Australian Attorney General Calls For Violent Videogame Ban


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Oh for fuck sakes......Didn't we spend this whole FUCKING YEAR trying to sort this mess out and get games recognized properly as a medium. Urgh....

Twice in one week i've had to use that clip now. God i hate this damned country of Australia sometimes. Ok, maybe not the country, but the idiot's in charge..definitely.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
Von Strimmer said:
The only people who get jobs in politics are idiots. Because anyone with a brainstem attached realised long ago that its a job for morons or those who were so bullied as kids they went into politics on a massive and dangerous power trip.

No I am not talking about Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd respectively...

On topic these idiots will be gone soon to be replaced by younglings who understand the will of the people (hopefully). I am sure when gen Y is old, decrepit and in politics we will be harumphing and banning the same sorts of things.
lol. maybe.
why did i go to school then? dont do anything and i could have made tones of money by just lying to everyone. dont have any ideas and bang, you are a politician.

would be nice if younger people can be elected. even my father said he wants younger once because their ideas are better then the old school once who really know jack shit about anything or simply dont keep up with times.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Seriously government of Aus, stop fucking around with what we consider fun. Just because you don't have it doesn't give you a right to stop us having it.

Von Strimmer

New member
Apr 17, 2011
Metalrocks said:
Von Strimmer said:
The only people who get jobs in politics are idiots. Because anyone with a brainstem attached realised long ago that its a job for morons or those who were so bullied as kids they went into politics on a massive and dangerous power trip.

No I am not talking about Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd respectively...

On topic these idiots will be gone soon to be replaced by younglings who understand the will of the people (hopefully). I am sure when gen Y is old, decrepit and in politics we will be harumphing and banning the same sorts of things.
lol. maybe.
why did i go to school then? dont do anything and i could have made tones of money by just lying to everyone. dont have any ideas and bang, you are a politician.

would be nice if younger people can be elected. even my father said he wants younger once because their ideas are better then the old school once who really know jack shit about anything or simply dont keep up with times.
Aha Good sir there is a young politician by the name of Wyatt Roy. Who you may ask? Well that kind of illustrates my next point of a politician is a politician :p universally useless no matter what the age, gender or race.

I honestly blame this big brother media towards politics we seem to have adopted. Everything is streamed now so a politician cant do anything without having a vocal minority kick them to electoral oblivion. Certainly we get politicians who wont declare war on some fairly large and harmless country, but we also dont get politicians with steely balls who have the ability to say NO or YES to stupid and sensible ideas respectively.

Also consider this :p. Maybe the politicians never left school :p



New member
Oct 29, 2009
Ok I'm an Aussie and id just like to say to all my american friends out there, This is why the occational political assassination (and im talking about with a bullit here, not with a dirty photo of the polly blowing a transvestite or somthing) and/or revolution is actuly a good thing from time to time. Tragic when it happens but it does provide just enough fear to keep most of the f***ing morons out of office. Or at least make them pay attention to the people there pissing off.

Trippy Turtle

Elite Member
May 10, 2010
Are they trying to make us torrent games? Seriously if they ban GTA then I will still be able to get it in 15 minutes and the internet.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Australia seems to be unable to get out of the Iron Curtain show. New SSRS guys?
i mean heck they even started banning the internet, just look at porn ban scandal.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
Shall we face the facts?
-Controversial issues, such as video game censorship, are easily capitolised into votes.
-They aren't stupid persay, just ignorant and misguided, they are from another time. A terrible example would be when you are old, game companies bring out a game where you play as the KKK or something.
-They won't win, in terms of censorship that is, the enevidable media storm when they attempt to fully implement extreme measures will ensure a divided vote.

On a personal note:
-Yes I despise them for their ignorance as much as anyone else.
-I wish I could move to Canada. One day...


New member
May 27, 2010
Patrick_and_the_ricks said:
Does Australia even have Freedom of speech?
Yes and No.

'Freedom of Speech' Is an implied right as it's not stated in the Australian Constitution but the High Court interpreted article 19(2) "Freedom of communication on political matters" thus enabled us to slander politicians but speak freely about anything else will resign with the principle of prima facie: The fact is true unless proven otherwise meaning you can be sued for defamation.


New member
May 19, 2008
It's interesting how much politicians care about virtual prostitutes, but when it comes to protecting real prostitutes from trafficking and abuse, they couldn't give less of a shit.

Sky Captanio

New member
May 11, 2009
Honestly reading the list of stuff in R18+ games I can't blame them.I mean when did games start to decide that more "mature" themes made them better?


New member
Jan 24, 2010
This is getting ridiculous, I'm honestly starting to expect a news story about Australia deporting all people's caught with video games.


Tic-Tock and Crash
Aug 22, 2009
I didn't even have to read the article before facepalming. Look at his damn face. Look. At his damn face.

These fuckers are ruining an amazing country filled with amazing people and it upsets me on a deeper level than electronic entertainment.

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
The hell is that guy giving me a troll face?

Not really much to debate here, unfortunately. Folks like him are control freaks unable to deal with other people having different tastes in entertainment. Their inability to understand the appeal of said entertainment leads them to want to control or outright remove it. Bear in mind, there's a lot of people like that, but at least most of them don't have political power haha.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
I've done it! I've gone back in time! Escapists! There will be a black president! Dragon Age 2 will suck! Ponies are the best things ever!


New member
May 13, 2011
Fellow Escapists
Granted I never usually comment on forums but when Greg smith kicked in to the Video Game debate I found myself unable to stand back...mainly because I know the guy personally since he goes to my church down here. So now that he refuses to put the R18+ rating i am forced to ask for one thing.

DAMMIT GREG! why can't you be a reasonable PERSON?!?!?!

I guess the next time i see sometime this week, I'm going to sit him down, talk to him slowly and if that fails, challenge him to a singstar competition

yes....this guys actually sings in public about political issues to drill a point home. I hope he never writes a song about this one though.