Are you tired of SJW?

Mossberg Shotty

New member
Jan 12, 2013
RedDeadFred said:
As far as why I made this thread, don't you think t's more beneficial to address the problem than ignore it an hope it goes away? Especially if you get lumped together as part of the problem?

Hah, I guess I've gone and misinterpreted you, despite my best efforts to be understanding. And I'm sincerely sorry for that, as I'm trying to understand everyone's opinion here.

lacktheknack said:
Mossberg Shotty said:
lacktheknack said:
Mossberg Shotty said:
But when is enough too much? Personally I think it's when somebody can't say the word "breasts" without getting chased out of town with hypothetical torches and pitch forks.
Please locate where this has happened on this site.

(Spoiler Alert: You can't.)
You got me! I guess I should put my hands up, right? I don't feel like browsing through all the comments I've made throughout my year of having this profile. Completely disregarding the fact that I've been on this site sine it was first plugged by Xplay an Yahtzee was nothing more than an ambitious YouTuber.

I guess I read you all wrong. I can't respect anyone who won't at least look at an argument from both sides.
I have looked at this argument from both sides. I've done it multiple times. I've been doing it ever since the argument became a thing on this site.

...and I still can't remember or find a single time that SJWs ever did ANYTHING pre-emptive on this site, except for the "pre-ops transsexuals" joke on Zero Punctuation.

Nor has anyone ever been attacked for saying the word "breasts".

And that's quite the clean record, overall.
I guess you don't think that having an influential media personality being forced to change his words is a big deal? If you don't see the pull of "new age" media then I guess you're one of the fortunate ones. Or unfortunate, depending on how you look at it.

I don't know if you're an American, but I've been called a "Nazi" because I believe the 2nd amendment is in place for a reason. I've been call a "Jesus freak" (which I don't actually consider offensive) because I have a cross tattoo on my forearm. I've been on the Escapist for years, but that doesn't mean anything in the real world. This isn't just about the internet, it's about philosophy. You're not a close-minded person, you're better than that!

I just think it's insane that I get the fuck beat out of me for standing up for the right's of "queers" in real life and still get labeled an insensitive douchebag when I say that I don't think women are being discriminated against in the games media.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I'm tired of the term 'SJW'; how it's vague and meaningless, and used to generalise and stereotype a huge variety of opinions/positions and dismiss them out of hand.

It's a lazy little derogatory ad-hominem attack, and it contributes nothing.

Mossberg Shotty

New member
Jan 12, 2013
DementedSheep said:
I'm not talking about tumblr. You're saying your sick of SJW. I'm saying it's rare occurrence, too rare for me to really be sick of them. It's people freaking out about them here (usually using examples they found from tumblr) that's getting annoying. Unless by SJW you just mean anyone who comments on shit like minority representation at all and is therefore automatically "offended" and obviously trying to censor your hobby.
Are you sure, because I'm not the one who originally brought up Tumblr. If it's not a common occurrence, I can only assume you don't spend much time on this site, because it feels like everything I say is inherently wrong simply because I'm a white male. And again, I'm not talking about "hobbies" this isn't a gaming issue, this is a people issue.
shrekfan246 said:
I'm not sure why you think admitting you're younger than me is a point in your favor, either, and I'm really not sure what relevance "[having my] face caved in for what I believe" has on me telling you to calm down and reign in all of the insults (which are against the rules; something you should very well know if you've been here as long as you claim).
I never said it was a point in my favor, though I do find it infinitely amusing that my elders can't grasp such a simple notion. It's relevant because I regularly put my personal well-being on the line to promote my beliefs (many of which happen to be shared by the vast majority of the Escapist) but I can still be call a misogynistic waste of flesh by the very people I seek to defend for disagreeing with them on the slightest topic. How have I insulted you, please do tell me, because that was not at all my intent. And regardless of your beliefs, I was here long before you, and I will be here long after you.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Mossberg Shotty said:
lacktheknack said:
Mossberg Shotty said:
lacktheknack said:
Mossberg Shotty said:
But when is enough too much? Personally I think it's when somebody can't say the word "breasts" without getting chased out of town with hypothetical torches and pitch forks.
Please locate where this has happened on this site.

