Assassins Creed 3 set in America? No thanks.


New member
Dec 31, 2010
I think that the most likely setting will not be in the West, but will continue moving deeper into Europe, or further East into Asia. (Though a Russian Assassins Creed wouldn't be too bad either. The Russians did sword fight n all like every other country during the old days XD)


New member
Dec 31, 2010
I think that there are MANY MANY MANY possible ways that AC3 could go, but we won't find out untill later this year or next year.


New member
May 22, 2009
I wouldn't mind that setting at all, and it's one that I'd never considered before. My friend and I were speculating, and we both seemed it would most likely be set in Victorian England.

Thomas Bates

New member
Oct 31, 2010
Freezy_Breezy said:
As someone who's not American, I find the American Civil War as boring as batshit.

But I also find the Assassin's Creed games boring as batshit so it may be appropriate.
As some one from America, I'm offended...

Oh wait, thats the "right thing" to say.

Yep, the Civil War is as boring as bat shit.

I'd be more interested in the French Revolution (storming of the Bastille). However, as someone who's been quite in love with Italy, I'd be very happy if it stayed there. At this moment, I think a drastic setting/character/plot change has the potential to rip the game apart. After Brotherhood's massively clusterfuckish ending, and with everyone going to "The Farm" (which I'm assuming is in Australia/Britain for some reason), I certainly hope they don't force us into a new round of new/shit characters. Assassin's Creed II/Brotherhood has nicely established character arcs which I would hate to see go to waste.


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Aug 6, 2010
duchaked said:
...I'm with the people who want Japan, but as long as the locale is good for some parkour and stabbing then...
WOOT! Another person who wants the japanese setting! HIGH-FIVE!
badgersprite said:
It needs to be something that allows for parkour. Somehow, I don't picture Civil War era America being very free-running friendly. The buildings wouldn't be crammed together enough, or high enough to make it work.
Yeah also, wouldn't there just be desert for kilometers and kilometers?
Machiavellian007 said:
I'm hoping with all my heart that it's France, though. There are practically no games about the French Revolution.
But during the revolution EVERYONE was against the nobles or anyone who was rich so it wouldn't really be assassinating. More like following the crowd. It could be set in France though if like Keymaster said
KeyMaster45 said:
Frankly I'd like to see the next one be set somewhere like industrial revolution London or Nazi occupied France.
It would be a bit like the Saboteur though, won't it?


New member
Nov 3, 2010
Jaidenator said:
Well I suppose if they pulled it off I would accept it. But I hope they don't just do it for the market and publicity it would generate. But anyway i'm secretly hoping for Russia even though it hasn't been hinted to at all.
I read somewhere that they might not do a game based in Russia because they don't want to mess up the comic book's storyline (which is set during the Russian Revolution, which is by far more interesting than the American Revolution)

I would see France as a more viable option, as it has more amazing architecture than America, plus the buildings there are rather close together, which would allow for the free-running platforming that the game is well known for.


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Aug 21, 2010
i dont know about back in the civil war times but american cities i dont think lend them selves to well to the AC style roof running and stuff.

Too me if they make the city work for AC running and jumping and grabbing the city wont feel american to me.

probably not many photos from back then but anyone know of a photo or painting of a civil war era city?


New member
Sep 23, 2009
I'm leaning towards the French Revolution setting. It's a less explored setting with lots of interesting stuff happening. Given that the Templars have mostly relied on the divine right of rule for a long time, their reaction (and possible panic) to the mass execution of nobles would be quite interesting to explore. In a way, it might be a bigger Templar-focused story, the Assassins picking off panicked stragglers who are desperately looking to regain power / find a way out.

Civil War, meanwhile... how much is there to explore that wouldn't seem like your average American-centered "lookit our heritage" slideshow?

Thomas Bates

New member
Oct 31, 2010
I think most signs point to France. As someone who is from America, I'm apparently obligated to feel some odd hatred to the French, but I don't find myself within that ability. (Somehow, hating one of two world powers that helped the US form seems a bit hypocritical. Moving On...)

