say no. The news stories I hear involving them are kind of nauseating though.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
I generally am tired of people putting a shield in front of me and going "I'M DOING THIS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!" Namely Movie Bob. Yes, I am a minority what with being black but I don't need his protection or for him to speak for me. (The Dues Ex situation for example) I am not some fragile thing that will break apart from assumptions of others, nor am I someone who crumbles in the face of racism or bigotry. Not that there was any bigotry or racism in that Dues Ex character seeing as how I have half of my actual entire family that speaks that way. If I need to speak up for myself, let me. These people are supposed to be unbiased games journalist not freedom fighters for a battle that was not asked to be fought for.

That being said, maybe they can learn some wisdom from Sun Tzu:

"The greatest victory is the battle not fought"

No one asked for these many people to be guardians of the cyber night and no I personally am not relieved/happy that they do it. Keep your own house straight, teach your kids right from wrong and stop trying to tell grown people how to conduct themselves and stop trying to make me seem like a victim just for their own popularity/venue to speak their 2 sense.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
If you really, truly are actually tired of them, you wouldn't have made yet ANOTHER thread about them. We have so many already. Why? What can possibly be said here that hasn't already been said? I mean sure, this exact question hasn't been asked in this exact way, but I am 99% sure that nothing new will be said here.

OT: I guess you can probably tell from the above that I'm tired of this whole affair. Not just people from the SJW side. People from both sides. This entire thing has only proved that the internet is full of assholes.

Mossberg Shotty

New member
Jan 12, 2013
lacktheknack said:
Mossberg Shotty said:
But when is enough too much? Personally I think it's when somebody can't say the word "breasts" without getting chased out of town with hypothetical torches and pitch forks.
Please locate where this has happened on this site.

(Spoiler Alert: You can't.)
You got me! I guess I should put my hands up, right? I don't feel like browsing through all the comments I've made throughout my year of having this profile. Completely disregarding the fact that I've been on this site sine it was first plugged by Xplay an Yahtzee was nothing more than an ambitious YouTuber.

I guess I read you all wrong. I can't respect anyone who won't at least look at an argument from both sides.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Fireaxe said:
erttheking said:
Every? Ok, please point out the massive complainers for all the games with straight white male characters in the last three years. As well as all the complaints for every single black villain.
There are not enough hours in a day for me to track down every complaint about the number of straight white male characters (though you will see more than enough in the Gaming Discussion forum on this very website), but for black villains, just start a thread about Bioshock Infinite and see how long it takes before someone declares the game racist for how Daisy Fitzroy is depicted.
If you can't track them all down, how do you know that EVERY game gets those complaints? I haven't seen Loren the Amazon Princess be called sexist for it's sexy female characters, I haven't seen Stanley Parable criticized for having a white heterosexual male character, I haven't seen Hotline Miami be criticized for only having black characters that were gangsters and the initial one a rapist. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. How can you claim every game receives these complaints if you could never track them all down?


New member
Dec 9, 2013
Mossberg Shotty said:
Shanicus said:
Ihateregistering1 said:
Shanicus said:
God no, I'm not tired of SJW's at all.
I'm tired of the bitchy, whiny, pathetic mewling of a sub-set of gamers who are so terrified of cooties that they feel the degenerate need to shout and scream at anything that has both a vagina and autonomy. The impotent little shits who start crying 'unfair!' when people just TALK about having a non-white or non-male character in a video game, whinging as loud as they can that 'it WURRUN'T FIT DA STURRY', with attempts to claim that a white man is somehow relevant to a story that involves fantasy and sci-fi elements so extreme J.R.R Tolkien and Isaac Asimov are going 'Dude, calm that shit down there'.
The sub-set that cries 'Artistic Integrity' for a character to remain White and Male, but condemns it as horrendous pandering to a minority for having a woman or PoC in a semi-relevant position in a game.
Could you provide some examples of this? Because I've honestly never seen anything like that.
It's called 'look at any of the threads on feminism/racism/Anita Saarkesian' that have been started in the last 6-10 months on this very website. Or, Reddit. Or Youtube. Or Tumblr. Or Youtube comments. Or Facebook. Or 4chan. Or Google+. Or Destructoid. Or Giantbomb. Or any gaming site what-so-ever with a forum.

Ok, maybe not Google+. That implies that people use it.

or hell, right here!

Mossberg Shotty said:
Let me first start off by thanking you for being the exact stereotype I need to make my point.

