Awkward Male/Female Questions


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
lisadagz said:
Odgical said:
I was thinking of how to describe what an erection feels like to someone with no penis. Ready?

Let your arm go limp such that the blood rushes to your hand. The rushing feeling is what it feels like when it starts to get hard. You can stop doing that now. For the rest, take an elastic band, wrap it around your finger so that it looks purple when the blood gets trapped there. That's pretty much the bellend. The difference is that your finger will simply feel, but a penis'll give you feeling and sexual sensitivity.

That sound right to the other fellows here?
See, I've asked guys this question before, usually they just say something like "It's AWESOME." But today, my friend, I feel like I have truly learned something, and I thank you for that.

... *massages hand until it feels normal again*
I am not sure I truly approve of this comparison.
This whole excercise seems quite painful, and whilst I am not one to judge, you might want to go see a doctor if this is how your erections work...


New member
Mar 22, 2011
lisadagz said:
I'm really not sure how much of this is serious now 'cause your first point seemed tongue in cheek but then you seemed like you sort of mean it... but eh, I'll discuss it anyway.
It's what happens when a comment made jokingly needs to be explained. At least no one claimed to take offense to it and ask me to apologize!
lisadagz said:
The point of a relationship, surely, is about mutual enjoyment. Enjoying each other's company, supporting each other, things like that. In the same way that you need to respect your partner's wishes if they don't want to have sex with you whenever you want ('cause, yehknow, sex without consent is a very not good thing), you need to respect that there are some other sexual things they're not going to want to do. They are not there to be your wish fulfilment machine. And nor you theirs. If you're not comfortable with something, equally, you have every right to turn her down.
I would agree. But mutual enjoyment indicates that I am satisfied. If I am not satisfied, I have no desire to satisfy my partner. If someone wants to refuse me, they are welcome to it. But they can't then complain when I accept an offer from the willing.

I know, I'm suppose to avoid experiencing something I want to experience because someone I wanted to experience it with refused to experience it with me and doesn't want me to experience it with someone else. Gee, that sounds so good! Where do I sign up?
lisadagz said:
I told my ex about a couple of fetishes I had, he flat out refused to do them. I don't blame him, they're kind of gross fetishes. I certainly didn't go "Oh, well, if you don't care enough about me to stick my sweaty toes in your mouth, then clearly you don't care about me at all." 'cause that's emotional blackmail and seriously out of order.
Emotional blackmail vs selfishness. Hmm... seems like a shitty situation. Well, he's your ex now. I'm sure you can find someone to cater to your fetishes. Because if a relationship isn't fulfilling, why bother getting into it?


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Odgical said:
I was thinking of how to describe what an erection feels like to someone with no penis. Ready?

Let your arm go limp such that the blood rushes to your hand. The rushing feeling is what it feels like when it starts to get hard. You can stop doing that now. For the rest, take an elastic band, wrap it around your finger so that it looks purple when the blood gets trapped there. That's pretty much the bellend. The difference is that your finger will simply feel, but a penis'll give you feeling and sexual sensitivity.

That sound right to the other fellows here?
Um No, maybe with a ^%$^ ring, but the two sensations are completely different. Try your elastic band experiment and than get an erection and come back and tell me if the feel the same, because they don't, there is nothing cutting of the flow of blood to the penis in fact just the opposite.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
DevilWithaHalo said:
lisadagz said:
I told my ex about a couple of fetishes I had, he flat out refused to do them. I don't blame him, they're kind of gross fetishes. I certainly didn't go "Oh, well, if you don't care enough about me to stick my sweaty toes in your mouth, then clearly you don't care about me at all." 'cause that's emotional blackmail and seriously out of order.
Emotional blackmail vs selfishness. Hmm... seems like a shitty situation. Well, he's your ex now. I'm sure you can find someone to cater to your fetishes. Because if a relationship isn't fulfilling, why bother getting into it?
I guess it does depend on how important the experience in question is to you. While I can completely feel fulfilled without having a guy do... whatever it is that they haven't done in the past, some people may actually feel like there's some kind of a hole in their life because they've never been able to role play or have a threesome or somesuch. In that case I can understand it. For me, playing out fantasies are a luxury, not a requirement. Just like it's still worth me eating dinner every day if I found out I could never have steak again, it's still worth being in a relationship even if they never wanted to cater to x fetish. But for some people, steak might be their favourite food and what makes life worth living.