I would love to see an Assassin's Creed game:
France ---Around the Napoleonic times, although there is the massive economic fall shortly after Napoleon's failure with the Ruskies.
Germania --Before WWI, I'm not well educated on the history of Germany, so its hard for me to pick a decent timeline w/o making myself look like more of an idiot.

As well, I'd like to see some London thrown in. France and Britain both provide some decent climbing, the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, etc. But the construction years of major monuments may be an issue, again, I've little to no knowledge of the buildings so I can't comment much.
However, I forsee an issue with proceeding into the future, Assassin's Creed has always been very much knife based, and thats how I like it. I'm unsure how guns will factor in. If AC goes the gun route, it will likely just become a bland I'm-different-really game that will bore me.
Thankfully, AC isn't confined to a linear timeline, and if they want to go back before Renaissance Italy, they can. Please no more Altair though, I could never tie myself to that character.


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Sep 2, 2010
Mittens The Kitten said:
Like God of War BUT......
XD no, dude. No

OT:I Didn't play AC:B yet but i heard that they released a DLC that put you in....WW2 Normandy? Is that correct or am i getting it jumbled with rumors? but yeah why don't they do THAT: make small expansion packs set in Civil War America (fine by me) or French Revolution (ehh 1789 isn't TOO different from 1500, but it could still be awesome) or even Feudal Japan (although it would be a Stretch to explain how Desmond could POSSIBLY be ancestrally connected to anyone from then; maybe a different, Asian-American assassin in the Animus 2.0 though?)

I say this because....isn't AC3 "supposed" to be in the modern day, set in early December 2012? or did they throw that solar eruption business out the window in AC:B? If not, they should take this year to make an expansion pack or 2, but still have it be for AC:B; then release AC3 in late November next year to correspond with actual game events. that would allow for some AWESOME marketing, no? "Find out how the World ends before the real world ends!" or sth. :3


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May 21, 2009
SteewpidZombie said:
Personally I think there are only a handful of places left to visit that could allow for a Assassins Creed style game. As each game moves forward in time, the possible era's to visit are decreasing. Personally I think there are several that could be the next setting.
Just one question to the bolded part... WHY?

We found the apple in present time meaning that the history we recovered from Altiar and Ezio is now obsolete, both of those games gave us a hint to where that one specific Piece of Eden was.

We can now go anywhere in history, there is no limitation of going forward now.

As for the civil war, as someone else posted it wasn't the civil war it was the revolutionary war of either America or France. I personally think it would be interesting to see a game set during the American revolution, but not only just in America but also England, taking out major players of the game in both countries. An interesting plot twist to allow this would be if Desmond's ancestors during the time were twins, requiring him to relive integral parts of both their DNA strands to witness a key event later in both of their lives that they both witnessed from opposite angles but we need to see both to truly understand whats going on.

Plus this would be a great way for them to introduce co-operative mode in a direct sequel like they introduced multi-player in brotherhood.

sorry got a little off topic that just popped into my mind while typing and i didn't want to let it go.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
Personally, I think it would work really well. Also, this.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I would like to see that maybe in a later in the franchise, but I still love the idea another forum goer came up with: Victorian London. Gentlemanly fist fights, bowler hats and walking canes with concealed weapons, and for those who know a little bit of folklore, perhaps even a hint at Spring Heeled Jack actually being an assassin (for those who are not familiar with the legend: )?
Apr 16, 2009
Oh boy, a DaVinci Code-esque plot with National Treasure thrown in for good measure plus combat set during a time period so awkward weapon-wise that there have been basically no video games set during it that aren't RTS's. Sounds like a blast


New member
Sep 8, 2010
I find it funny how some people criticize a game because it may yet these would be the same people who criticize the game because they always keep it to the same locale. People we have to see that the AC plot is more than just Crusades and Renaiassance(sp?) it is bound for some scenery change and maybe a change to a different area might be for the best. I mean I love the AC games but in terms of diversity between the games it really only in the weapons that change the NPCs in the game were almost alike. If they do send AC into civil war America then it will both be a major change in scenery/NPCs and of course new weapons.