"Bad Games" you want sequels for.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Lot of mentions of Alpha protocol.

That game doesn't need a sequel, but rather a free mod to fix everything wrong with it.

Nackl of Gilmed

New member
Sep 13, 2010
Bit different to the thread's intention, but Majesty 2 came out a year or two ago. I was looking forward to it, but it completely failed to reach the quality of the 1st, let alone exceeding it. I would like a do-over of that from a company who loves the original Majesty as much as I do.


New member
Mar 8, 2011
000jinx said:
000jinx said:
As far as Pirates!, I don't like that game. The mechanics were annoying and plot, thin but workable when the game wasn't bugging out but I LOVED Uncharted Waters 2: New Horizons, on the SNES/Gen and Pirates! is it's spiritual successor. Something about killing other pirates and trading goods between ports while solving the mystery of Atlantis, or I guess, finding your family in Pirates! just thrills me for some reason.
Spiritual successor? You know Pirates! came out in 1987 and Uncharted Waters in 1991?
My fault, I never knew there was 1987 version as well as the 2005. Looking at the screen shots on Wikipedia the original Pirates! looks very similar to what I remember of Uncharted Waters. I guess most of Uncharted Waters was based on that. Huh.
How is Uncharted Waters? I had never heard of it before, I love Pirates! wonder if I should trak down the PC port?
I absolutely loved Uncharted Waters 2! The story was pretty solid, trading was actually a viable way to make a living, although pirating, when you got the money for a good size fleet, was more fun, and the overall feel, for me, was better than the 2005 Pirates! When I replayed Uncharted Waters 2 I did miss the way you took ports in Pirates! though. But besides an ISO I think you'll have to track down an old SNES or Genesis too, but here's a link to the game still listed on Amazon:



New member
Dec 1, 2009
Crackdown 3 would be nice. i LOVED that game, and having a third one (perhaps set in a bigger, more varied city?) would be amazing.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
mireko said:
Hyperdimension Neptunia isn't really a bad game, but the reviews have been less than friendly. Still, the story is so weird and funny that I would love to see a sequel developed by a company that actually knows how to program an inventory system.
This. But add the fact that they made a character's ability to heal based on chance. I want to like the game so much, but it is just a "meh" for me.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
I'm gonna go old school and say Cheetahmen 2. The game is famously pathetic, but has an interesting premise (then again, mutated animals battling armies of other mutated animals and a mad scientist boss has kinda been done to death at this point). I think it could be interesting if handled differently.
I'd also like to jump on the Too Human bandwagon. I really liked the premise of that game and am incredibly disappointed in its horrible "failness".

Adding more to the list (and looking through ZP reviews for games that sucked, but had cool ideas):
Metroid: Other M. Keep the action with some improvements, and rewrite the story completely... OK, not so much a sequel as a retcon.
Army of Two. Again, very interesting premise, and some might argue its not "that bad"... but it could be better.
APB. I like the idea of an MMO shooter. Someone's on this already, I hear.
Mindjack. Ok, so it's brand new but I haven't heard anything about it except Yahtzee's tirade [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/2793-MindJack] on how bad it was. I like the mechanic in theory.
Epic Mickey: Love the duality mechanics and the "zombie Disneyworld" aesthetics. I suppose this is another "not really bad" game that deserves another chance.
Spectrobes: A "collectible monster" game that was never quite as popular as Pokemon or even Digimon, but it always had action-based combat. I always called Spectrobes "what Pokemon could have been". Then again, the stories and gameplay have been... lacking, even for this genre. Come to think of it, if we can combine Pokemon's depth with Digimon's complex storytelling and Spectrobes' dynamic action-based combat (and mini games)... we'd have one hell of a monster collecting game...
Transformers: War for Cybertron: I love the Transformers franchise, and I'm glad to see that the games have gone from "shit" to "slightly less than shit" all the way up to to "average at best". One more try, based on everything we've learned (and giving Michael Bay a restraining order), and maybe they'll finally get it right... I hope.
Brutal Legend: METAL!! ...that is all. Actually Brutal Legend wasn't so bad, would have worked nicely as an animated or comic series maybe...


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
.No. said:
The Jaws game and Mercenaries 2. Haven't played Jaws, but have played Mercenaries 2, for both PS2 and PS3.
They are making a sequal to Mercenaries 2, but it is called Mercs Inc. It is being made by EA with what remains of the people who worked at Pandemic.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
I want a new Monster Rancher game, prefferably on the 360. Not really considred a "bad" series, just never got so big.


New member
May 24, 2009
Dark Void. Not necessarily a "sequel," mind you (I don't see anything good coming from that mess it called a plot), but a spiritual successor would be nice. Because, you know, JET PACKS.

Dante's Inferno. Again, not a sequel, but I'd like a spiritual successor. I mean, after the extraordinary awesome-fest that is Dead Space 2, I feel Visceral are ready to start another original IP, and what better than an epic fantasy brawler using the improved storytelling framework of DS2? As long as they lay off the embarrassing ad campaigns from now on, it should all be fine.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
Saelune said:
.No. said:
The Jaws game and Mercenaries 2. Haven't played Jaws, but have played Mercenaries 2, for both PS2 and PS3.
They are making a sequal to Mercenaries 2, but it is called Mercs Inc. It is being made by EA with what remains of the people who worked at Pandemic.
I forgot about that. I saw some of the trailers for it though, and I remember it looked like shit.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
When I read the title, first thing I thought of was Homefront.

But OP's comment did give me a certain longing for Alpha Protocoll 2.

However, I'm never buying another Obsidian game ever again. I should have learned my lesson with Kotor II, and then AP, and then FO:NV. This time it's for real. This whole fun but deeply flawed shtick they've been doing is wearing out it's welcome.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
I want to see some more of Advent Rising. The game was initially planned to be a trilogy, but only the first was made. And mad horribly. But once you got past the nearly game-breaking glitches, the game had a pretty compelling story and characters (at least to my 12 yr. old mind). Sadly, I never got to see that story concluded.

But, I mean, come on, who doesn't want another game that let's you dual-wield rocket launchers.