Armed civilian, 17, shoots 2 dead during Kenosha happening

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lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
You have to be to think that going out and harassing people with armed force is acceptable.

Oops, am I describing militia or cops? Hmm.

Jokes aside, I read a long expose from a journalist who went undercover with a border militia for a while. Guys who would get their kicks from arming up, driving around looking for illegals crossing, destroying any life-saving supplies left hidden for illegals that they could find (including destroying water jugs), getting tip-offs from corrupt Border Patrol agents, and actively hoping to find an illegal with a weapon so they could kill them in "self-defense". It was horrible, disgusting stuff, regardless of how you feel over the economical and political problem of illegal aliens.
Yup I now EXACTLY the type. They were the first ones in line to show up to the KKK rally at the local court house here.


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
A single piece of good news, the cops will not deputize the murderers.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
And my worry is he won't be the only one. Im worried election night comes around and a bunch of these terrorists just shoot up polling places, or go after democrats, elected officials or otherwise. Trump calls for an uprising, don't let Biden win, etc... and we get a bunch of these idiot kids with a hard-on for police brutality and a John McClane understanding of reasonable force.

Its sad. I actually feel sorry for the little shit. He's been brainwashed by his upbringing to think he actually needs to take up arms to defend this nation against fellow Americans. Throw the book at him, hold him responsible for his actions sure, but pity him too. Im not going to go with the cliche he's as much a victim here as the people he shot, he sure as shit is not, but he's still a victim of a system that set him against his fellow Americans.
That is why I say we have to go after the source of the propaganda and stop BSing around about it as we have been. If we have to call up the national guard to protect the election process so be it. It wouldn't be the first time we have had to call in the guard to deal with asshole rednecks. Remember when the guard had to be called in to walk kids to school to protect them from these types?

Think about how sad and screwed up someone has to be to threaten and target CHILDREN. So many kids and their parents were still too terrified to send their kids or go, and who can blame them?
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lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
A single piece of good news, the cops will not deputize the murderers.
So he declined to deputize them, but then didn't tell them that the best way they could help was by going home or start checking ID's? We are supposed to give him credit for that or something?


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
So he declined to deputize them, but then didn't tell them that the best way they could help was by going home or start checking ID's? We are supposed to give him credit for that or something?
He said they shouldn't be breaking curfew, so that's something.
I'm gonna give a little clarity here, since it may be a point of confusion for non-Americans and Americans unfamiliar with militias. The Constitution gives provisions for a government-sponsored militia at our state level, but today it's called the National Guard. Any other "militias" are not government-backed, and therefore not "state" militias. They have no official authority, their most charitable interpretation are volunteer community defense clubs and least charitable is saying they're organized packs of armed thugs with a fetish for violence. The National Guard has the same requirements for enlistment as the Army, the kid could not be a part of the NG (not to mention, it would be extremely screwy for out of state NG to be deployed outside of a major environmental catastrophe or war).

Therefore, there really isn't a question of him being "deployed or called up". He was part of a gang of armed people who decided to spend an evening patrolling a protest far away from home. He had a rifle he couldn't have bought because either his family or one of his militia buddies gave it to him.
Yeah they're not militia, they're just calling themselves that.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
He said they shouldn't be breaking curfew, so that's something.

Yeah they're not militia, they're just calling themselves that.
Anytime you hear " American militia" in modern context it ALWAYS means these guys. Otherwise they call or refer to them as " the guard" ( Either state or national) defined by their state.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Does it mean that if your store had been vandalized, and you decide to stand guard at your store the next night with a weapon, you're liable for any altercation that arises from this decision?
Yeah, you'd be in trouble for that in the UK, as it would be deemed to be looking for a fight. The guiding principles in the UK are a) that you should not start or encourage confrontation, and b) you should use reasonable force. There is also a distinction between defence of property and defence of oneself. There's more latitude in self-defence (including defence of others) than defence of property.

Defence should be "honest and instinctive", so if you are deemed to have prepared a weapon, you are likely to be in trouble, whereas if your access to a weapon is incidental, you should be okay. So for instance if you have a baseball bat in your house but no reasonable explanation for why (like, no-one plays or ever has played baseball in your household) and you use it on a burglar, you're liable to be charged. If you play baseball, however, you could justify why you would have a bat lying around. If you use a kitchen knife, but were not in the kitchen nor could get to the kitchen during the incident, you'd be at risk of being charged. Cynical police advice would be to buy something like a heavy table lamp, because even if you'd totally bought it in case you wanted to hit an intruder with it, there's very little chance a court could prove it beyond reasonable doubt (except for your own confession) and so wouldn't even bother. Do not use disproportionate force. If the intruder/attacker flees, do not pursue or further attack them. The police are sympathetic to defence of self and home, but if you do inflict critical injury or death on an intruder, they will have to look into it.

When it comes to defence of one's property, the UK law is at the restrictive end and I don't necessarily think that's inherently "better". I see these laws more as "horses for courses": other countries may have looser laws which are better suited to their circumstances, challenges and public attitudes.