(Spoiler Alert: You can't.)
You got me! I guess I should put my hands up, right? I don't feel like browsing through all the comments I've made throughout my year of having this profile. Completely disregarding the fact that I've been on this site sine it was first plugged by Xplay an Yahtzee was nothing more than an ambitious YouTuber.

I guess I read you all wrong. I can't respect anyone who won't at least look at an argument from both sides.
I have looked at this argument from both sides. I've done it multiple times. I've been doing it ever since the argument became a thing on this site.

...and I still can't remember or find a single time that SJWs ever did ANYTHING pre-emptive on this site, except for the "pre-ops transsexuals" joke on Zero Punctuation.

Nor has anyone ever been attacked for saying the word "breasts".

And that's quite the clean record, overall.
I guess you don't think that having an influential media personality being forced to change his words is a big deal? If you don't see the pull of "new age" media then I guess you're one of the fortunate ones. Or unfortunate, depending on how you look at it.

I don't know if you're an American, but I've been called a "Nazi" because I believe the 2nd amendment is in place for a reason. I've been call a "Jesus freak" (which I don't actually consider offensive) because I have a cross tattoo on my forearm. I've been on the Escapist for years, but that doesn't mean anything in the real world. This isn't just about the internet, it's about philosophy. You're not a close-minded person, you're better than that!

I just think it's insane that I get the fuck beat out of me for standing up for the right's of "queers" in real life and still get labeled an insensitive douchebag when I say that I don't think women are being discriminated against in the games media.
I don't think it's a big deal if it only happens once (and this was a long time ago).

I'm not sure what you're getting at with that second paragraph. It's sentences that are strung together but don't actually relate to each other. I guess I'm sorry that you got called a Nazi? I can relate on the Jesus Freak thing, I suppose? What does this have to do with me not seeing plagues of SJWs on The Escapist? I'm lost.

And yeah, it's bad that you were beaten for standing up for gay rights, but doing that doesn't make all your other opinions automatically great. If one of the guys who beat you up got assaulted for trying to save a dog from a dog-fighting ring, does that make his attack on you any more justifiable? I hope not. Similarly, getting attacked in real life for your beliefs doesn't change the fact that women DO get the short end of the stick in gaming media, whether you want to believe it or not. Nor does it mean that this site is flooded with SJWs.

If anything, the Quinnthread shows that we have another infestation that's even uglier.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Mossberg Shotty said:
RedDeadFred said:
As far as why I made this thread, don't you think t's more beneficial to address the problem than ignore it an hope it goes away? Especially if you get lumped together as part of the problem?

Hah, I guess I've gone and misinterpreted you, despite my best efforts to be understanding. And I'm sincerely sorry for that, as I'm trying to understand everyone's opinion here.
Heh, no problem. It's an internet forum. Misinterpreting is just a natural product of this form of communication.

Honestly, I find that when people don't get the reactions they are looking for, they just get bored. The people who are the main issues on either side aren't really the types of people to listen to reason so I find there's almost no point in addressing them. They want you to react to them so that they can twist your reaction into somehow confirming their own, often misguided, beliefs. I don't know, maybe you've had better luck talking to these types of people. From my experience, it's just not worth the effort since I just wind up feeling frustrated.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Mossberg Shotty said:
I never said it was a point in my favor, though I do find it infinitely amusing that my elders can't grasp such a simple notion.
What? You're right, I'm not grasping whatever notion you think you're talking about, because you're doing a really poor job of explaining it.

It's relevant because I regularly put my personal well-being on the line to promote my beliefs (many of which happen to be shared by the vast majority of the Escapist) but I can still be call a misogynistic waste of flesh by the very people I seek to defend for disagreeing with them on the slightest topic.
First of all, this is the internet. I find it somewhat hard to believe your personal well-being is being put on the line. Charitably assuming you are talking about actual activism in actual real life, then that's good for you EDIT: and I'm sorry you've experienced hardships with that :EDIT but I don't see how it ties in to your second point. Secondly, nobody on this website is allowed to directly call another user a "misogynistic waste of flesh". And, generally speaking, the types of people who would immediately fly to that point over the slightest disagreement are the type of people you don't really need to worry about trying to converse with in the first place because you're not going to change their minds anyway.