Speaking of bitchy, whiny, pathetic, irredeemable assholes who are terrified of opinions that fall outside of their comfort zones, how do you think you come across? Believe it or not, I'm not opposed to anything that has a vagina, I actually consider myself a sort of progressive. But when is enough too much? Personally I think it's when somebody can't say the word "breasts" without getting chased out of town with hypothetical torches and pitch forks.

It's funny, I never said anything about how artistic integrity is intrinsically tied to straight white male protagonists. Are you reaching for a reason to be offended? How characteristic of you.

You've obviously made up your mind, so there's no sense in saying this, but I'm in favor of varied protagonists and stories. One of my favorite IP's see's me playing as a young black girl, and I love every second of it. But please, feel free to cry about anything that doesn't fit into your bullshit agenda.
It's funny how I wasn't even talking about you. But hey, at least you must earn an awful lot of money as a projector, right?

As far as money, I only earn as much as I fucking earn. You know what that means, right? It's when you show up for a certain job and prove your worth to society by performing basic tasks.
"Contributing to society" Meh, never understood why people have so much pride when they say that. What your actually saying if you look at it from a philosophical point of view is; "I'm a wageslave that justifies me only getting paid a small amount of the hard labor I do by saying that it somehow contributes to society." That's honestly what anyone that understands and looks beyond what's ethic or non-ethic when it comes to work or life in general sees when someone says that over-used line.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Mossberg Shotty said:
If you actually understood what was going on here ( which you don't) you would realize that I'm not trying to talk from one side in particular. Do you actually read threads before you vomit you opinions everywhere?
Just as a point of note, getting all defensive and insulting people who are posting in your thread generally isn't a good way to engender productive discussion.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Considering most talk involving extreme "SJWs" is people bitching about them and most the time I see them its when someone here throws fit about one they've managed to dig up from the depths of tumblr and links to it, not really.

Mossberg Shotty

New member
Jan 12, 2013
shrekfan246 said:
Mossberg Shotty said:
If you actually understood what was going on here ( which you don't) you would realize that I'm not trying to talk from one side in particular. Do you actually read threads before you vomit you opinions everywhere?
Just as a point of note, getting all defensive and insulting people who are posting in your thread generally isn't a good way to engender productive discussion.
Is that what's considered getting defensive nowadays? Saying something that's true? I was here way before you and am probably much younger than you. If you think what I said was insulting, try standing up to a gang of illegals who think that homosexuality is a plague. I can promise you, the first time you have your face caved in for what you believe, you'll start thinking differently.
DementedSheep said:
Considering most stuff about extreme "SJWs" is people bitching about them and the only time I ever even see them is when someone here throws fit about one they've managed to dig up from the depths of tumblr and links to it, not really.
Were we talking about Tumblr? Hah, I guess my memory fails me because we weren't. Like at all. I'm talking about the Escapist, ya know, that site that you're a member of. If you don't want to keep things on-topic go someplace else.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Mossberg Shotty said:
RedDeadFred said:
If you really, truly are actually tired of them, you wouldn't have made yet ANOTHER thread about them. We have so many already. Why? What can possibly be said here that hasn't already been said? I mean sure, this exact question hasn't been asked in this exact way, but I am 99% sure that nothing new will be said here.

OT: I guess you can probably tell from the above that I'm tired of this whole affair. Not just people from the SJW side. People from both sides. This entire thing has only proved that the internet is full of assholes.
How many ways can I say that I'm aware of the irony here? No, I seriously want to know how I can convey to you that I am completely aware of the fact that this is a thread complaining about SJW. I even talked about it in my OP and my replies to other posters. What will it take for you to understand?

If you actually understood what was going on here ( which you don't) you would realize that I'm not trying to talk from one side in particular. Do you actually read threads before you vomit you opinions everywhere?
I did read your post and just because you acknowledged the irony, doesn't make it any less odd that you made the thread. Sorry, if I came off a little strongly worded, but I really don't understand your position here. If you're tired of them, why not just ignore them instead of making another thread?