What I absolutely do think is that if you knowingly, voluntarily, and unnecessarily walk into an area of public disorder with a weapon, you can argue about your rights to be in a public place and your rights to self-defence all you like, but if you end up killing someone with that weapon, you deserve very little sympathy from the law or society.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
A single piece of good news, the cops will not deputize the murderers.
Good. As should be expected! Anyone who defends the horrific crime shooting unarmed, peaceful protestor, don't deserve to be called good or human. You know what, there are some humans worse than demons. Well kid, I hope it was fucking worth it for you, because your ass will never see daylight again beyond prison walls. He ain't gonna be put in general population, the prisoners will fuck him the first chance. What kind of fucked up person you have to be crossing 3 state just to kill people for having a goddamned opinion?! I do want the national guard here, but only to protect the sensible, peaceful people, and to preven shit like this from happening.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Well kid, I hope it was fucking worth it for you, because your ass will never see daylight again beyond prison walls. He ain't gonna be put in general population, the prisoners will fuck him the first chance.
Maybe. It seems more than likely, but I don't think anyone would be amazingly surprised if that didn't happen.


~it ends here~
Apr 29, 2020
Another spoilt privelidged bootlicking white boy gets to keep his life after committing literal murder in front of the police while black people are still being gunned down for fuck all, how anyone refuses to see the problem by this point must be more than comfortable living with it. Closet accelerationists at best.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
I’ll add that before being chased down he shot a guy in the fucking head. They chased him down because be shot a guy in the head and then started yelling about how he just killed someone (they didn’t want him to keep shooting people). Obviously none of what he did will stand up as self defense in court since he wasn’t legally allowed to be there with the gun to begin with, along with the dozens of posts he almost certainly made online showing intent to do violence which ruins his defense.
Is there any video of the first shooting?

Edit: Ah, I think I found it. So he was being chased by a guy that threw a molotov cocktail at him, after which Rittenhouse shoots him.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Yeah, you'd be in trouble for that in the UK, as it would be deemed to be looking for a fight. The guiding principles in the UK are a) that you should not start or encourage confrontation, and b) you should use reasonable force. There is also a distinction between defence of property and defence of oneself. There's more latitude in self-defence (including defence of others) than defence of property.

Defence should be "honest and instinctive", so if you are deemed to have prepared a weapon, you are likely to be in trouble, whereas if your access to a weapon is incidental, you should be okay. So for instance if you have a baseball bat in your house but no reasonable explanation for why (like, no-one plays or ever has played baseball in your household) and you use it on a burglar, you're liable to be charged. If you play baseball, however, you could justify why you would have a bat lying around. If you use a kitchen knife, but were not in the kitchen nor could get to the kitchen during the incident, you'd be at risk of being charged. Cynical police advice would be to buy something like a heavy table lamp, because even if you'd totally bought it in case you wanted to hit an intruder with it, there's very little chance a court could prove it beyond reasonable doubt (except for your own confession) and so wouldn't even bother. Do not use disproportionate force. If the intruder/attacker flees, do not pursue or further attack them. The police are sympathetic to defence of self and home, but if you do inflict critical injury or death on an intruder, they will have to look into it.

When it comes to defence of one's property, the UK law is at the restrictive end and I don't necessarily think that's inherently "better". I see these laws more as "horses for courses": other countries may have looser laws which are better suited to their circumstances, challenges and public attitudes.

What I absolutely do think is that if you knowingly, voluntarily, and unnecessarily walk into an area of public disorder with a weapon, you can argue about your rights to be in a public place and your rights to self-defence all you like, but if you end up killing someone with that weapon, you deserve very little sympathy from the law or society.
My cynical friend advised a Maglite torch; you know the kind that takes like four D cell batteries and is made almost entirely out of steel. After all, what sensible home owner doesn’t own a torch?
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Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
So he was being chased by a guy that threw a molotov cocktail at him, after which Rittenhouse shoots him.
I wonder if that'll change anybody's mind? The shooter fired in self-defense after being assaulted with a deadly weapon? Probably not.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
I wonder if that'll change anybody's mind? The shooter fired in self-defense after being assaulted with a deadly weapon? Probably not.
From what I've seen. The kid exercised amazing restraint. He only shot people attempting to attack him even with all those people around that he could have started shooting if he'd lost his head and thought they were also after him.

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
United States
I wonder if that'll change anybody's mind? The shooter fired in self-defense after being assaulted with a deadly weapon? Probably not.
Because it reeks of bullshit. Like, if it had been a rock, or even just a plain bottle I could see it, but the fact that people want to go around calling it specifically a "molotov cocktail" makes it seem like they are trying to justify the murders. Plus, having seen a video that looked like the immediate aftermath of this first shooting shows the shooter pretty much right next to the guy he shot in the head either means a) our guy with the "cocktail" tried to set someone on fire literally right next to them or b) our brave murderer, upon having something thrown at him, proceded to whip around and start blindly firing into a crowd.
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Because it reeks of bullshit. Like, if it had been a rock, or even just a plain bottle I could see it, but the fact that people want to go around calling it specifically a "molotov cocktail" makes it seem like they are trying to justify the murders. Plus, having seen a video that looked like the immediate aftermath of this first shooting shows the shooter pretty much right next to the guy he shot in the head either means a) our guy with the "cocktail" tried to set someone on fire literally right next to them or b) our brave murderer, upon having something thrown at him, proceded to whip around and start blindly firing into a crowd.
There's no "seeming" to it. People who say this shit literally are trying to justify the murders. The past 4 years have made it abundantly clear that the modern right wing thinks that violence against people lawfully exercising their first amendment right to protest is morally and ethically acceptable.
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