Aspects about yourself that you simply hate


New member
Feb 4, 2011
The biggest thing for me at the moment, still waiting for permission from people to do the things I want to do. Also waiting for people to do things for me or tell me to get on with it, instead of just doing it myself.

I mean really I'm a grown woman, I should really start acting like it.


New member
Jul 29, 2012
I have low self-esteem, which leads me to be paranoid about others as well and wonder why they would want anything to do with me.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
I'm shy in person, and kind of paranoid. I don't like being around people I don't know.
Not shy in a cute way either, in a standing stiffly and looking awkward kind of way.

I'm also a bit contrary.
I've had people try and control my life before, and seen people who have been controlled by someone else, and I have such determination not to let that happen to me that I occasionally will do the opposite or not do something I've been told to.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
My looks, my personality, my social skills, my concentration and my self esteem.

Yeah, I have a problem with pretty much any aspect of me. With the exception of my concentration this could just be because of my self esteem I guess.


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
Well, for the most part I think fairly highly of myself and accept my flaws, but things I don't like about myself, well I always have to pick the hard route, just because there is nothing I can't do and I will prove it by doing it the hard way, the worst thing is that I don't even do it to show to other people this, I just do it to prove to myself that I can't be stopped by anything, and though so far it has worked it makes life a little too frustrating.

Also my complete refusal to accept help from other people, which probably ties in to the previous one, you know I can do everything by myself so there's no need for help, this is why I hate going to the Doctor and almost never take medicine when I'm sick, because stupid pill I don't need your help.

And my complete inability to establish any form of relationship with people is pretty annoying too, may be the reason why I only have one friend, but I hope that joining that RP group will help me improve in this regard.

Other than that I pretty much think I'm awesome, and besides I think it's actually quite awesome that I manage to make it through the hard road and without help, having no friends has no upsides though I can't say I feel particularly bad about it or even lonely.


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
The main thing is low self-esteem and poor self-motivation. I just cannot motivate myself. Sure, if I have other, outside stressors pushing on me (like school) I do just fine, but beyond that, I have a devil of a time pushing myself to do anything productive, even if I want to do it. I also have a devil of a time starting conversations with people. :/


New member
Nov 10, 2010
I hate gender labels to the point where I don't even try to act as a particular one. Most people are cool with it and have no problem, but those that do freaking hate me and it gets me depressed constantly as I'm overly sensitive.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
For the most part, I come across as completely insincere, even if I'm talking about something or someone I'm really passionate about.

Sizzle Montyjing

Pronouns - Slam/Slammed/Slammin'
Apr 5, 2011
I'm hilariously terrible at most things.
I'm not even joking, even typing correctly is difficult.

Broady Brio

New member
Jun 28, 2009
Lazy as fudgenuts. Which is probably related to my failure as a college student these 2 years and failure to get a job.
Almost as scrawny as Marc Mues.[footnote]The less known about him, the better, he's a poor reviewer.[/footnote]
Unable to detect flirting until after 2 months said person stopped doing it.


New member
Oct 21, 2011
That I'm effectively a Chumbawamba song.

I get knocked down, but I get up again etc.

Trouble is I can never seem to stay up.

Had a good thing going for five years, my pride and ego made me lose it. Moved, started to get a good thing going again, some toss pot of a company gets in the way and suddenly I'm not viable for a flat. Fucking stupid.


New member
Feb 1, 2010
When someone sets me up, I have to spike. Have to. I mean it's often funny but sometimes it's just mean.

Also I suck at first impressions. Mainly because I take my time before deciding if I like someone enough to talk to them.

