Backlog Thread - What's next on your list?


New member
Sep 22, 2014
I have one, you have one, and I'm pretty sure that everybody else has one as well. You get a new game, but you still haven't finished the one you are working on at the moment, so you push it to the side. Then comes that other game you wanted. You purchase that and put it into the list. After months and years of this, you accumulate a backlog of games which some may find daunting to finish.

I'm fresh off the boat from a few other forums, those mainly being a 3 year member of gamefaqs and 8 year browser of /v/. I'm not sure of the community of this forum but I'm sure you guys like to share your progress in what you are doing one way or another. So lets get this ball rolling if we can, I'm really interested. This could also be a nice way to introduce some new games to people if they're lucky.

  • What game are you playing at the moment?
    How is it coming along?
    What is next on the list?
    How many games you got lined up?
    Anything new coming that is going to get piled up?


New member
Feb 3, 2010
VidyaDawg said:
What game are you playing at the moment?
1. Divinity: Original Sin
2. World of Warcraft
3. DOTA 2

VidyaDawg said:
How is it coming along?
1. JESUS it's long. I'm trying to get through it to get to the next game, and I play for hours at a time, and mostly spin my wheels because there's just so much to do.
2. Largely in a holding pattern waiting on the expansion drop.
3. Ugh. Not good. Was away too long, and still haven't played myself back into a bracket where I can have fun instead of getting decimated by people who have hugely eclipsed me in skill. Might go back to appreciating it from afar.

VidyaDawg said:
What is next on the list?
Wasteland 2.

VidyaDawg said:
How many games you got lined up?
There are lots of rainy day games in my Steam list, but I've also got Warlords of Draenor and Dragon Age 3 looming, along with Witcher 3 hitting next spring, so the immediate gaming future is looking overloaded, frankly. Too many massive timesinks.

Oh hey, welcome to The Escapist and thank you for making your first post this instead of yet another fucking gender warfare topic. It's appreciated.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009

  • Stealth Bastard Deluxe
    Quite well, thank you for asking
    Either Monaco, Just Cause 2 or Element4l. Haven't decided yet
    Total amount of games I have yet to get around to? A nice even 100.
    Not really

Anyway, welcome to The Escapist. Enjoy your stay and stay out of the basement.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
-What game are you playing at the moment?

Payday 2

-How is it coming along?

Loving it, well on my way to going Infamy II, don't want to stop, psyched for the Hoxton breakout and Hotline Miami crossover coming very soon

-What is next on the list?

Likely Zeno Clash 2, I tried getting into it but it's too different from the first as far as progression and combat goes.

-How many games you got lined up?

A bunch, but maybe three I actually want to play.

-Anything new coming that is going to get piled up?

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel because I got it for free with my 780TI and I don't really want the game.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Currently attempting to get into Dark Souls for the fifty billionth time, but I've only managed to kill the big pig boss which was piss easy thus far (still better than previous attempts). I also religiously play Left 4 Dead 2 when on the PC.

Next on the list? I'm waiting to get my Wii U, then it will be ZombiU 'till it or I die.

How many games have I got lined up? Quite a few, mostly picked up through the summer. Things like Deus Ex: HR, MGR Revengeance, Borderlands 1 and 2, Mass Effect 1 and 2, Lollipop Chainsaw, Doom 3 BFG edition.

Anything new coming that is going to get piled up? I'm currently downloading Stronghold Crusader 2 as we type, but I imagine that much like the first game it will be a time sink fuck about game so hopefully it doesn't intrude.

Sack of Cheese

New member
Sep 12, 2011
I'm playing SSX at the moment, and Halo 4. Not sure if I'm digging the SSX reboot? I might give it more time.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
- What game are you playing at the moment? Mechwarrior Online, ArmA 3 and STO. Been thinking about going back to Infamous: Second Son, great game just free time is finite.
- How is it coming along? Not very well, damn you work!
- What is next on the list? After Second Son I'll put Infamous First Light in then probably go back to one of the many unfinished games I have.
- How many games you got lined up? 600+ ....... yeah I could survive without any new games for quite awhile >.>
- Anything new coming that is going to get piled up? In theory no, I've told myself to stop buying new games. In reality the Xbone/CoD 1TB pack is looking mighty tempting. Not to mention a Wii U.

Yeah I have too many games and systems.....


Positively Insane
Mar 14, 2011
My main focus seems to be DMC 4 at the moment, and I'm loving it. Aside from that I've got Transistor, SSX 3 and Vampire: Bloodlines I'll probably finish soon.
I should also try to continue my MGS 3 playthrough at some point, but I just can't get the controls to cooperate. And maybe give Baldur's Gate another shot, if someone would be kind enough to tell me how much grinding/sidequesting it expects me to do.
As for how many I have left? I don't know, but thanks to steam it's probably over 200.


Opiner of Mottos
Mar 20, 2009
What game are you playing at the moment?
The one I'm playing the most right now is Octodad: Dadliest Catch.