How have I insulted you, please do tell me, because that was not at all my intent.
I never said you insulted me. I said you were being insulting in other posts you've made in this thread. Which you very much have, and I literally quoted you to show an example.

And regardless of your beliefs, I was here long before you, and I will be here long after you.

I've managed to post on this website for over three years without ever getting a warning. You've already made at least three posts in this very thread which could get you warnings. And I'm still not sure why you think being on this website before I was (as if you have any proof) bears any relevance to the discussion either.

Mossberg Shotty

New member
Jan 12, 2013
Artaneius said:
Considering I work as a video editor for a local PBS station and I freelance on the side as a Graphic Designer. All the while going to college for a Bachelors in Computer Science. I probably lived life and have more responsibilities 80+ hours of work and school than most of you on this forum. And my views of it are still the same. But again, after working hard now I'll be able to stop later and never lift a finger ever again.

Which is pretty much my main goal in life. Make enough where the rest of my later life can be spent chilling with the wife and playing games.
Well, you're an amusing one to say the least. If you want to play the "Who has a busy schedule" game, I'm happy to oblige. I'm a fulltime welding student who works in a hardware store when I'm not studying or correcting people I find online. Regardless of how much time you spend working PBS or spending time with the wife, that doesn't make you any less misinformed.
Shanicus said:
Oh my god. This is incredible. I feel like I'm back in my Philosophy class. I swear if you start quoting Nietzsche I'm gonna lose it.

Look, I know this is the usual schtick 'your side' does - get horribly offended, lash out at people defensively, assume a position of aloof superiority to avert the possibility of introspection and acknowledgement of the flaws in your position - but really, assumptions do nothing for you here. I have zero offense in this thread at all - in a similar manner to you, I was expressing exhaustion at a group of people who have become prominent in gaming culture. What I haven't done, however, is get offended. Like, seriously dude. It's the fucking internet. I've got better things to do then be offended.

Meanwhile, most of your responses to the thread have been either labeling someone as offended (hence the 'Projector' comment, since you're 'projecting' your own feelings of offense on other people), snarking at them for daring to criticize that 'No, maybe SJW's are not that big a deal' or just whining that people are NOT agreeing with you. I hate to say it, but you've come across as nothing but an angry child, throwing a tantrum over people saying 'No', completely averting your own desire for a 'civil' discussion.

Maybe you should try to grow a thicker skin if people disagreeing with you gets you like this.
As long as you feel like you're back in class, maybe I can take this opportunity to educate you. Something you seem to be in dire need of. You talk so freely about "sides" completely oblivious to the fact that I don't want to be a part of either side. I simply wish I could express my opinions without being lumped together with a bunch of moonshine-distilling rednecks. You'd almost think that was an unreasonable thing to hope for.

Like seriously "brah" I have better things to do than obsess over every internet tough guy that disagrees with me. I'd like to think I'm not a projector, considering that everything I've said thus far has been rooted in the either the topic at hand or something that was said by the person I was quoting. Believe me, if I was projecting, this entire thread would have a completely different feel to it. As far as snark, I can't help that, I'm a snarky person. But I'm appreciative when people like you point it out, because it gives me a chance to correct such behavior.

But do not call me an angry child, especially when the entire point of the thread I've made is to discuss a topic in an adult-like manner.

People disagreeing with me doesn't "get me like this". It's when people deliberately try to misrepresent me that I get fucking pissed.

Mossberg Shotty

New member
Jan 12, 2013
lacktheknack said:
I don't think it's a big deal if it only happens once (and this was a long time ago).

I'm not sure what you're getting at with that second paragraph. It's sentences that are strung together but don't actually relate to each other. I guess I'm sorry that you got called a Nazi? I can relate on the Jesus Freak thing, I suppose? What does this have to do with me not seeing plagues of SJWs on The Escapist? I'm lost.

