Arrival Pops Up in Dragon Age 2 Unboxing

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
People read the Cerberus news shit?

That's the most interesting part of this news post, tbh.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Won't be long now till Bioware/EA starts charging per character we want to play with. Playing with just Shepard? $60. Wanna play with 2 more squad members? Thats an extra $30.


New member
Apr 20, 2010
You fools it's nothing to do with the Reapers it's the arrival of Conrad Verner back to Earth, and this time, he's angry


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Mr. Moonshine said:
I remember the days when I could buy a game and play it, not buy a disk and pay to download the game.

You can easily buy the game and play it.

All DLC is additional content, 100% optional and has zero impact on the core experience. I guarantee that if you skip out on the "Arrival" DLC you won't miss anything that won't immediately be explained to you in the beginning of ME3.

I remember the days when after I beat my favorite game, there was unfortunately no new content for me to explore. Thank baby Jesus those days are past, amiright?

Andy Chalk said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Shouldn't this be in the actual game? I don't buy DLC. I feel like I'm being shafted on having a major plot point not be in one of the 3 games' storyline.
You get to decide what's more important: "I don't buy DLC" or "I want all the content that's available for the game." Seems pretty fair to me.

Onyx Oblivion said:
People read the Cerberus news shit?

That's the most interesting part of this news post, tbh.
The Cerberus news was actually kind of interesting, especially if you're the type that got really immersed in the ME universe and have played the game dozens of times. And, at least on the Bioware Social Network, it was always good fun to try and pretend that the news was leaking new information or something.

Then it turned out it actually did.


New member
May 13, 2010
HerbertTheHamster said:
Ah, so DLCWARE has made more DLC? Why am I not surprised.
You are aware companies charge $15 (right? stupid ass points bullshit) for bloody map packs? ME2 has one $10 DLC, and that one is awesome. Hate the system of DLC, not Bioware

Anti Nudist Cupcake

New member
Mar 23, 2010
this isnt my name said:
Andy Chalk said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Shouldn't this be in the actual game? I don't buy DLC. I feel like I'm being shafted on having a major plot point not be in one of the 3 games' storyline.
You get to decide what's more important: "I don't buy DLC" or "I want all the content that's available for the game." Seems pretty fair to me.
It shouldnt be a choice, the content should have been in game, its an important point in the story.

I bought dragon age origins, and there was a quest that becomes known to you IN-GAME but only works when you download it.

Wha... Didn't I already buy your game, bioware?

I hate the dlcs...


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Sam17 said:
You fools it's nothing to do with the Reapers it's the arrival of Conrad Verner back to Earth, and this time, he's angry

No no no no no, its Blasto the Jellyfish. Its coming to theaters on earth in July. I'll be first in line...

I bet the DLC will be out in the next couple of months at the latest. With Dragon Age they had Witch Hunt build up for DA2 like 6 months before the sequel. They wouldn't advertise DLC thats about 7 months away right now. People would not remember it.

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
JediMB said:
Mr. Moonshine said:
I remember the days when I could buy a game and play it, not buy a disk and pay to download the game.
No, no, no...

The line goes "I remember the days when added content was free. They called it a patch/game update."
I remember those days too. I also remember that the "game updates" back then often measured their development time in dozens of man-hours instead of today's thousands of man-hours.

I also remember the days when you couldn't get updates/patches, so a game that was broken stayed broken and the only way to (legitimately) get new content was to buy the next $50 release in a year or two.

The good old days really weren't...

-- Steve


New member
Oct 30, 2010
I remember when I payed full price for Tales of the Sword Coast and Shadows of Urentide and liked it /sarcasm! For every Lord of Destruction there was a Beyond the Dark Portal. I'd like to return to your golden age of companies adding content to games, but I sure can't figure out when it was.

Personally, I like the DLC format, where I can pick and chose what interests me. Does it occasionally bite me in the ass, yes, but the previous system was never wine and roses either.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
NoseDigger said:
manythings said:
NoseDigger said:
And only today did I uninstall this (Steam download aswell). Talk about bad timing. Time to get downloading!
Arrival isn't due till November (I think) since it is a pre-ME3 DLC.
Might as well do it now. Helps to be prepared.
I doubt they'll release it in November. That would not pan out well on the Bioware forums, since most people expect it to be announced in the next month or so. Not to mention that it is pointless to put in prep files for Dlc that won't be released for another eight months. Lair of the Shadowbroker was announced in July or something, and not released until a month or three later.

I think that Bioware will officially announce Arrival after they release DA2.

Worr Monger

New member
Jan 21, 2008
Can they please hurry up and give us a release date for Mass Effect 3?

I want to start requesting vacation time!!!


New member
Feb 10, 2008
this isnt my name said:
Thank baby Jesus alright, because now I can pay full price for less content, isnt it awesome :D

BW is such a great dev, they removed things liek exploration/veichles, companionn armour and lots of weapons, then gave me the option to pay extra to get that content thYeap great dev,m at should have been ingame, but they removed. Yep great dev, they sure arent trying to squeeze all the money out of people.

Arrival is a key point, explained in 3 or not its important, a key element and should be in the story, end off.
How is it less content? Is your argument that this content *would have been* included if it wasn't made into DLC?

Because that argument is patently false. DLC is not free to make, and adding additional features into a game increases development costs and development time.

Do you have any evidence, at all, that features of ME1/2 were removed specifically so that they could be repackaged and sold as DLC? Mind you, I don't even buy the argument that they were original features cut from the game due to time/money constraints, but there is a significantly smaller amount of proof required for that claim than there is to say that it's a conspiracy to plunder your pockets.