Having said that, my current boyfriend's opened up for me a world of things I never even thought I'd really like. It does concern me slightly that if and when we break up, I'm going to have a hard time finding someone decent who also has similar tastes to him. I got by without this stuff for the first six years of my sexually active life but it has now become what I expect, and at the moment I think that I will miss it if I end up with someone who is more vanilla in the bedroom. I can only hope that if I stop being spoiled with such attention I'll get used to the more normal stuff again.
Because, seriously, if I hold out for a guy who's up for doing this kind of stuff, chances are I'll either be alone for a long time (and I'd rather have a good relationship with average sex than nothing at all) or I'll have to hook up with someone who is indiscriminate about what times it's appropriate to slap me around. (I mean, you know, ideally I'll just stay with this guy forever, but with regards to this topic it is a problem to consider.)

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Harley Q said:
My best mate does this. Lies about who he has spoken to and where he has been. Dude you are not my boyfriend I could not give less of a shit. However the LYING still bothers me because it insinuates firstly that I care what he is doing and secondly that I am somehow going to freak out about it (why?!?!)

He does it to other female friends too. It's so weird.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
MetalMagpie said:
Daveman said:
But yeah, I got asked if I was circumcised yesterday. That was an awkward question. In the process I found out women know fuck all about cocks.
Be fair here, some women know fuck-all about cocks. And that's generally because they haven't been in close contact with many of them. I'd imagine a good proportion of young guys know very little about the detail of a woman's downstairs.
Yeah, guys are equally guilty of ignorance but we clearly need better PSHE. These women are potential mothers deciding whether or not to circumcise their children without knowing what the foreskin even is really.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Odgical said:
Ladies, when you're on your periods does this mean you have to change towels after every shower or do you dry yourselves veeeeery carefully? Was going to ask my lady friend but I figured, hey, what's this thread for if not for this (I need to wait a bit, though, as I texted only a few days ago inquiring about boob sensitivity during periods).
its not like we've nicked an artery or anything....(mabye it depends) I can quite easyly avoid messing up towels


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
DevilWithaHalo said:
I suppose the willingness and ability to give me what I want regarding fantasy. Using the OP example; say I tell my woman at some point that I would very much enjoy her to dress like a school girl, with lolipop accessory, and she tells me it's not going to happen. It means to me that she cares so little about my fantasies; how much does she really care about me at all? The point of a relationship, in my eyes at least, is to find someone that wants to help you obtain and experience everything your heart desires. Is the relationship purely self serving for her? Am I to gave to her every whims while she stands opposed to my own? Fuck that. I could rant a long time on this, but I'll spare you the mess. ;)
so you'd be perfectly happy to dress up a chun lee from streetfighter while your girlfreind sticks a Dildo up your-

you know to help her obtain and experience everything her heart desires


Warrior without Weapons
Jul 27, 2009
lisadagz said:
burningdragoon said:
To rephrase the questions to make that more obvious: Gals, ever wonder why your boyfriend left you for a slut? Guys, every wonder why your girlfriend won't be a slut for you? Seems like a pretty loaded conversation you're trying to have here.
... the OP does sound a lot like this. Incidentally, the better a guy makes me feel in general, the more comfortable I am with doing weird stuff with him. If a guy's not treating me well in the relationship (as in, criticising my looks, going after other girls right under my nose, etc) then my willingness to get weird in bed disappears, as does my libido in general if he keeps it up.
You mean you shouldn't treat your girlfriend like dirt? I need to rethink my entire life.

Vault101 said:
so you'd be perfectly happy to dress up a chun lee from streetfighter while your girlfreind sticks a Dildo up your-

you know to help her obtain and experience everything her heart desires
You've been reading my diary?


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
burningdragoon said:
Vault101 said:
so you'd be perfectly happy to dress up a chun lee from streetfighter while your girlfreind sticks a Dildo up your-

you know to help her obtain and experience everything her heart desires
You've been reading my diary?
It's available in Audio Book format now, read by Morgan Freeman.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Odgical said:
Is everyone okay with the blood rush sensation from a limp arm? I think that's more accurate.
Still no, the blood sensation from a limp arm or leg can be slightly painful, Also it doesn't work very well afterwords try and walk on a leg thats fallen asleep.