And yeah, it's bad that you were beaten for standing up for gay rights, but doing that doesn't make all your other opinions automatically great. If one of the guys who beat you up got assaulted for trying to save a dog from a dog-fighting ring, does that make his attack on you any more justifiable? I hope not. Similarly, getting attacked in real life for your beliefs doesn't change the fact that women DO get the short end of the stick in gaming media, whether you want to believe it or not. Nor does it mean that this site is flooded with SJWs.

If anything, the Quinnthread shows that we have another infestation that's even uglier.
Stringing my thoughts together has never been one of my strong suits, I suppose I should apologize for that. Is there really a length of time in which social pressure stops mattering. I guess shaming Yahtzee into changing his words comes with it's own cooldown? I'll answer my own question here, no, it doesn't. I shouldn't bring my personal life into such debates, I guess it really doesn't matter that I want equality for all kinds of people.

Please do tell me, when did I say women don't get attacked? You would be hard-pressed to answer that question, because I didn't. I'm talking about people being attacked (not in the internet sense!) but attacked with fists and knives and hatred because they stand up for the ideals that everyone so proudly chants on the internet, but shrinks away from when the threat of violence enters the picture. (I'm not talking about you specifically, I'm sure you're very brave and masculine.)

I don't know who Quinn is, I don't honestly care. I'm not here to talk about someone else's opinions.


Sep 2, 2012
Is 'SJW' the new boogeyman? I have yet to encounter a single person on this site that would fit the 'angry tumblr sjw' stereotype so many people are scared of nowadays. We have a 560 page thread of misogyny masked as concern for journalistic integrity, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting someone that hates Anita S., and we have an R&P thread where people are scared that an affirmative consent law is going to send all the poor menz to jail for raping drunk women for being entrapped by all those evil females, and you're worried about sjws?

What is with people that fight tooth and nail against inclusivity and diversity in games? It's not like a wider range of games is going to stop the next Dudebro Warfare game or Breast Physics Xtreme engine from being made.


New member
May 21, 2011
Mossberg Shotty said:
I understand that there are a lot of intolerant people out there, but they are now in the minority. You won.
You know, I skimmed over most of what is the thread so far and I read how you're trying to be impartial to all sides and how of course your experiences are different from others and things like that, but you started off your original post with a statement like this. It's so general and wide spanning an assumption. As others have said, their experiences of out of control people on either "side" are far worse in the opposite direction or simply in a different direction than yours. In your original post you make it sound like your experience is closer to reality than it might be even questioning when people point out they've never seen the so called extreme SJWs with "Come on, you must have"s and "Really?" like responses despite acknowledging your different experience. These two positions don't really line up all that well. There's also always the possibility that you misinterpret many of the statements you take as out of control or remain in a bubble that makes things appear different from how they actually are. We all have our unfair biases and have to overcome them. I'm not saying that's for sure what's happening, perhaps your explanation of your experiences is objectively accurate, but it's something to consider.

From my experience, I wouldn't say tolerance has won at all. It's pretty hard to measure who is in a minority for these sort of things and it's not like just because you're tolerant towards one group doesn't mean you'll be tolerant towards others especially in the more nuanced, less black and white areas of this discussion. Even if overall intolerant people are the minority many of them have power and can get away with a lot of things they ordinarily shouldn't be able to get away with simply because of the circumstances they managed to get in that allow them to do so.

You want to know where your statement does apply accurately without a doubt in my mind? Comic fans and Aquaman. They get so angry that Aquaman gets no respect as a powerful, legitimate superhero in his own right. It mostly steams from some campy animated super hero show from decades ago called Superfriends making him look useless and some statements made on The Big Bang Theory, which they shouldn't acknowledge anyway because it's a very bad, very insulting excuse for a show that practically insults nerds and/or geeks rather than laughs at them affably. The general public does not have this huge image of a lame Aquaman in their mind anymore if they ever did. The general public probably does not even think on Aquaman at all assuming they still know he exists at all. If they ever did have a negative image of him, it was during the campy decade. Maybe saying the comic fans "won" and don't realize it is a bit of a stretch as it wasn't even a real struggle, but man, it's such a big deal to them from what I've seen online. They're definitely in their own little bubble on that issue and take it to heart in ways they should as comic fans, but mostly in ways they definitely should not. Anyway...