Oh. One more thing. I'm intimidating. That's what people tell me. I've never been in a fight because people look at me and back down. I have no idea how I do it or how to turn it off. It's pretty good at scaring away women too :(

Mr. GameBrain

New member
Aug 10, 2009
There's a list:

1. Social Anxiety.
2. Poor self-image
3. Constant Self-loathing caused by 1+2
4. Naivety. I'm a bit naive with people because of 1+2. People manipulate me all the time, I just can't be horrible to people really
5. Procrastination. I am the KING of procrastinators. Find excuses not to do anything.
6. My physical wellbeing. Related to 2, but I am honestly very obese. And my teeth are not very good, and I used to bite my nails, so they look like crap too. (Man, I really find excuses to be horrible to myself...)
7. Getting embarassed about all the stuff I do. A minor cock-up I tend to take waaaay too seriously. Again, related to 1. I also tend to hide nerdier aspects of myself. I talked to a work colleage the other day, (because it wasn't so busy), and I kinda let the stuff I think about out. They didn't understand what I was talking about of course, but they did comment on how I'm normally cold and sullen at work. And I don't normally talk about myself, if anything at all.


8. Also I'm not good with pressure or aggression.
Pressure can make me go a little crazy, and people that are aggressive to me make me shut down. (Normally makes them angrier)


New member
Jan 22, 2010
I'm in the same boat as you, very low self esteem. To the point where I can't physically bring myself to write any positive traits I may have on job application forms. It's a real bummer, but other then that I suppose I'm sound. Ish.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
That I keep tripping and falling.

I work so hard to better myself so I can finally get the things I truly wish for. But no matter what I do I still don't win. I never get what I really want. I thought I was out of the mess I was in two years ago but despite all the hard work I'm having one hell of a relapse.

Goddammit it hurts. Why can't I just catch a break for once? Why for fuck sake?


New member
Aug 19, 2008
BreakfastMan said:
The main thing is low self-esteem and poor self-motivation. I just cannot motivate myself. Sure, if I have other, outside stressors pushing on me (like school) I do just fine, but beyond that, I have a devil of a time pushing myself to do anything productive, even if I want to do it. I also have a devil of a time starting conversations with people. :/
You and me both, I just can't bring myself to really do much for myself. I honestly believe that national service would have been the best thing to happen if the UK still practiced it. Couple of years of hard dicipline and hopefully I'd have been able to maintain it afterwards.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
I'm pretty happy with myself actually.
Just remember: 


New member
Sep 1, 2009
XMark said:
I start creative projects (games, music, stories) all the time but very rarely actually finish them. I wish I could sustain my creative drive long enough to get stuff actually done.
Have this exact same problem. I'll start writing something, think it's an awesome concept but I end up overanalyzing it in my head before I barely get anything on paper. I'm my own harsh critic in a way and it causes me to second guess. Then I think up something else completely different and the cycle repeats until I have a hundred different ideas but I can't decide which one is worth doing.

I've recently accepted this about myself and I'm currently working to change this mentality. I just need to pick something and stick with it till the end. Even if it does turn out like crap it's better than nothing!


New member
May 3, 2012
Oh, this will be fun.

I'm smart. Well, I'm not smart. Except, the latter is just what I'm convinced. See, I'm 21st out of over 150 in my class in university, doing one of the hardest courses, I don't even work that hard. Do I think I'm smart? Hell no. I'm not. At all. I know fucking nothing about anything. I know I should try to push myself harder but I can't. I am physically incapable of trying to better myself because I know I'll never be happy with how I turn out.

I guess it's because I was bullied for 12 years, but it was probably 14, I don't remember the first two years of school at all. Maybe because I tried to forget. I can't even remember what my teacher's names were, but oh well. Want to know the worst part about it? I blame myself for being bullied. I blame myself because I don't have any mental disabilities, but I still just didn't want to make friends with anyone. I never have, really. I've always preferred being by myself, and if I could have just acted like I wanted to be around people, they wouldn't have treated me like shit.

Christ. I fucking hate people. They made me think that I'm crap, and I'm worthless, and I keep trying to tell myself that they were wrong, that I'm at least doing ok so far, but I can't believe myself.

I'm ugly, I'm overweight, and I can't even fucking look at myself in the mirror.