As far as why I made this thread, don't you think t's more beneficial to address the problem than ignore it an hope it goes away? Especially if you get lumped together as part of the problem?RedDeadFred said:Snip
Hah, I guess I've gone and misinterpreted you, despite my best efforts to be understanding. And I'm sincerely sorry for that, as I'm trying to understand everyone's opinion here.
I guess you don't think that having an influential media personality being forced to change his words is a big deal? If you don't see the pull of "new age" media then I guess you're one of the fortunate ones. Or unfortunate, depending on how you look at it.lacktheknack said:I have looked at this argument from both sides. I've done it multiple times. I've been doing it ever since the argument became a thing on this site.Mossberg Shotty said:You got me! I guess I should put my hands up, right? I don't feel like browsing through all the comments I've made throughout my year of having this profile. Completely disregarding the fact that I've been on this site sine it was first plugged by Xplay an Yahtzee was nothing more than an ambitious YouTuber.lacktheknack said:Please locate where this has happened on this site.Mossberg Shotty said:But when is enough too much? Personally I think it's when somebody can't say the word "breasts" without getting chased out of town with hypothetical torches and pitch forks.
(Spoiler Alert: You can't.)
I guess I read you all wrong. I can't respect anyone who won't at least look at an argument from both sides.
...and I still can't remember or find a single time that SJWs ever did ANYTHING pre-emptive on this site, except for the "pre-ops transsexuals" joke on Zero Punctuation.
Nor has anyone ever been attacked for saying the word "breasts".
And that's quite the clean record, overall.
I don't know if you're an American, but I've been called a "Nazi" because I believe the 2nd amendment is in place for a reason. I've been call a "Jesus freak" (which I don't actually consider offensive) because I have a cross tattoo on my forearm. I've been on the Escapist for years, but that doesn't mean anything in the real world. This isn't just about the internet, it's about philosophy. You're not a close-minded person, you're better than that!
I just think it's insane that I get the fuck beat out of me for standing up for the right's of "queers" in real life and still get labeled an insensitive douchebag when I say that I don't think women are being discriminated against in the games media.