Personally, I am not tired at all of SJW. Of the few types of people from the "SJW side" that I've encountered that actually are as reactionary as your description, they have little effect on what matters to me nor do they get to me; they don't affect my daily life and I don't let them, probably because I don't care enough to let them. Of the many I've encountered on the other "side", like others have already said in this thread, they are the type of people who use "SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR" as an easy insult with generalizing, negative connotations to default to instead of respectfully and rationally debating as you've already pointed out how Jim pointed this out. It's just spiteful character assassination. I do prefer they would go away though, otherwise, I feel much the same on them as well. Like you, I don't deny there's bad people on both "ends". That's not to say I'm above it all and remain independent of both sides either, of course. I lean towards a side of the spectrum, sure.

lacktheknack said:
Christ, if THIS is the most liberal website you've ever encountered...

Mossberg Shotty

New member
Jan 12, 2013
shrekfan246 said:
Mossberg Shotty said:
I never said it was a point in my favor, though I do find it infinitely amusing that my elders can't grasp such a simple notion.
What? You're right, I'm not grasping whatever notion you think you're talking about, because you're doing a really poor job of explaining it.

It's relevant because I regularly put my personal well-being on the line to promote my beliefs (many of which happen to be shared by the vast majority of the Escapist) but I can still be call a misogynistic waste of flesh by the very people I seek to defend for disagreeing with them on the slightest topic.
First of all, this is the internet. I find it somewhat hard to believe your personal well-being is being put on the line. Charitably assuming you are talking about actual activism in actual real life, then that's good for you EDIT: and I'm sorry you've experienced hardships with that :EDIT but I don't see how it ties in to your second point. Secondly, nobody on this website is allowed to directly call another user a "misogynistic waste of flesh". And, generally speaking, the types of people who would immediately fly to that point over the slightest disagreement are the type of people you don't really need to worry about trying to converse with in the first place because you're not going to change their minds anyway.

How have I insulted you, please do tell me, because that was not at all my intent.
I never said you insulted me. I said you were being insulting in other posts you've made in this thread. Which you very much have, and I literally quoted you to show an example.

And regardless of your beliefs, I was here long before you, and I will be here long after you.

I've managed to post on this website for over three years without ever getting a warning. You've already made at least three posts in this very thread which could get you warnings. And I'm still not sure why you think being on this website before I was (as if you have any proof) bears any relevance to the discussion either.
Whether that's true or not, I've explained it to the best of my abilities, which considering my credentials is pretty damn good. If anything, you've done a poor job of understanding them.

Yes, THIS is the internet. It's not the internet when I face down a group of homophobics in real life. You do remember what that is, right? It's this thing where the things you say and do have actual, real physical consequences.

Again, I beg of you to point out how I have insulted anyone in this thread. I've gone out of my way not too offend anyone, which it now seems is easier than ever, while it seems you've gone out of your way to misrepresent me.

I honestly couldn't care less if you believe me or not, my statement stands.

Mossberg Shotty

New member
Jan 12, 2013
jamail77 said:
You make a very good point, there was probably a better way I could've gotten the ball rolling. It's hard not to come off as biased, but that's something I should especially work on, that being the subject of this thread and all.

I should've phrased things differently, such as I don't think 'tolerance' has won so much as intolerance under the guise of tolerance. But that's an excellent way of putting things, broadening horizons is the whole point of this discussion and I'm no exception. I hope many of the replies are like this.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Mossberg Shotty said:
Again, I beg of you to point out how I have insulted anyone in this thread. I've gone out of my way not too offend anyone, which it now seems is easier than ever, while it seems you've gone out of your way to misrepresent me.
Mossberg Shotty said:
(I'm not talking about you specifically, I'm sure you're very brave and masculine.)
Ad Hominem:
Mossberg Shotty said:
Regardless of how much time you spend working PBS or spending time with the wife, that doesn't make you any less misinformed.

