Yes , the price includes the DLC but it removes the option to buy the DLC, basically PC users didnt get the option to choose... doesnt appeal.
As to the comment from the Aussie above, mate I dont care how long you lot have to wait, theres a country in Africa who are still waiting for Pac-Man... I dont care about the wait part at all, its the way its released for 2 out of the 3 platforms while the 3rd platform has to wait that gets my goat (and not my dosh).
Dont give me that BS about the PC being different to code for, the PS3 is far more unique a platform than both the 360 and PC.
Let me tell you why the PC gets delays.
Its simply because if you release a hyped game for the consoles first, then PC later you can get fans who own both a console and a gaming PC, thus sell the game twice in effect.
I havent got access to market stats and stuff, but I am confidant enough to claim that the number of console players that own a gaming PC are considerable, so the buy twice market is pretty decent.
I aint naive enough to think anyone actually cares, or that gaming is some sacrosant area in industry that shouldnt get soiled with blatant commercialism, but I do reserve the right to complain like a whiney brat about it