Toy Master Typhus

New member
Oct 20, 2011
Moonlight Butterfly said:
Harley Q said:
My best mate does this. Lies about who he has spoken to and where he has been. Dude you are not my boyfriend I could not give less of a shit. However the LYING still bothers me because it insinuates firstly that I care what he is doing and secondly that I am somehow going to freak out about it (why?!?!)

He does it to other female friends too. It's so weird.
Not really that uncommon of a thing to do. I as well as most of my friends, acquaintances and, enemies do this. Reason differs from person to person. Some people care deeply about the image they put forth, others want people to care. We kinda build up a facade infront of women by distort the truth/lie when we feel it will help us. Granted this only digs holes for ourselves but it kinda a security blanket, like the anonymity of the internet.


The end is nigh.
May 24, 2010
disgruntledgamer said:
Odgical said:
I was thinking of how to describe what an erection feels like to someone with no penis. Ready?

Let your arm go limp such that the blood rushes to your hand. The rushing feeling is what it feels like when it starts to get hard. You can stop doing that now. For the rest, take an elastic band, wrap it around your finger so that it looks purple when the blood gets trapped there. That's pretty much the bellend. The difference is that your finger will simply feel, but a penis'll give you feeling and sexual sensitivity.

That sound right to the other fellows here?
Um No, maybe with a ^%$^ ring, but the two sensations are completely different. Try your elastic band experiment and than get an erection and come back and tell me if the feel the same, because they don't, there is nothing cutting of the flow of blood to the penis in fact just the opposite.
Well actually:

"As the tunica stretches, it blocks off the veins that take blood away from the corpora cavernosa. This traps blood within the penis, the pressure becomes very high and the penis becomes erect."


His analogy isn't perfect... but I do actually think it's kind of useful. In my opinion an erection (or at least a really strong one) has that sort of throbbing sensation (like you get when you trap blood in a finger) as one of main sensations. The difference is the finger hurts, and an erection is pleasant... mostly.

Unless you're in public -_-


New member
Feb 19, 2009
Ok, so awkward question about the opposite sex. The other day, I was hanging out with someone I've been interested in and after a rather unsuccessful pass at him he ended up telling me to just stop. The weird thing is that he didn't go with the usual "I like you, just as a friend" speech I normally get from anyone I like. Instead, he said "I think of you as a lady, not as someone who just hits on average guys". What does that even mean? I'm guessing it's a kind of friend-zoning but beyond that it just doesn't make any sense.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
erefe said:
Ok, so awkward question about the opposite sex. The other day, I was hanging out with someone I've been interested in and after a rather unsuccessful pass at him he ended up telling me to just stop. The weird thing is that he didn't go with the usual "I like you, just as a friend" speech I normally get from anyone I like. Instead, he said "I think of you as a lady, not as someone who just hits on average guys". What does that even mean? I'm guessing it's a kind of friend-zoning but beyond that it just doesn't make any sense.
ummm.....your a lady and ladys don;t make the first move? yeah I dont get it eather

being told he doesnt want to hang out with you would kinda hurt eather way


New member
Dec 1, 2010
burningdragoon said:
lisadagz said:
Incidentally, the better a guy makes me feel in general, the more comfortable I am with doing weird stuff with him. If a guy's not treating me well in the relationship (as in, criticising my looks, going after other girls right under my nose, etc) then my willingness to get weird in bed disappears, as does my libido in general if he keeps it up.
You mean you shouldn't treat your girlfriend like dirt? I need to rethink my entire life.
I guess it's a little more subtle than that, no one likes to think of themselves as an arsehole. My last boyfriend in particular kept excusing himself for it in various ways, like 'Well, you're bi, so I figure we can perv on ladies together/we should be looking for a potential for a threesome. I mean, you agree that she's hot, right?'

He broke up with me in the end for not putting out enough, as did my boyfriend before that. I feel like the lost libido was my body going 'If my brain isn't going to have the guts to break this off then I will'.