Australia's Internet Filter Switches On In July

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
It's ambitious to try and stop pedos from getting what they want, but really, how long is it going to take before the filter gets pwned by self-proclaimed Anonymous?


New member
Mar 9, 2009
To be fair, blocking child porn being distributed isn't exactly a bad thing in my books, get back to me when they start blocking other stuff and then i'll be outraged. (Despite not living in Australia)

Merkavar said:
so its just stopping child porn? thats good so it wont affect me and like everyone else in the country.

wouldnt it be a better idea to not block the websites and just monitor who accesses the site?
Im the sort of guy that does a lot of random searching and browsing online, you have no idea how many times i've stumbled across child porn and i'd really love if that stopped happening. Not only is it disgusting and often upsetting but it also might land me in hot water one day for a crime im not guilty of.

And I mean seriously, im not a paedophile, im not even searching for stuff remotely related to child porn and i'll get it pop up. Once I googled something like 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' and got a bunch of it appear in images, it was just disgusting.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
I'm not against them blocking that specific content, but censorship is pretty easy to get driven out of proportion and turned on things that start limiting free speach *coughvideogamescough*, but in a worst case scenario there are still proxy servers.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
SomethingAmazing said:
Xzi said:
SomethingAmazing said:
Hiphophippo said:
Boy I bet it's lonely in your little world.
What gave you that impression?

I just wouldn't say anything bad about any of the governments. They have the military and all. So, as a result, I support anything they go for.

And we might as well get rid of piracy and pornography while we're at it. :p
SomethingAmazing said:
Rainboq said:
They really should make this kind of thing illegal if it isn't already.

The government(And organizations like this) should have every right to block websites from user access.
So they should have the right to censor their opposition from speaking?
Of course.

If the government had the ability to stop criminals from communicating with each other, organized crime would be a thing of the past. And any other crime would be relatively manageable. So yeah, I don't see what is wrong with hindering organized crime.
Okay, 100% guaranteed to be trolling now. No question. Had me going there for a second.
I'm not trolling. What gave you that idea?
I'm fairly certain that SomethingAmazing is not trolling, I remember, a few months back he did a thread about why it would be a good thing to get rid of sex, and he seems to have stayed in character since. Trolls aren't usualy this consistent with their displayed beliefs.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Hey everyone! I have a solution to all our problems!
Thats right, you just block your sight of the bad thing, kind of like a child with their fingers in their ears going LALALALALALALALALALA.
Isn't that soooo mature everyone? If you IGNORE something long enough, it will simply go away right?! :D


New member
Jan 9, 2010
SomethingAmazing said:
Fayathon said:
You know what, fuck this censorship thing. I'm not even Australian and this pisses me off. To any Aussies that are getting hit with this crap I have something for you:

The Tor Project []

For those unfamiliar think of it as an uber-proxy, it takes a bit of TLC to get running quite right, and it's slower then regular internet, but it pretty well unblocks anything that you want once you've gotten it down.

For those that do know about Tor, well, I guess I needn't tell you about it.
They really should make this kind of thing illegal if it isn't already.

The government(And organizations like this) should have every right to block websites from user access.
...You do know this blocking wasn't the Government's decision, right? Its in the op.

Also, think of it this way, if child porn lovers are watching child porn on the internet, what aren't they doing? Raping children. Or at least not as often.

Think about it...

LT Cannibal 68

New member
Dec 9, 2010
SomethingAmazing said:
Thank goodness.

After a while I hope we can get this in the U.S. too so that we can phase out internet pornography and piracy.
i hope you trolling because if you're not i hope anon visits you in your sleep.


God Damn Sorcerer
Dec 25, 2010
Alterego-X said:
QuadFish said:
SillyBear said:
As I said earlier, my Father has made hundreds of arrests over it.
Your dad has arrested hundreds of people for being unable to ignore their biological impulses as far as quasi-legal crimes who are too afraid to seek professional help because people want to wipe them off the face of the Earth the moment they hear 'potential paedophilic tendencies'?

Wow, big man. What new respect I have for your father.

NB I'm not defending convicted sex offenders. I'm saying a lot of the time these cases are seriously borderline. Have you thought for a moment what it must be like to be demonised for having thoughts? No one can go public about that or try to get help since their lives are basically threatened the moment anyone hears about it.
Wow, what an enlightened opinion! My life in two paragraphs.

Seriously, I think this is the first time ever that I read a post like this, that's writer doesn't want to torture, mutilate, and murder me with all sincerity of his hearth, for having this thing in my brain.

Even if I never even watched any porn with real life underage children involved, and didn't actually HARM anyone, and of course I'm not even thinking about doing anything IRL, I have to spend my days reading about how society plans to hunt down me, the monster.

Though I guess now you will only be seen as the guy whose thinking is approved by the pedo freak, so my praise didn't exactly reach it's intention, sorry about that, but still.
No, I think society is starting to realise that not all people with those tendencies are monsters. I actually watched a report on Hungry Beast that really got me thinking about it, where all the people they interviewed just sounded too scared to talk about their problems without doing it anonymously.

I know this is pretty mad hyperbole, but listening to one talkback radio host literally claiming that pedophiles should be wiped off the face of the earth (I'd quote it but I can't remember the exact wording) I can't help but be reminded of the witch hunts.

At the end of the day, the big thing I always try to get across whenever the issue comes up is that there's a big difference between a convicted sex offender and someone with potential paedophilic tendencies. Oh, one last thing. That first sentence you wrote sounds like massive sarcasm. I figured I should let you know :)


God Damn Sorcerer
Dec 25, 2010
SillyBear said:
QuadFish said:
SillyBear said:
As I said earlier, my Father has made hundreds of arrests over it.
Your dad has arrested hundreds of people for being unable to ignore their biological impulses as far as quasi-legal crimes who are too afraid to seek professional help because people want to wipe them off the face of the Earth the moment they hear 'potential paedophilic tendencies'?

Wow, big man. What new respect I have for your father.

NB I'm not defending convicted sex offenders. I'm saying a lot of the time these cases are seriously borderline. Have you thought for a moment what it must be like to be demonised for having thoughts? No one can go public about that or try to get help since their lives are basically threatened the moment anyone hears about it.
My dad has made hundreds of arrests to people who share and distribute child pornography. I don't care what you fucking think of him. If you would prefer a world were children are able to be coerced into sex and nudity and nothing could be done to arrest the people who coerce them and exploit them, fair enough. If you would prefer to live in a world where people could take pictures awful pictures and video of your little sisters/daughters/friends and share them online and nothing could be done about it, fair enough. The rest of us don't want to live in that world.Don't disrespect people you don't even know. It's incredibly petty and you are incredibly rude. What you just did was pathetic.

Oh and by the fucking way, my Dad doesn't arrest people for having "thoughts" he arrests people for sharing and creating images of minors naked and engaged in sexual activity. And that's a bad thing? He should just let them be and acknowledge how demonised they are? Jesus Christ, the less people like you we have the better. Jog on.

"No one can go public about it" Oh, bullshit. Being a paedophile is not illegal and being attracted to children is not illegal either. What is illegal is people who abuse and exploit them and take action. They hurt innocent lives and they deserve to be arrested. I can't fucking believe you man. You see someone say their father arrests paedophiles and you immediately assume that he is some kind of thought police. Fuck me.
You've probably already read my apology, but I just want to make it clear on this forum that I'm sorry about that post and particularly the assumptions I made, especially for mocking your father (which is something I don't normally do). And the same time, though, I don't agree with you on a lot of things and I would appreciate it if you didn't assume that I want to live in a world of convicted paedophilic sex offenders. Still, I apologise.