Australia's Internet Filter Switches On In July


New member
Nov 27, 2010
spectrenihlus said:
gyroscopeboy said:
spectrenihlus said:
Easy solution. Get an ISP that doesn't do this sort of this. Yea the two largest might but if enough people unsubscribe to their services well they would have to change their business plan.
The only problem is that Telstra actually own the backbone in Australia and sell dial-in ports, exchange space, and ADSL DSLAM ports wholesale to other smaller ISPs...
Just wait some company will say it doesn't block websites and everyone will flock to that one at least I hope so. Bear in mind I have no idea what the situation is like in Australia however as I have never been there and only have cursory knowledge of the place. But as a supporter of the free market I am of the opinion that a company can do whatever it likes ( within reason) and if you don't like it find another company. If enough people leave Telstra they will have to change it's practices.
Exactly, as soon as the shareholders catch wind of a public outcry, they'll bail and Telstra stock will plummet faster than an elephant in a broken elevator.


Gloria ex machina
Sep 21, 2009
SomethingAmazing said:
I hate it when people act entitled and think that they're more important than the government.

They don't act entitled because we are more important than the government. We are the ones that give the government its power. We make up the armies, we control the economy, we build the buildings and roads. If the government tries to suppress the people and the people go against it the government has NO say in anything. Money and threats can only push the people, including those in the military, so far before they say no.


New member
May 20, 2009
SomethingAmazing said:
Aedrial said:
SomethingAmazing said:
Braedan said:
Mexican drug cartels have soldiers, should we just listen to them because we have a couple guns then?

Also, pornography is legal, what someone does with their own body is none of your business.

Edit: I know of course that the government has nothing to do with this filter.
Of course they should. They're powerful than we are. That's the way of things.
The people should never fear their goverment, the government should fear the people.

I believe you are just actively trying to incite a negative response to your strawman actions. If not, I fear that there are more like you and that makes me fear for humanity.
I hate it when people act entitled and think that they're more important than the government.

No, the people have every right to fear the Government. Guess who has the military? Guess who has the nuclear bombs? Guess who funds the police force? All the government. That's more than the people will ever have. And people have good reason to fear that.
Decided not to feed the troll
Apologies for no content post.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
samsonguy920 said:
All good arguments, but keep in mind in this case, the government played the part of Pontius Pilate and washed their hands of the matter. Privately owned ISP's are taking it upon themselves to enact this.
But they didn't stop it, and ACMA - a government organization, no? - is contributing to the blacklist. They might not be holding the gun, but they're the ones aiming it.

samsonguy920 said:
People are sick and tired of child porn existing.
You can't stop it, though - there'll always be deviants. If it's really that bad, then enforce the existing laws better, don't overlay band-aids and half-baked schemes with no thought of the consequences. It's like the privacy violation nightmares you see in US airports: It'll stop one or two really stupid criminals who would have been caught anyway, and it will do nothing against the real threat because they won't be caught by something so half-baked and politically-charged.

samsonguy920 said:
People are seeing little to nothing being done by their police and their government(Because big brother knows best and you don't need to know the details. Now go play with your ball, citizen). This is the reaction that people are taking.
And yet I bet not one of them could tell you how many pedophiles or child pornographers were successfully prosecuted last year, and if that's more or less than before, and what the estimates are for how many remain uncaught. They see nothing because they can't be arsed to LOOK.

digital warrior

New member
Oct 17, 2008
SomethingAmazing said:
Hiphophippo said:
Boy I bet it's lonely in your little world.
What gave you that impression?

I just wouldn't say anything bad about any of the governments. They have the military and all. So, as a result, I support anything they go for.

And we might as well get rid of piracy and pornography while we're at it. :p
Except here in Canada they use the label or "fighting piracy" to cap internet downloads and get more money out of customers in the rising digital age. This is also despite evidence that the rise in internet usage does not have as much to do with piracy as their claiming, I'm being charged dollars on the gigabit to fight "piracy" and increased downloading and the government is doing nothing about it, so yah fuck plans like this it's anti consumer and against everything the net stands for.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
ProfessorLayton said:
And the funny thing is people acting like the internet shouldn't be censored... we're talking about blocking child porn here. I don't care how anti-censorship you are, that's simply illegal and sick. If you really think that "personal freedom" should be so sacred that we allow child pornography to be shown anywhere then your morals are completely off.
The point is not that child porn should be allowed. The point is that censoring the internet is too high a price to pay, even if the blocking worked to remove CP from the internet. Since it won't work, that makes censorship an even worse idea.


