Aspects about yourself that you simply hate


New member
Dec 22, 2009
I'm rather weak-willed. I never really stick with anything to the end unless it's easy or fun, regardless of how important it is.

Also, I'm told I come across as confrontational, which is the exact opposite of my usual intentions. That's just inconvenient.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Dear lord where to start.

I'm a TERRIBLE human being. I can't really reply really it'll never stop. And then I'll descend into self loathing again.


New member
Feb 26, 2011
Three things I can think of off the top of my head. The first is my crippling fear of everything, I hate being driven into gut wrenching fear over practically everything on earth, the thought of talking to people, most animals, the sight of blood, heights, cramped places, loud noises, it's just pathetic. Second is my low self-esteem, I almost never allow people to see my writing and whenever I do post my stuff I'm up all night in a paranoid frenzy imagining how many people despise it and planning to remove at soon as possible. Third is my destructive procrastination, I've put this mountain of work off to the point where I doubt I have any chance of finishing it, just spent most of the day working frantically to try and catch up and I'm still practically nowhere with time running out.


New member
Nov 21, 2010
Motivation, I struggle so hard with motivation. The world could be on fire and to survive I would have to walk to the other side of the city.. And I would probably leave it to the last minute...

I mean.. Right now I'm meant to be cleaning... GOD DAMNIT.

lord Claincy Ffnord

New member
Feb 23, 2012
Unoriginal as this is: Much lazier than I'd like to admit. But more importantly I find people in general but especially social occasions sooo scary. As in sometimes literally feel sick because I'm so afraid of them. If I could change 1 thing about me it would probably be making me less afraid of social interaction.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
While I'm pretty happy with the way I am, there are some things that tend to get into the grinder of both me and my closest allies.

One of my most popular quirks around my friends, family and fiancée is that I have a very strong need to be alone. I need at least one evening per week where I'm alone. I usually spend this night in quiet contemplation... and video games and books of course. :p
This has actually made my friends ask me where I am in my social life before we make plans, it works out pretty well, but sometimes it throws wrenches into the plans of my friends. My fiancée is understanding of this as well, which is nice, but it sometimes bothers her when she comes over on one of my "quiet nights" and I'm pretty anti-social.

On another fun note: Whenever I go outside just after one of the few full weekends I get to spend alone, it's always fun to greet your friends/fiancée with the hoarsest of voices.


New member
Jul 13, 2009

(Exception: I'm curious, I consider that a positive trait that I possess)


New member
Oct 21, 2009
AngloDoom said:
Issues in relationships tend to stay with me long after I'm gone, and plague me for far too long then they should. An ex broke up with me after almost two years because she said she suddenly realised she could go out with someone more attractive than I am. The same girl had whittled my confidence down regarding my looks in certain ways before (suggesting I'm a 'four out of ten') probably because her previous boyfriend was a male model.

Almost two years after that event, I still feel wretched about how I look. I've always known I'm not particularly attractive and I used to feel like I wasn't particularly ugly, I always got by on politeness and charm. Now I hate seeing photos of myself, I avoid looking into mirrors as much as possible, and when someone gives me the odd compliment about my appearance I have help but feel as if they're lying. I've been constantly on/off exercising since that relationship ended, 'on' when I suddenly get sick of how I feel again and 'off' when I gain a bit of confidence, and I found myself trying to lose weight and tone up when I'm 5ft"11 and weighed 11st (154lbs).

I never used to be like this, and it just gets to me knowing that once someone is that close to me that they can seriously affect me in such a way. It's made me a lot warier of relationships (which isn't a bad thing considering my previous experiences with far too many crazy-ladies) but it just shocks me because I would have said I have very high confidence in almost every other situation.

Blah. It's almost a bit sad that this is the first time I've really 'discussed' the issue and it was online, rather than with a supportive group of friends I have. It's just a weird thing to admit to when you're the 'cocky, confident, loud' one of the group.
Wow, that's really sad :/ Your ex-girlfriend sounds like an utter *****. It astounds me that someone could say something like that to someone they're close to.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
I have no interest in doing things that i don't enjoy, i mean if i have to do things i don't enjoy i get depressed and stressed about it, for example, school and work, those are things i really don't like doing because i get very little enjoyment out of 'em.


New member
Jun 22, 2012
I'm always willing to give somebody the benefit of the doubt. I feel that I trust people far too easily...

It makes playing "Risk" a real pain in the ass, let me tell you! :/


New member
Nov 25, 2010
I over think things. all the time and the fact that I know doesn't help. When I start thinking of something, which might seem reasonable, I will start questioning myself. "Maybe I'm over thinking this." And I don't do what might have been perfectly reasonable.
case and point. Still haven't asked that girl out yet, even though I think she may be interested but I don't know because I think I might be over thinking it.

[small] I'm going to ask her out though, but I feel like that is something I should do in person, not over skype. Problem is she lives like 4 hours away. [/small]

Daystar Clarion said:
Fappy said:
I am lazy as shit and will usually go the easy route in all things. Quite annoying. What's worse is I know when I am doing it. Trying to make a change >.>

I need to write more :(
I second this.

A lot of the time, I'm just not willing to put the time and effort into things that I simply don't enjoy.
Yeah, and I'm REALLY lazy. It's a miracle that I'm not fat.

and Daystar, why would you put time into things that you don't enjoy?


New member
Jun 27, 2011
I don't always talk that clearly and it annoys me to repeat myself, even though its my own fault most of the time.
Lately I've got a feeling that I can't aspire to anything. I should go up for my driver's licence but I'm to afraid I'll flunk it and having the option of going up for it shut out to me. If I flunk it this time I'll have to take lessons and I kind of don't have the cash to do that. Be that as it may I can still go up and I'm confident I'm good enough to pass it but really I've got this feeling of - what if -. I can't get myself to work on anything, fearful that it doesn't end up working out. I don't want to be judged anymore. I don't want to have some teacher/professor/person tell me my work isn't good enough. I'm already very hard on myself as it is, and then having some other person telling me its not good enough just breaks me. I'm a softy like that. Ugh, really hate that about myself.

Captia: Make Haste...

I KNOW!! I really need to start doing things..


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Low self esteem as with a lot of others, the way I look, (although, of course I'd say that), and the fact that I can get massively worried/stressed/paranoid/full on panicked about anything.


New member
Aug 7, 2011
How lazy I can sometimes be and how much of a massive procrastinator I am.

Also my somewhat low self-esteem. I don't feel I'm very good looking.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
I'm fine with meeting small groups of people, but I'm extremely awkward in large social events and I end up either looking like a creepy loner or I just tag along with whichever friend I came with and hinder their ability to socialize

I cannot keep a schedule no matter how hard I try

I'm absent minded, and I make a lot more mistakes than a lot of people can tolerate

I'm a terrible procrastinator

I look about 6 years younger than I actually am

I have a habit of assuming people dislike me, even when they have given me no reason to believe so


New member
May 7, 2008
I'm socially awkward to the point where I often have to conciously remind myself to look people in the eye when I'm talking to them. I very much overthink things and sometimes lack focus. And I procrastinate.


New member
May 11, 2011
the fact that i may turn in to my dad, that thought alone just scares me, my dad is the worst kind of dad you can have.
he drinks, he cheats, he gets angry and violent, he hits kids in the back of their heads and of course he practically forced me and my brothers to be him.

and the thing is i think i am starting to be like him, but i dont wanna end up doing the horrible shit that he did, i am honestly scared.