Also, I never said you were on any particular side so I don't know where that last part is coming from... The second part of my comment wasn't directed at you, but rather the extremists from either side who've done nothing but create a toxic environment. So again, not directed at you.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Mossberg Shotty said:
shrekfan246 said:
Mossberg Shotty said:
If you actually understood what was going on here ( which you don't) you would realize that I'm not trying to talk from one side in particular. Do you actually read threads before you vomit you opinions everywhere?
Just as a point of note, getting all defensive and insulting people who are posting in your thread generally isn't a good way to engender productive discussion.
Is that what's considered getting defensive nowadays? Saying something that's true? I was here way before you and am probably much younger than you. If you think what I said was insulting, try standing up to a gang of illegals who think that homosexuality is a plague. I can promise you, the first time you have your face caved in for what you believe, you'll start thinking differently.
No, "getting defensive" is when you start assuming everybody posting anything negative in your thread is talking directly about you, and you start responding to them with things like
I'm sure that saying makes you feel better about never having being out in the real world. Why don't you talk to me when you actually had a dose of reality, as opposed to being a waste of space with no responsibilities?
I'm not sure why you think admitting you're younger than me is a point in your favor, either, and I'm really not sure what relevance "[having my] face caved in for what I believe" has on me telling you to calm down and reign in all of the insults (which are against the rules; something you should very well know if you've been here as long as you claim).


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Mossberg Shotty said:
lacktheknack said:
Mossberg Shotty said:
But when is enough too much? Personally I think it's when somebody can't say the word "breasts" without getting chased out of town with hypothetical torches and pitch forks.
Please locate where this has happened on this site.

(Spoiler Alert: You can't.)
You got me! I guess I should put my hands up, right? I don't feel like browsing through all the comments I've made throughout my year of having this profile. Completely disregarding the fact that I've been on this site sine it was first plugged by Xplay an Yahtzee was nothing more than an ambitious YouTuber.

I guess I read you all wrong. I can't respect anyone who won't at least look at an argument from both sides.
I have looked at this argument from both sides. I've done it multiple times. I've been doing it ever since the argument became a thing on this site.

...and I still can't remember or find a single time that SJWs ever did ANYTHING pre-emptive on this site, except for the "pre-ops transsexuals" joke on Zero Punctuation.

Nor has anyone ever been attacked for saying the word "breasts".

And that's quite the clean record, overall.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Mossberg Shotty said:
shrekfan246 said:
Mossberg Shotty said:
If you actually understood what was going on here ( which you don't) you would realize that I'm not trying to talk from one side in particular. Do you actually read threads before you vomit you opinions everywhere?
Just as a point of note, getting all defensive and insulting people who are posting in your thread generally isn't a good way to engender productive discussion.
Is that what's considered getting defensive nowadays? Saying something that's true? I was here way before you and am probably much younger than you. If you think what I said was insulting, try standing up to a gang of illegals who think that homosexuality is a plague. I can promise you, the first time you have your face caved in for what you believe, you'll start thinking differently.
DementedSheep said:
Considering most stuff about extreme "SJWs" is people bitching about them and the only time I ever even see them is when someone here throws fit about one they've managed to dig up from the depths of tumblr and links to it, not really.
Were we talking about Tumblr? Hah, I guess my memory fails me because we weren't. Like at all. I'm talking about the Escapist, ya know, that site that you're a member of. If you don't want to keep things on-topic go someplace else.
I'm not talking about tumblr. You're saying your sick of SJW. I'm saying it's rare occurrence, too rare for me to really be sick of them. It's people freaking out about them here (usually using examples they found from tumblr) that's getting annoying. Unless by SJW you just mean anyone who comments on shit like minority representation at all and is therefore automatically "offended" and obviously trying to censor your hobby.


New member
Dec 9, 2013
Mossberg Shotty said:
Artaneius said:
"Contributing to society" Meh, never understood why people have so much pride when they say that. What your actually saying if you look at it from a philosophical point of view is; "I'm a wageslave that justifies me only getting paid a small amount of the hard labor I do by saying that it somehow contributes to society." That's honestly what anyone that understands and looks beyond what's ethic or non-ethic when it comes to work or life in general sees when someone says that over-used line.
Hah, I actually laughed at that. Not the fake 'lol' thing I say to people to make them feel better, I actually laughed in a very real way. I can tell from the way you speak that you've never had a job in which you must serve someone else, even a complete stranger. It's not a matter of pride, it's a matter of doing what one must in order to survive, something you've clearly never had to do.

I'm sure that saying makes you feel better about never having being out in the real world. Why don't you talk to me when you actually had a dose of reality, as opposed to being a waste of space with no responsibilities?
Considering I work as a video editor for a local PBS station and I freelance on the side as a Graphic Designer. All the while going to college for a Bachelors in Computer Science. I probably lived life and have more responsibilities 80+ hours of work and school than most of you on this forum. And my views of it are still the same. But again, after working hard now I'll be able to stop later and never lift a finger ever again.

Which is pretty much my main goal in life. Make enough where the rest of my later life can be spent chilling with the wife and playing games.