Backlog Thread - What's next on your list?


New member
Dec 5, 2013
Now: Professor layton vs phoenix wright and FF14
Progress: Taking my time to enjoy the story
next: smash 4 when it comes out
Line up: pikmin 3, bleed, claire, sir you are being hunted, finishing MH3 ultimate to completion, EDF 2025, Splinter cell BL, Hyrule warriors, 100% - Gundam DW3, extreme VS, nidhogg... you know what I'll leave it at about half my steam games and call it a day. too much to list.

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
The original Quest for Glory pentalogy. I've been spoiled by overbearing tutorials and fair gameplay; decided to play an imported mage throughout the five games.
These games fucking hate mages, and by extension anybody who invests a single point into Magic. Laughed at being able to propose to Rakeesh. Otherwise, good series of games ruined by Sierra's usual clumsiness and meh-ish ness.
Going to replay Dragon Age 2, this time trying to get my entire party killed. In my last playthrough, only a few of them died. This time, I'm going to kill all the cuties.
Nothing new. Decided not to be a massive manchild and instead be an ADULT, and pay bills and wear hats and shave, and am thus am only buying one or two new games this year.
Dragon Age: Inquisition. I'll always make an exception for Bioware.

The Random Critic

New member
Jul 2, 2011
I need to play shovel knight sooner or later... sadly i have two weeks to decide weather or not I want to subscribe to FF14. (it's been hitting all the right spots for me, but still pondering if it's truly worth the investment)

After seeing that British guy playing Wasteland 2 on twitch, i decided that I want to boot up JA2 1.13 for the third time
Aug 19, 2010
My laptop bricked recently, and I won't be able to afford a machine capable of gaming that is a worthy investment for another 2 years,so about 100 games that I haven't finished or haven't even started yet will be sitting around unplayed for circa 700 days.


I did recently buy a PS2 off a friend with a few games, and looking at the library of that beast, it could satisfy my gaming needs for well over two years. Too bad I don't have much time to play nowadays.

I'm currently playing through Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (that title cracks me up every time) on the PS2, and I'm looking to get the MGS games.

As for new releases, I was looking forward to a lot of them, actually, but now lacking the means to play them, I try to distance myself from them...
I can't bear the pain.
oh the pain


New member
Apr 4, 2011
What game are you playing at the moment?

How is it coming along?
-Quite well. I'm enjoying it quite a lot so far. I've been short on time to play it recently, but I expect to be through the main story fairly soon.

What is next on the list?
-Journey, one of many games I bought a while back but haven't played yet.

How many games you got lined up?
-After Journey, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. Then I'll be done with the PS3 backlog (except for MGS4), and I'll start working on the (daunting) backlog of purchased-but-unplayed PS2 games (some of which I've owned for 6 years), including MGS2 and MGS3, and then I'll go back to play MGS4 (all these years and I've only ever played MG1, and I'd like to be caught up before MGS5 drops).

Anything new coming that is going to get piled up?
-Not really. The only announced titles that have me interested don't even have release dates yet.

Bad Jim

New member
Nov 1, 2010
What game are you playing at the moment?

How is it coming along?
I just met my first little sister. I harvested her. I'm a nice person. No, really, I am.

What is next on the list?
Not sure. I've just finished Bioshock Infinite, I might try Bioshock 2.

How many games you got lined up?
My backlog has grown to epic proportions.

Anything new coming that is going to get piled up?
I'm not even looking at what's coming out. Waiting a few years allows me to get games at a tiny fraction of the release price, and long after the hype has replaced by a reasonable assessment from the gaming community. I can no longer justify buying games at full price, knowing they'll cost far less when I actually decide to play them anyway.


Dec 1, 2011
1. I'm actually playing several games at the moment. Rayman Legends, World of Tanks, Valiant Hearts, and occasionally Borderlands 2 when I can get some people to play with.

2. The first three are coming along fine. Borderlands, however is at a standstill because I can't get the help I need to do certain things.

3. Either Enslaved: Odyssey to the West or Darkest of Days.

4. I've got about six or seven games lined up; three of which I can't play at the moment because my brother currently has the PS3.

5. Not likely. The only game I have plans to get at the moment is Borderlands the Pre-sequal and I plan on playing that the day I get it.