How is it coming along?
Not too bad, though I have sworn a fair amount over the control scheme. And yes, I know that is the main point of the game.

What is next on the list?
Either Bioshock 2 or Half Life. Haven't quite made my mind up on that yet.

How many games you got lined up?
Let's see... 24 games to install and another 19 on my wishlist. Note this is definitely an underestimate: It's only counting games on my laptop, I have some games that I have installed but not yet completed and others that I have completed yet want to replay at some point.

Anything new coming that is going to get piled up?
Not really. I haven't been keeping track of coming releases.


New member
Dec 11, 2013
Still picking away at Shovel Knight in between course work
Poorly. I keep getting buried in work as I finish it and I'm not very good at Shovel Knight using a keyboard and mouse.
Either BioShock or They Bleed Pixels, probably BioShock > They Bleed Pixels. would appear two at the moment. There are other games uninstalled in my library I have no intention starting right now.
I'm a little excited for Gauntlet on Steam. I am a fan of the franchise and I hope this entry doesn't suck.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
I don't have a backlog, per se, but I want to find my old GBA and play the old Final Fantasy games.

Sad thing is...I can't find my GBA. =(

Destiny's gotten old, already...

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
VidyaDawg said:

  • What game are you playing at the moment?
    How is it coming along?
    What is next on the list?
    How many games you got lined up?
    Anything new coming that is going to get piled up?
1. I'm currently playing a combination of Wasteland 2, The Secret World, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer.

2. Mixed feelings toward Wasteland 2. I'm mostly enjoying it, but there's lots of little things about it that kinda bug me. It's a game that I think could have been awesome if it had spent just a little bit more time in development. Hopefully many of the kinks can be worked out in patches.

The Secret World is coming along reasonably well. I've been playing it for the last month or so with a friend of mine since we both decided to take a bit of a hiatus from World of WarCraft after finishing getting best-in-slot gear for our mains, since there really didn't feel like much left to do until the next expansion pack. Right now we're in the last main zone of the game, but we're both thinking about picking up the Tokyo expansion since we got the game itself dirt cheap during a Steam sale. We've also just started doing the duo scenarios to score some easy entry-level epic gear, so that's cool.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is just kind of my filler game. It's what I play when I want to play something, but don't really have very strong feelings as to what to play. I just hit Prestige 20 about a week ago, so I've been working on completing challenges, completing weapon challenges, and unlocking Gold camo for all guns. So far I've finished off all of the SMGs and about half of the assault rifles.

3. The next game on my list is The Last of Us. I bought a Playstation 3 a few months back on sale, and this was one of the games that I bought with it because of how ridiculously well-received it was by both gamers and reviewers. I especially want to play it now because I refuse to watch the new episodes of Spoiler Warning because of, well, spoilers.

4. Not many. I usually tend to buy a game, play it to completion, then buy a new game, play it to completion, then buy a new game, etc. So I don't usually end up with much of a backlog. The only reason I have one right now is because I bought a bunch of games with that PS3, and I just haven't gotten around to them yet. The only game I bought for it that I've actually completed was Valkyria Chronicles, and that's kinda cheating since I'd already beaten the game a couple years back on my college roommate's PS3.

5. Possibly Alien: Isolation, if it gets good reviews. I absolutely love the Alien franchise, but after Aliens: Colonial Marines... I just don't know if I really want to make another DAY-1 purchase so soon. If it gets great feedback, I'll buy it. If not, I'll wait for the price to drop, then I'll wait for a Steam sale. I'm also looking forward to the remastered HD releases of Homeworld and Homeworld 2. I've got the next World of WarCraft expansion pre-ordered. I'll probably pick up Defense Grid 2. And then there's Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel which I'm interested in... but I think I'm going to wait on the reviews since it's not the same development team as BL2.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
VidyaDawg said:

  • What game are you playing at the moment?
    How is it coming along?
    What is next on the list?
    How many games you got lined up?
    Anything new coming that is going to get piled up?
1) Marvel Puzzle Quest is my main game.
Hearthstone for the daily quests.
Dragon Age: Origins when I find the time.

2) Amazing. Marvel Puzzle Quest and Hearthstone are great. DA:O is a bit of a slog. I LOVED that game last time I played it but now it doesn't hold up as well as I remember. Not sure why though.

3) Dragon Age: Awakening then Dragon Age 2 all in prep for Dragon Age Inquisition later in the year.

4) Dozens. Max Payne Franchise, several assassin creed games, Ys series, X-com franchise, Mark of the Ninja, Spec Ops The Line and more

5) Dragon Age Inquisition (though I plan to play this one right away).
The following are games I intend to buy when they suitably drop in price:
- Shovel Knight
- Rogue Legacy
- Defense Grid 2
- Ryse: Son of Rome
- Last Dream (aka FF6 clone)
- Arkham Origins (this constantly goes on sale but never fully bundled with all DLC. I'm waiting for everything to be under $10.00)


New member
Jan 24, 2014
When the new Smash comes out, that will be my only multiplayer game for a while. While in that time, I will play a bunch of my backlog. Maybe pause during the game and get a match of Smash in, and go back to enjoying the game.

