Dreiko said:
Also, it's mainly women who would ask these questions of other women, a man half the time wouldn't even notice and the rest he'd think "wow, she looks much better without the clown paint!". This is mainly because they're feigning concern half the time and in truth are just reveling in their superior status as a makeuped person talking to a plain Jane. You don't get questioned cause women would think you'd think they're hitting on you if they did and guys just don't care how you look cause you're just a dude. This is one of the cases where masculinity is healthy and femininity is toxic and you have to actually acknowledge it.
Lil Devils X put a lot on you to reply to, more eloquently than I. So I'm just going to address just this part.
This sentiment isn't based in the real world. It isn't even adjacent.
Do you know when I got my worth as a Man? When I finished growing at 6'2, when I just started to be able to bench 225 pounds, and when I started to walk around like a Brick house.
Because I gave off a constant air of "Fuck off, I can change your life with a punch, son."
And that's the male equivalent to Make Up
If you look like you can do labor, you're accepted. If you look like you can fuck someone up, you're revered. Before I got into personal bodybuilding, I was into Martial Arts. I had a lean frame. And even then, I'd get checked by other men. And if you're American, you know the definition of 'checked'. Am I someone to fear, respect, or dominate. I would constantly have to show I could punch faster than people would react (thank you, Jeet Kune Do) before word spread about me.
But word only matters for those who heard. When I packed on the muscle, no one even tried to check. They wouldn't look at me and went on with their business. Ironically, as my fellow martial artists here will tell you, the more bodybuilding muscle (slow, show hypertrophy), the slower you'll start to become. My martial art ability was hindered, but people didn't care. I looked dangerous. Therefore I was in the best option of men: 'Feared'.
Hell, it's still socially acceptable to body shame men to this day. "You're Chubby/Scrawny. Do something about that if you want to be a real man".
Patton Oswalt isn't bringing in millions upon billions of butts into theaters with his clever, thought provoking comedy. The Rock is with his really dumb, 'high action' set pieces that creates nothing of value in this world.
And which one of these do people more try to emulate? The smart one? Or the one who seems like he can destroy you if you shook his hand?
Masculinity is no where near healthy. We have hang ups for days. We still struggle on whether our Gay Brothers can be considered true men just because they might like Cock. Or God Forbid, they prefer receiving anal sex. God, No man would ever do that, right?!
... Even though there's an entire culture of straight men who like receiving anal sex, but the idea of receiving and being passive is so beyond most people that a majority of people believe they are closeted gay people.
Masculinity looks at me different because I like the idea of being a father. I would baby sit if it was socially acceptable. I have fun with my little cousins all the time and I honestly prefer it than talking to my adult cousins. But.. men don't act that way, right?
Masculinity looks at me different because I don't chase everything that has a vagina. That I value my body and my time and that just adding to the sexual score card means nothing to me. That I've turned down offers because I don't believe in a one night stand. Again, the gay thing is brought up because I don't
debase myself enough chasing around for women all the time. Because if I was straight, I would just be a mindless animal always cruising for sex.
Masculinity likes my body, my ability to hurt people, and my voice that's apparently deep (I sound like I'm five years old). But I can't be anything but that vision of what they think I am just due to how I look. I can't be excited that my redownload of Shadowrun Hong Kong happened because I fucking love Cyberpunk mixed with Magical elements. The fact that I can out quote you in Calvin and Hobbes is uncomfortable because I'm supposed to be able only to quote sports scores... Oh, and I hate sports.
Masculinity is as rigid and inflexible as you say femininity is. And as a ex-fitness professional, I can tell you that Rigidness and inflexibility are never good indicators of Health.