Arrival Pops Up in Dragon Age 2 Unboxing


New member
Sep 18, 2009
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Shouldn't this be in the actual game? I don't buy DLC. I feel like I'm being shafted on having a major plot point not be in one of the 3 games' storyline.
You are shafting yourself. You pay initial money for initial content. You pay extra money for extra content.

The fact that people still rag on about how DLC is terrible is completely stupid. The fact that more games are getting post-launch content should be praised, not boycotted - and none of them are necessary for the experience to be whole. If you don't want it, don't buy it.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
this isnt my name said:
JediMB said:
Anton P. Nym said:
I remember those days too. I also remember that the "game updates" back then often measured their development time in dozens of man-hours instead of today's thousands of man-hours.
I wasn't serious, but alright.

Today's DLC tend to be produced by rather small teams as well, and cost at least a couple of dollars regardless of how small and insignificant they are.

But then there's Valve. They release bucket loads of free content for their games.

Anton P. Nym said:
I also remember the days when you couldn't get updates/patches, so a game that was broken stayed broken and the only way to (legitimately) get new content was to buy the next $50 release in a year or two.

The good old days really weren't...

-- Steve
I, fortunately, don't remember those days.

Patch distribution really took off in the early 90's, as I recall, and I had such a narrow view of the console games that I never got a game that required fixing there.

Lucky me?
You k now what.
NO, fuck it.
You obviously like devs fuckin g you over, you are happy for them to do it and you pay for it, I dont have too prove anything to you, you already made your choice, enjoy bioware screwing you over, I am sure you will beg them to keep doing it.
What the fuck are you talking about?


New member
Feb 10, 2008
this isnt my name said:
You k now what.
NO, fuck it.
You obviously like devs fuckin g you over, you are happy for them to do it and you pay for it, I dont have too prove anything to you, you already made your choice, enjoy bioware screwing you over, I am sure you will beg them to keep doing it.
So the guy spitting fire and making baseless assumptions about corporate greed and conspiracies to "rob" players has nothing to prove to the guys that are simply implying that DLC is worth paying for?

Specifically, you have a number of unsupported assertions:

Unsupported assertion #1:
"Bioware is greedy..."

Unsupported assertion #2:
Granted that Bioware is greedy (Assertion #1):

"There is a DLC conspiracy, wherein, elements of games are removed and repackaged as DLC..."

Unsupported assertion #3:
Granted that BW is greedy and granted that there is a conspiracy (Assertions #1 & #2):

"The pricing of DLC is an attempt to "rob" players..."

Unsupported assertion #4:
Granted that BW is greedy and granted that there is a conspiracy and granted that the price of DLC is an attempt to "rob" players (Assertions #1, #2 & #3):

"Players are mistaken in paying for extra content..."

So you actually have 4 baseless assertions to prove to me. And each assertion because weaker as you go on in so far as each assertion is necessarily dependent on your earlier assertions.

For instance, if you cannot prove that Bioware is greedy, how can you assert that they are orchestrating a conspiracy, or that they are not pricing their content fairly?

I think it's also worth point out that I have so far considered each of these assertions to exist independently of one other. It is impossible to assemble them into a logical argument where one serves as proof of another.

But it does occur to me that you might have tried to make another non sequitor here of the form:

1. Bioware is greedy.
2. DLC are features of the game proper removed from the game and packaged seperately.
3. DLC is priced unfairly.
1. Players are mistaken/wrong to buy DLC and/or Players should not buy DLC.

Again, your premises do not support your conclusion, because even if all of your premises are true, which is dubious because you have given me no reason to accept them as true, then your argument that I cannot possibly enjoy paying for DLC ignores the fact that none of your premises have any baring on how much one enjoys the actual product or considers it of value.

Rather, I would say that most people do a value calculation of whether or not the amount or character of content for sale is worth the dollar value assigned to it, and then decide to buy/not buy from there, independent of any considerations of corporate greed or how the world ought to be.

JediMB said:
What the fuck are you talking about?
He was probably attempting to respond to Anton P. Nym, not you.

He seems to have a very hostile attitude towards people who consider DLC to be worth paying for.


Don't Run You'll Just Die Tired
Apr 8, 2010
I don't understand why everyone is getting so worked up over this. The solution is simple ether you want the additional content and pay a few extra bucks for it or you don't.
But seriously when has bioware ever had core story elements as DLC, to say this new DLC is, is an assumption nothing more.

Bioware may not even charge for it, if it is part of the whole story or they may release as part of the cerberus content, or it may not these are just assumptions.

Let's wait until it comes out before praising or condemning Bioware


Mandalorian Buddha
Mar 6, 2008
Onyx Oblivion said:
People read the Cerberus news shit?

That's the most interesting part of this news post, tbh.
I think they're actually really interesting. You do have to be into the Mass Effect setting to enjoy them, definitely. There's actually a website that's collected all of them into an archive - I sat and read them all one afternoon, heh.


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:

(I need Micrcosoft Points and a new cpy of ME2 though [younger brother stole & hocked my copy].)


New member
Feb 4, 2010
OMIGOSH. When I saw "Invasion" on the card, I got chills... I get giddy whenever I see new Mass Effect stuff (except maybe Alternate Appearance packs...), but this one sounds particularly awesome. DLC haters be damned, I'm for sure getting it.