. . .

As long as you feel like you're back in class, maybe I can take this opportunity to educate you. Something you seem to be in dire need of.
Yet another Ad Hominem (bolded bits for emphasis):
Mossberg Shotty said:
Speaking of bitchy, whiny, pathetic, irredeemable assholes who are terrified of opinions that fall outside of their comfort zones, how do you think you come across?

. . .

It's funny, I never said anything about how artistic integrity is intrinsically tied to straight white male protagonists. Are you reaching for a reason to be offended? How characteristic of you.

You've obviously made up your mind, so there's no sense in saying this, but I'm in favor of varied protagonists and stories. One of my favorite IP's see's me playing as a young black girl, and I love every second of it. But please, feel free to cry about anything that doesn't fit into your bullshit agenda.
This entire post is one big attack on the person you quoted:
Mossberg Shotty said:
Hah, I actually laughed at that. Not the fake 'lol' thing I say to people to make them feel better, I actually laughed in a very real way. I can tell from the way you speak that you've never had a job in which you must serve someone else, even a complete stranger. It's not a matter of pride, it's a matter of doing what one must in order to survive, something you've clearly never had to do.

I'm sure that saying makes you feel better about never having being out in the real world. Why don't you talk to me when you actually had a dose of reality, as opposed to being a waste of space with no responsibilities?
This whole post is needlessly condescending, at the very least:
Mossberg Shotty said:
Hah... that was goo for a laugh. Actually it's funny how you were talking about me in my own thread. Did you think I was just going to ignore you? Stop being offended for two seconds and listen to what different people have to say. It will make you a better person.

As far as any of that nonsense, I don't care what 4chan/youtube are saying. If you care to look in your browser, you're on the Escapist. A website I've called home for the past 5-6 years or so.

As far as money, I only earn as much as I fucking earn. You know what that means, right? It's when you show up for a certain job and prove your worth to society by performing basic tasks.
I already quoted this in the first place, but why not throw out more examples while we're at it:
Mossberg Shotty said:
If you actually understood what was going on here ( which you don't) you would realize that I'm not trying to talk from one side in particular. Do you actually read threads before you vomit you opinions everywhere?
And that's all just from pages 2 and 3.

All I've gone out of my way to do is try to help you realize that maybe you need to step back and calm down a little bit before trying to continue this thread.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Mossberg Shotty said:
Are you sure, because I'm not the one who originally brought up Tumblr. If it's not a common occurrence, I can only assume you don't spend much time on this site, because it feels like everything I say is inherently wrong simply because I'm a white male. And again, I'm not talking about "hobbies" this isn't a gaming issue, this is a people issue.
mabye you should go back and re-asses what people are saying then, because its not about making you feel bad

I never said it was a point in my favor, though I do find it infinitely amusing that my elders can't grasp such a simple notion. It's relevant because I regularly put my personal well-being on the line to promote my beliefs (many of which happen to be shared by the vast majority of the Escapist) but I can still be call a misogynistic waste of flesh by the very people I seek to defend for disagreeing with them on the slightest topic..[/quote]
would you like a progressiveness cookie? [/sarcasm]

EDIT: whoooops


New member
May 21, 2011
Mossberg Shotty said:
You make a very good point, there was probably a better way I could've gotten the ball rolling. It's hard not to come off as biased, but that's something I should especially work on, that being the subject of this thread and all.
No worries. I've had my own share of forum topics, in which I came off in ways I never intended to or came off as more biased than I either am or at least thought I was. In one [] recent particular case I had to constantly edit (badly) my posts after the fact to clarify in the face of overwhelming accusations of dismissing a certain viewpoint. This was due to some people who held that viewpoint acting very irrational, disrespectful, and petty and me calling them out on it as part of the topic, but many who hold that viewpoint are not like this and felt angry at being so dismissed when I didn't mean to dismiss THEM, but rather a certain subgroup of that viewpoint.

