Australia's Internet Filter Switches On In July


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Lulzsec, i summon thee!

I mean seriously how long time will it take before anonymous or lulzsec hears about this, hacks it, and p*isses on the Australian governments body? (At least thecyber part of the government).


New member
Dec 7, 2007
They do realize that this could come to resemble Fascism, correct?.

As for blocking the Child Porn sites, that's great in theory, but in practice, it's not going to help that much, not only for the reasons stated, but because you can't stop an industry, however discreet and depraved, by blocking one stream of revenue, they'll find others.

What this really does, unfortunately, is open the door for other people to complain and begin censoring things they consider obscene.

On this fucked up little rock called earth, there do exist people who are crazy enough, ignorant enough, dishonest enough, and self centered enough, to state that Call of Duty is just as obscene as child molestation.

The general populace is stupid enough to believe them, and the governments are greedy enough to exploit their stupidity.

This isn't going to stop child pornography, all it's going to do is license the powers that be.


New member
Jun 29, 2010
Is this even fucking allowed?!?!
Child porn is fair game, but I reckon this organisation has only just got one toe in the door, ready to barge in.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
Blitzwing said:
Then you aren?t thinking hard enough. Again why are people against this? All it?s doing is blocking illegal websites just because something might be abused doesn?t mean it will be abused.
Mostly because it's kicking the door wide open FOR abuse. What, they promised NOT to abuse such a feature? Yeah. I REALLY believe them.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
fundayz said:
SomethingAmazing said:
Rainboq said:
So they should have the right to censor their opposition from speaking?
Of course.

If the government had the ability to stop criminals from communicating with each other, organized crime would be a thing of the past. And any other crime would be relatively manageable. So yeah, I don't see what is wrong with hindering organized crime.
I tried to /facepalm but the fail in this post was so much that it got to me and I missed my face.

Seriously though, your ignorance is almost impressive.

Opposition =/= organized crime. 'The opposition' is a term referring to political parties, usually with a different political viewpoint than the ruling party.

On Topic: I don't understand how Australians aren't up in arms about this. If this happened here in Canada I'd be out rioting.
Better make sure to put on some goggles to protect yourself from tear gas. :p


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Jerram Fahey said:
Phoenixlight said:
No I just meant regular porn in general. And there wouldn't be any rioting about it, the few individuals that might stand against it would just be labelled as perverts and looked down upon by everyone else.
There may not be "rioting" but there'd without a doubt be a MASSIVE uproar and protests over it. The "perverts" likely outnumber the "non-perverts" ten to one, and while some of those "perverts" may not attend protests out of fear of being labelled a pervert, they will certainly sign petitions and make their voice heard anonymously.
Luckily, the politicians are likely too invested in porn to ever willingly outlaw it.
But back on topic, does anyone know what the two smaller ISPs mentioned are?
I wasn't aware that there was such a thing as a "non-pervert".


New member
May 14, 2011
samaugsch said:
I wasn't aware that there was such a thing as a "non-pervert".
Well, there's no evidence of their existence, but it's the hypothetical opposite of a pervert. Someone lacking perversion.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
EVERYTIME you want to get legislation passed you bring up two things:

Child porn, and piracy

If you're against child porn, ban the internet.

If you're against piracy, seize the domains.

It never fails that governments just hate any type of freedom on the net and will use various rhetoric to get what it wants...

It's sad that you have to go to the least common denominator of emotional ties such as child porn to get bad legislation passed.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Blitzwing said:
Gindil said:
EVERYTIME you want to get legislation passed you bring up two things:

Child porn, and piracy

If you're against child porn, ban the internet.

If you're against piracy, seize the domains.

It never fails that governments just hate any type of freedom on the net and will use various rhetoric to get what it wants...

It's sad that you have to go to the least common denominator of emotional ties such as child porn to get bad legislation passed.
This isn?t legislation read the damn article the government isn?t forcing these Internet providers to block websites they?re doing it of their own accord.
The article as I've been reading it, is the government giving these people a list, then it's implemented on those sites. No oversight at all, just a quid pro quo. It's all in the name of "protection" and this isn't the first time that Australia has tried to pass this.

