This just shouts, Preorder sales to me.
Stop Preordering Games, all Ubisoft care about is taking your money, all other AAA publishers as well.
Stop getteing hyped for E£ and other sales pitches.
By all means get hyped for games, but it's not a game until it's released, get hyped for actually relased games, that deserve the hype.
If the AAA machine can make huge profits, before release why should they bother to actually finish making a game, properly.
While there's a case for getting Multiplayer games, when others are playing them. As far as Single player games are concerned, waiting until you can get all the content, for under £5/$10 is a wise move. I won't buy Ubisoft games for more than that, after having to suffer Uplay and their terrible support with AC3, I've just got Black Flag in the last Steam sale, with other games, still not played it yet, I will and when I do it's will still be a brand new game, to me.
Last years big AAA games were largly a letdown, the new games I actually enjoyed were not the overhyped E3 ones, they were the ones I knew nothing of until released, even then I waited until their first sale.
Sad thing is too many gamers never learn, many of this years Steam Top sellers are Preorders.
I'm sure consoles wil be the same.
Gamers keep paying for hype, all they'll get is the hype. The Publisher has no reason to actually make a good finished game, when they've already sold it to you as a bad unfinished one.