New member
May 25, 2010
This was already proposed and rejected many many years ago. Now they want to have another crank at the handle, well time alone doesn't somehow make it a good idea. Every single expert who has commented on it has said that it won't do anything to stop these activities - that the only thing it will accomplish, is to make a shitty internet even shittier, bogging down traffic for those that rely on it to get stuff done, and the legitimate businesses will have no say should their site be blocked by morons that have no clue what the hell they're doing, wasting as much money as they can in the process.

Quite a while ago there was a phone poll on the morning news, asking "Do you think this is a good idea?" Incredibly, a whopping ~25% of callers said "HERP DERP goood ideaz!" What the hell are those people thinking...? Are they even thinking?? Maybe they're trolling the poll for lulz? How is it we still have people saying that it's a good idea. NO IT'S NOT A GOOD IDEA. What part of "completely ineffectual" don't you understand? There are people that honestly want this internet filter? Have a look China's and North Korea's internet filter and see how that's going ehy.

Never ever voting labor again. Never, never, ever again.


New member
May 17, 2009
Stop child porn, great. That's good and I support that.

Censoring the internet and slowing it down,attacking freedom of expression, and THEN, not even deigning to release the list of sites blocked. What if they block 4chan? I WANT ME SOME 4CHAN!

SomethingAmazing said:
Hiphophippo said:
Boy I bet it's lonely in your little world.
What gave you that impression?

I just wouldn't say anything bad about any of the governments. They have the military and all. So, as a result, I support anything they go for.

And we might as well get rid of piracy and pornography while we're at it. :p
There are... so many things wrong with this I don't even know where to start...

"They have the military and all, so I support anything they do."
Quick! Someone is accessing pornography, or downloading a game illegally! Send in the tanks! GO GO GO!

Piracy is illegal, I don't pirate, but it is to hard to control.

Pornography is protected by the UN, it's freedom of expression worldwide freedom.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
SomethingAmazing said:
Thank goodness.

After a while I hope we can get this in the U.S. too so that we can phase out internet pornography and piracy.
u must be fun at a party


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Blitzwing said:
starslasher said:
ADULT WOMEN SHOWING OFF SMALL TITS IS CONSIDERED KIDDY PORN as according to the advocates of this Internet censorship laws. Not joking. Look it up.
That story isn?t true and I?m getting really tired of correcting it. Are you people so stupid that you believe whatever some tabloid rag tells you?
What IS true, however, is that if a sexual image evokes anything related to under-18s, it is classed as child porn. This includes a thirty year old woman dressed in a school uniform, or something vaguely resembling a school uniform. There have been prosecutions for this already. There have also been prosecutions for owning a joke drawing of Bart and Lisa Simpson having sex. This is documented in court transcripts. Don't blindly trust the government, mate, they're all a pack of lying bastards.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Fuck Labor, Fuck Hellstra, Fuck Opturds. Vote A.S.P (Australian SEX Party), go Westnet/iiNet, Tell these trigger-happy filter bozos to take a fucking hike.
Filtering the 'Net in/out of Australia has been PROVEN to fail MULTIPLE times in the last DECADE alone.

You want to stop "Child Porn"? Then help make a international definition that will work around the world and let the world govo's flex their muscles to stop the crap at the ~source~ BEFORE anymore of it can be made. (here's a hint: once a 'child' starts to hit puberty (anywhere between 8 & 12) then biologically speaking they are not a 'child' anymore, they are an adolescent.) Don't just knee-jerk to the idea there might be "unsavoury" information, otherwise you're just ASKING for trouble and prepping to fuck over the end user - your customers/voters.


New member
May 21, 2009
Fayathon said:
You know what, fuck this censorship thing. I'm not even Australian and this pisses me off.
We share the same feelings...

Honestly Australia, you guys need to start stepping up to this shit. I'm pissed at the US for the censorship laws they have, and this is far worse.