2007 [] and the results []

If at first you don't succeed []...
fail, fail again []

Oh, and here's the 2009 version [] where they black list a dentist.

In all of it, it's the same story. Aussie government tries to filter the internet, does not succeed, looks stupid but tries again. It's getting wearing.


New member
Apr 20, 2010
By the power of Grayskull.

This isn't going to last long.
*Grabs a bowl of popcorn*


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
Fuck, you Aussies can't catch a break with censorship. Then again, being as the approximation of how much content will be blocked is "500 websites" they may not be blocking many sites you actually use even if you are a big time porn fiend, but probably bad news if you're a pedo.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Blitzwing said:
thewiseoldguy said:
Lulzsec, i summon thee!

I mean seriously how long time will it take before anonymous or lulzsec hears about this, hacks it, and p*isses on the Australian governments body? (At least thecyber part of the government).
All that will show is that lulzsec didn?t read the article since THE GOVERNMENT ISN?T DOING THIS!
I wrote something wrong, even though i had read the article, sry 'bout that, but lulzsec will still target them, definetly the volunteers, and perhaps the government.
Ps. chill on the rage, you have told a ton of people that it isn't the government, but it looks like you are f*ucking angry, if you can't express yourself without raging on somebody that didn't read the article, i don't think you can write on a lot of the escapist articles..

It happens all the time, you'll probaply do it too at some point :)


New member
Nov 17, 2009
I'm not against blocking out Child Porn, but that isn't solving the problem, it's just pretending it doesn't exist (Want to stop kiddie abuse? Persecute the Abusers).

The precedent here being set however is disturbing, considering that the Australian officials so far have demonstrated to have ridiculous concepts on what is and isn't "morally acceptable" - to the point of giving Olde British Puritans a run for their colourless and bland threads of Linen - And apparently private organizations (most likely pressured by the interests of said officials) are falling in line with their desires (as demonstrated in the article)

A few steps further and someday they'll be sure to block out any gamer website (Because some would-be pseudo-scientist with a Psychology degree taken in some worthless College might show up and start campaigning against "digital corruption of the youth" - a bullshit term), every pub/concert/band/festival/art/(anything that might be considered an "influence on the youth") dedicated site as well, then any anti-Australian or controversial politics related or opinion and commentary based website/blog... and while we're at it, let's reinforce Puritan values in Australia's youth, make them pledge an Oath every morning, and praise the almighty and unquestionable choices made from the state or state affiliated organizations (Let's not forget that Gillard is probably masturbating to this piece of news right now for what it will allow her to do in the future in terms of enforcing her personal views of morality upon the general populous and imprison any and all that defy them) for "decency" and "honour" (two ENTIRELY subjective concepts, might I add).

PS: Yes yes, Slippery Slope Fallacy, just saying I wouldn't be surprised to see this happen considering the way Australia has handled recent business regarding Media and, in particular, New Media.


New member
Jun 27, 2011
hai guys, love this site but don't love this filter and what better reason than this for my first post.

to everybody in oz, it said there were four ISP's involved with the filter, telstra, optus and ?? anyone know the other two? the reason i ask is i think we should exercise our consumer rights and simply boycott these companies. no customers = message to governments that any filter is a bad idea.

i'm probably preaching to the converted but i didn't see any posts about a boycott. its simple, legal and has proven results. anyone up for it??

also i know the advocates for the filter are trolls but just incase again "Telstra and Optus, the two largest internet providers in Australia, along with two other small outfits, confirmed that they will begin to block access to "child abuse websites" provided by the Australian Communications and Media Authority and other UNNAMED "INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS" even a troll cannot justify handing over the keys to information to an unnamed, foreign entity is in anyway a good idea morally, intellectualy or economicaly.


edit: i cannot spel


New member
Mar 21, 2010
It's nice that Australia is a country that has strong conservative positions, (because why does America have to be the only one?) but it sucks that it has to suffer from the downsides and flaws of said conservatism.

Hey, why doesn't anyone found a country on sanity and good ideas? You know; none of the bitchy homophobia and censorship, but none of the PC environmental bullshit either? Let us do what we want with our culture and our sexuality, but let us do what we want with our money and our property as well? Come on guys, let's all move together somewhere and set this up!