Australia Bans CrimeCraft for Drug Use


None here.
Oct 11, 2009
This is becoming a weekly event here in Australia, i will just have to live with it until we make Atkinson see a point other than his own or if he loses his seat in the next election.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
Doug said:
I'm not Australian, I'm British, and we do have an 18 rating. Australians don't. And the Michael Atkinson doesn't think gamers are adult enough to deserve it:
Excellent, I am British too. This Michael Atkinson guy sounds like the next Jack Thompson


New member
Sep 21, 2009
That's weird, I thought those guys were actually on drugs when they made every decision about L4D2 and Fallout 3.
Seriously though, fuck you Australia's Classification Board.


Late Reviewer
Nov 29, 2007
So the lesson here is that recreational drugs = bad, but theft, destruction of property, gang warfare and cop-killing are okay?


New member
Feb 6, 2008
Wait, am I reading that right? They banned it because the benefits gained from the drugs reflected those in real life?


New member
Nov 1, 2008
Well, I can't say I'm that surprised anymore.
Also, the reason for banning this game is ridiculous. Banning it because of the drug use, and not the violence!?


New member
Apr 23, 2008
The Rockerfly said:
Doug said:
I'm not Australian, I'm British, and we do have an 18 rating. Australians don't. And the Michael Atkinson doesn't think gamers are adult enough to deserve it:
Excellent, I am British too. This Michael Atkinson guy sounds like the next Jack Thompson
Sadly, worse than Jack Thompson - Jack Thompson had no real power; Michael Atkinson can veto any and all attempts to allow a +18 rating.

We should export the BBFC to them, show Johnny Foreigner how its done ;)

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
Doug said:
Sadly, worse than Jack Thompson - Jack Thompson had no real power; Michael Atkinson can veto any and all attempts to allow a +18 rating.

We should export the BBFC to them, show Johnny Foreigner how its done ;)
Oh bloody hell, how do people like Mr Atkinson get into power? Pffh our BBFC are great, The Dark Knight? Sure, twelve year olds will be fine with it
COD: World at War? Yeah 15, just a bloke stubbing a cigar out in someone's eye is nothing. The only games ever banned were Carmageddon and Manhunt 2. I'm surprised Australia's board isn't more like the BBFC


New member
Apr 23, 2008
The Rockerfly said:
Doug said:
Sadly, worse than Jack Thompson - Jack Thompson had no real power; Michael Atkinson can veto any and all attempts to allow a +18 rating.

We should export the BBFC to them, show Johnny Foreigner how its done ;)
Oh bloody hell, how do people like Mr Atkinson get into power? Pffh our BBFC are great, The Dark Knight? Sure, twelve year olds will be fine with it
COD: World at War? Yeah 15, just a bloke stubbing a cigar out in someone's eye is nothing. The only games ever banned were Carmageddon and Manhunt 2. I'm surprised Australia's board isn't more like the BBFC
Sorry, that post made my statement seem different to the intended meaning; what I meant was the BBFC is how a ratings board should work; and exporting them to Australia would show Johnny Foreigner that ;)
Feb 13, 2008
Pillocks. The lot of them.

If those drugs were called Caffeine, Sucrose, Codeine, Vicodin or Nicotine, there'd be no problem. (well, perhaps Nicotine)

Sorry, Australia needs a new ruling body that understands that people mature at a certain age and can make decisions for themselves. And that names are just names.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Cant they even download it trough the website since the game is now free?
I dont know about the other crap that you have to pay for but if they are able to download the game they dont loose much


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Again, I have to say: "Wasn't Australia initially populated by criminals?"

Embrace your cultural heritage people! My country was populated by sexually repressed religious fanatics so uptight the British kicked them out. The BRITISH. I at least have a reason to reject my ancestors and rebel, but comeon Aussies!
Feb 13, 2008
Lukeje said:
Wait, am I reading that right? They banned it because the benefits gained from the drugs reflected those in real life?
That's right. You're not actually allowed to know the truth anymore (or even hints at it), unless the Government tells you it. Can someone provide me with a dictionary definition of fascism?


New member
Jul 25, 2008
I mean this is nothing but moral censorship. Drugs are bad m'kay but requiring a medium to WITHOUT EXCEPTION show all illegal drug use as negative casts a heavy anchor around the neck of creativity and is nothing but a slap in the face of freedom of speech. I mean if Trainspotting had been a game in Australia it would have been banned.

Many drugs have LESS negative qualities than legal drugs, that is not me advocating cannabis or ecstasy in some hippie free-drug fantasy, no, merely my trying to emphasising the utter hypocrisy of governments to give alcohol and tobacco a free pass because they are accepted vices. My grandparents died painful deaths before their time from smoking and the harm of unlimited alcohol consumption now eclipses all other drug problems.

Yet respected scientists like David Nutt are censored and fired by MY government for daring to say we should be more worried about binge drinking than ecstasy pills. He was fired not for DOING something... merely for SAYING their own learned opinion. Thought crime.

It is times like this that I seriously worry about Australia, the UK and other commonwealth countries that have come this far without a codified constitution or citizen's bill of rights, if can continue to remain "free democracies" in the coming decades.

The lack of legal recognition of the right to freedom of speech will forever hold back countries like Australia and I'm afraid to say my own country too.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
Doug said:
Sorry, that post made my statement seem different to the intended meaning; what I meant was the BBFC is how a ratings board should work; and exporting them to Australia would show Johnny Foreigner that ;)
I was joking, don't worry. The majority of their ratings are accurate but they are given a lot of crap for one of the few good classification boards around


New member
Apr 23, 2008
The Rockerfly said:
Doug said:
Sorry, that post made my statement seem different to the intended meaning; what I meant was the BBFC is how a ratings board should work; and exporting them to Australia would show Johnny Foreigner that ;)
I was joking, don't worry. The majority of their ratings are accurate but they are given a lot of crap for one of the few good classification boards around
True! They are given alot of crap for some strange reason. Their policy, from what they've said and done is, "So long as it doesn't have something that would make a grown war criminal weep for no good reason, its ok to be released" ... so, basically, anything short of Manhunt 2 ;)


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
*bangs head repeatedly on wall* Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.... I don't even live in Australia and I'm really starting to get pissed off with this ratings board of theirs. I hope the old bastard that keeps blocking reform of the damn thing dies a very painful, very slow death in the near future.

"Oh but think of the children!"
Fuck the children, don't want your kids playing these games, don't fucking buy them you brain dead nutter.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
Doug said:
True! They are given alot of crap for some strange reason. Their policy, from what they've said and done is, "So long as it doesn't have something that would make a grown war criminal weep for no good reason, its ok to be released" ... so, basically, anything short of Manhunt 2 ;)
I think people got pissy because it's breaching freedom of speech or creative arts of something along those lines. I honestly don't see what is so artistic and creative about mutilated bodies but I guess someone thought it was and got an audience