Games in my backlog - too many. But I'll be motivated to play more when Smash comes out I think.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
I am currently playing GTA 5. Its going alright, I always do this with Rockstar games, I play it for ages when I first buy it but get bored of it and put it down for about a year or so. Then I will pick it up again and play it to completion. Just some of the missions are really fucking annoying, especially anyone that forces you into a plane or helicopter.

Next will probably be Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. This is another one that got dropped last year shortly after I got it because Dead Space 3 came out and I stopped playing it. I did try playing I again later last year but I did it when I was on standby and every time I played it I got to the same point and got called out and had nowhere to save my progress. So that got dropped again. But while there is little to nothing coming out for the last gen, I'm determined to finsh games I liked. I also have Tales of Graces f and Xillia to finish too so that may happen too.

In the pile of unplayed games, I have Dead to Rights: Retribution, Golden Axe: Beast Rider (I am playing games that didn't review well) as well as Metro: Last Light and Skyrim too. Plus loads of PS+ games to play.

And coming out, the new Fifa will probably eat hours of my time and Evil Within and Alien Isolation if they gets good reviews. If not, I can wait until they get cheap.

Super Cyborg

New member
Jul 25, 2014
As far as playing:

Disgaea 3 which I'm only in chapter two, doing some item world grinding. This is more one I'll play off and on because it's one of the few games that are easy to do that way.

Edna and Harvey: The Escape. A fun point and click. I still have a ways to go, or at least that's what it seems. Been a long time since playing a point n click, so taking time to get used to again.

Atelier Totori which I started and liked, but I got a little tired of turned based games for a time so went on to different games. Will be starting up again soon, but trying to decide if start completely over or back where I was at.

When I get back home I have the Wonderful 101 and Super Mario Bros WiiU to finish.

I have a number of games I want to play, but once I finish the others I don't know what I'll play. By the time it comes to starting new games, a different game might be out that I decide I wanted to play.

As for new games, the main ones that are coming out soonish that I will want to play right away are Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky second chapter and Persona Q. The ones that will eventually come out that will cause problems is Persona 5, the new Legend of Zelda game, and the recently announced Ys game.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
I got Bastion and Batman Arkham Origins over the weekend, kind of switching back and forth at the moment. Really liking both so far. I actually think AO is even better than AC, though neither is as good as AA.

Next, I think I'll make another stab at LA Noire, picked it up on a sale a few years ago but my video card wasn't up to handling the crappy rockstar pc port. I've upgraded since then and should be able to get decent performance out of it.

I've got five or six I have not even touched yet, and another dozen I need to get back to at some point. But all I'm looking at buying anytime soon... nothing until The Evil Within. Unless I see a good weekend deal.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
When I finished Wonderful101 I noticed Assassins Creed Black Flag on the Eshop for 14?.
I also found an old Fire Emblem game for the GameBoy which I decided to play first. It was long as hell and now Hyrule Warriors was released, next month Bayonetta is released and then we get SmashBros... So it will be a while before I start playing it I guess :p

Rayce Archer

New member
Jun 26, 2014
VidyaDawg said:
What game are you playing at the moment?
Darkness 2, Wolfenstein tNO, Mount and Blade: Warband.
How is it coming along?
I lost my darkness progress on the last level on hard (don?) so I'm doing it again on easy. The game isn't much fun, honestly; I'm playing it for the story and art which are solid. I'd recommend playing on easy to anyone really, since at least then you feel like a legit comic book super-anti-hero and not just some dude with useless pet tentacles.

Wolfenstein is coming along. It's hard if you turn it up; I played on the highest difficulty because the reviews all touted that it had "immersive" combat, but what that really means is that when you shoot the bullet sponges with your wildly inaccurate guns, they bleed SUPER REALISTICALLY. I'm loving the mix of seriously creepy Nazi stuff and 60s spy thriller goofiness though, it's genuinely fresh.

Mount and Blade is mount and blade. Another day, another heap of thousands of corpses all so I can have a dyeworks in some cruddy little Viking port town. It's a fun game, provided you don't mind killing more people than Hitler just so you can afford a thriving salt trade.
What is next on the list?
Resident Evil 4, more Diablo 3 GOTS TO GET MY RING OF ROYAL GRANDEUR, Left 4 Dead if my Left 4 Dead buddies ever get their heads out of their asses and stop getting angry over what's so obviously a party game.
How many games you got lined up?
My steam library overflows with mediocre cheapies I should really go back and finish. And I paid for AOM all over again so I suppose I should go beat it again at some point. Meh.
Anything new coming that is going to get piled up?
Well I promised myself that after Colonial Marines and burning out on 2 that I wouldn't day 1 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, but I probably will anyway. Randy Pitchford could probably con my anal virginity out of me if there was enough Claptrap involved.