Mossberg Shotty said:
I hope many of the replies are like this.
Frankly, it's a relief to get such a nice reply after the thread I started and linked in this post that lead to such a debacle for me.

On the other hand, I can't help pointing out the irony of this. You see, to be fair, some people have accused you of acting disrespectful, dismissive, and insulting towards others and while you question whether you actually have done any of this...well, you actually have. I don't think it's been made very clear though how you've done this (EDIT: While I was reediting this post it seems shrekfan246 made clearer how you've done this in a recent post/analysis of some of the stuff you've said). In so many words from what I've skimmed you've told people you have more GENERAL experience or knowledge than them or something along those lines (often coming off as irrelevant or arrogant in some way), told them to grow up and come back, used passive aggressive insults, used dismissive sarcasm, etc. At the same time, I saw you admit to misinterpreting others and you acknowledged my post respectfully at least, so that's certainly appreciative. Just a heads up as the discussion continues and something else to think about if you reread those accusations and the posts you've made that those accusations reference.
shrekfan246 said:
All I've gone out of my way to do is try to help you realize that maybe you need to step back and calm down a little bit before trying to continue this thread.
Yeah, pretty much this.

Vault101 said:
mabye you should go back and re-asses what people are saying then, because its about making you feel bad
Vault101: Did you mean "isn't about making you feel bad"?

Mossberg Shotty: Definitely what Vault101 said here. When I said you may be misinterpreting or still carry unfair bias this was one example in my head. When people say things like "white privilege" for example, they aren't attacking all whites as inherently wrong about everything, inherently evil, or inherently with nothing to contribute to these discussions. It's highlighting injustices and societal biases and privileges allowed to a certain group rather than attacking everyone in that group for the circumstances they benefit from.

Some of the experiences you used to kick off this topic may very well be these kinds of misinterpretations though not necessarily all of them.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
At this point now the people generally complaining about SJWs are like the people posting "Darude: Sandstorm" as a response to a comment asking what music track is playing, they missed the boat and don't even realise it. They have all been stirred out the woodwork though by all the noise and shouting and arrived to the party too late.

Trouble is there is a huge angry rabble that has reached critical mass, sure the people warrioring for social justice have caused some waves on the internet (generally not here though, this site is mostly middle of the road leaning towards understanding as they want most the things the "SJWs" have been asking for anyway) and the likes of Anita Sarkeesian shouldn't be winning ambassador awards from publishers and developers. She doesn't have the academic chops for it, her work is all too often intellectually dishonest and disingenuous and on occasion outright dishonest like the Hitman footage.

I think things like that are riling people up and see it as a sign of a creeping unwholesome influence from the depths of Tumblr, the "quinnspiracy" affair probably hasn't helped that perception either. Even moderate commentators that have mostly avoided the sexism in gaming argument apart from condemning the trolls with the rape and death threats where angry how the "mainstream" gaming press has handled it, some of them expressed disbelief that discussion about the possible conflict of interest between developers and publishers that have some kind of relationship (particularly physical ones) wasn't even happening (up to the point anyway, I stopped following it ages ago). It gave off the odour of a cover up to many people, it may or may not have been but it really gave the appearance of it.

Still in general most of the people are late to the party and the same can be said of the other said, now its mobs from both sides throwing "SJW!!!!" and "Misogynist scum" at anything that doesn't agree with them even when they don't agree with the other side either.


New member
Aug 24, 2014
Jux said:
What is with people that fight tooth and nail against inclusivity and diversity in games? It's not like a wider range of games is going to stop the next Dudebro Warfare game or Breast Physics Xtreme engine from being made.
Because inclusiveness and diversity are vapid ideals that only serve to water down a narrative to make it palatable to a minority group that will scream even louder when it appears that their demands are catered to. It then creates an atmosphere of fear and mistrust of the represented minorities as those around them become fearful of offending them in any manner.

And yes, fearmongering breeds more fearmongering. We have seen a crackdown on videogames before, as we have in television and music.