As to your argument that Arrival should be part of ME3: Do you really think you'll be in the dark about important details of the game if you don't purchase arrival? I guarantee you that if you choose to not pay for it, you will be brought up to speed immediately when you play ME3, because BW knows that not everyone will download arrival. Would you really rather pay more for ME3 and wait longer for it to come out so that any/all related DLC are included in the box?

Finally, you people seem awfully confident that Arrival will contain important content that should have been part of ME3, when in reality all DLC released to date has been fan-service and fluff. Shadow broker is about as close to non-fluff as we have gotten, and the significant plot altering affects of Shadow Broker will easily be explained in less than 5 lines of dialogue in the beginning of ME3, I bet you.

Mr. Socky

New member
Apr 22, 2009
this isnt my name said:
Andy Chalk said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Shouldn't this be in the actual game? I don't buy DLC. I feel like I'm being shafted on having a major plot point not be in one of the 3 games' storyline.
You get to decide what's more important: "I don't buy DLC" or "I want all the content that's available for the game." Seems pretty fair to me.
It shouldnt be a choice, the content should have been in game, its an important point in the story.
Not really. Earth goes boom. If you really have to see how exactly that happens, pay 7 bucks. If not, wait for the recap when ME3 starts. The entire point of this DLC is to give you something to do while you wait for ME3 to be released. Heck, they might even release it for free as a marketing ploy.

Then, of course, Arrival could just be a taxi add-on where you drive around the citadel in one of the floaty cars. We can always hope...


New member
May 21, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Shouldn't this be in the actual game? I don't buy DLC. I feel like I'm being shafted on having a major plot point not be in one of the 3 games' storyline.
You get to decide what's more important: "I don't buy DLC" or "I want all the content that's available for the game." Seems pretty fair to me.
and for some people its more comlpicated, like me.
I have a mobile internet conection and don´t feel like spending 30000svkr on getting a proper internet conection (that´s about 3000 euro, I dont know the value in USD becuse it´s sinking like a stone)
and the fact that I cant connect to xboxlive I feel like I´m geting ript of from some of the game material I´m looking at you alan wake!!


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Misterpinky said:
Then, of course, Arrival could just be a taxi add-on where you drive around the citadel in one of the floaty cars. We can always hope...
Heck yes. The only way to make the Crazy Taxi [] game any better would be to make it about Shephard driving Hanar around.

this isnt my name said:
Its part of the story, it should be included in the game.
It will be a part of the story, and it will be included in the game. You will not miss out on any story, I am sure.

this isnt my name said:
Yes it costs resources, but everything does, its an important part too, eaving it out is BS, thats like watching TLoTR and then you find our borrimer (sp ?) dies from a line of dialouge, its still an important part doiluge isnt an excuse and dosent make up for it.
You seem convinced that they are "leaving it out." Which is not the case at all. If they weren't going to make any money off of it, they probably wouldn't have made it at all.

In which case you would have never got a chance to see the content, regardless of whether or not you are willing to pay for it.

this isnt my name said:
Yes, people buying new got the cerberus dlc, it was an incentive, like DA2s prince, and DAO shale, please dont pretend as though BW dosent do this shit on a regular basis. And they removed features like armour, the onyl way to get more armour, buy it. BW are robbing you, sadly you are letting them.
I asked you for evidence that things had been specifically left out so that they could repackage them as DLC. Instead, you stated that Bioware frequently releases DLC and people buy it.

Logically, here is your argument:


Bioware frequently releases DLC.
Premise: People frequenltly buy DLC.
Conclusion: There is a conspiracy orchestrated by Bioware to selectively remove features from their games and repackage them as DLC add-ons to "rob" players.

If I've mis-characterized your argument, please show me specifically where.

Otherwise, this is an obvious Non sequitur [].

So I ask you again: Do you have any evidence that BW is specifically removing features from it's games to repackage them as DLC?

this isnt my name said:
Does it matter ? its bad to play then suddenly reapers just teleport to earth, it should be in game.
I am doing just that for DA2, I may not even get ME3 at this rate. Ever.
Plenty of novels and movies start with the story in progress. For instance, Star Wars starts with space ships shooting at each other. I wouldn't say missing the part where Princess Leia gets on the ship with the plans for the Death Star ruined the movie for me.

That said, your reasons to buy/not buy the game are your own, and neither I nor anyone else can speak to them.

this isnt my name said:
Because it being an important part of the story kinda makes it IMPORTANT
Again, you seem awfully confident that you know the content of the DLC.

How do you know it will contain important story elements?

Maybe Arrival is the romance DLC that some fans have asked for, that merely adds additional content to love interest story lines. Maybe it is a version of Crazy Taxi set in the ME universe? Maybe it just adds a few unrelated side missions with no story impact like the Overlord DLC or Firewalker?

And, if Arrival does contain important story elements, but these elements appear in ME3, then you do not have to pay for any extra story content.

this isnt my name said:
I love how BW fans defend the shit BW does, hell they could make a game that stabs you when you open the box and people would try and defend it.
Nice Ad hominem [].

Please kindly provide the support for your arguments.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Anton P. Nym said:
I remember those days too. I also remember that the "game updates" back then often measured their development time in dozens of man-hours instead of today's thousands of man-hours.
I wasn't serious, but alright.

Today's DLC tend to be produced by rather small teams as well, and cost at least a couple of dollars regardless of how small and insignificant they are.

But then there's Valve. They release bucket loads of free content for their games.

Anton P. Nym said:
I also remember the days when you couldn't get updates/patches, so a game that was broken stayed broken and the only way to (legitimately) get new content was to buy the next $50 release in a year or two.

The good old days really weren't...

-- Steve
I, fortunately, don't remember those days.

Patch distribution really took off in the early 90's, as I recall, and I had such a narrow view of the console games that I never got a game that required fixing there.

Lucky me?