Aah! Not Again!
Seriously, I need to work more quickly and actually implement my ideas sometimes.
I mean, I keep running into people implementing things that resemble my ideas before I ever get round to it.
It's happened with Blender's UI.
It's happened with a time-travelling game. (although to be fair they worked out the details in a way that I wouldn't have considered possible)
And now this... Which has been something I wanted to do from at least the time of playing Bridge Commander... If not before.
So, yeah. Good luck to them, but damn. How annoying is that?
(Just think about it for a second... For every time this happens, if I actually ever get around to implementing my ideas, I'll get accused of copying it from somebody else. Never mind I might have had the idea first, since my implementation of it wasn't first, it'll look like I stole the idea. Argh! You have no idea how annoying that is.)