Bad guys really do get the most girls.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
That's no surprise at all. But now I know what loopholes to evade since I could easily be counted in with the "Nice Guy" group.

[Insert "Thank you TF2 clip" here, if one could be found]


Perfect Strangers
Jun 23, 2009
The Austin said:
khaimera said:
They do, but think about the quality of the girls they are getting.
BOOM! What he said!

I would rather be with the nice responsible girl than the slutty wild girl any day.

And thse girls always have issues, always, why else date someoene who does not treat you well. Those issues will make you want to run as far you can to get away from them. Which won't be easy, since they're crazy.

Edit: love the avatar, never seen anything like it.

Czargent Sane

New member
May 31, 2010
we need to establish the difference between guy and boy.
bad guys dont get the most girls, believe me! I just invaded a nearby city with a robot army, called down a storm of fire on a fedex, and stole the torch from the statue of liberty.

you dont see ME being swarmed by fangirls.


New member
Mar 11, 2010
In the counter article I must say I read it and saw myself, but it's a bit extreme to class them all as insecure and clingy. Talk to the clingy one and figure out why they think the way they are, with some tweaking, behavior can change and then your left with a nice guy without the bad crap.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Confidence, a cheeky smile and the ability to treat a woman as (gasp!) an actual person with their own personality and attitudes will get a bloke a fair way in romancing the womenfolk.

Also, take a good hard look at yourself and your own behaviour, lads. While you're chasing some idealised bird who you've probably put on a pedastal so high the poor ***** probably needs breathing gear, how many REAL women, top quality birds, have you ignored because they didn't meet every box on your checklist? "Chase the Moon and trip over rocks," as my grandfather used to say.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Czargent Sane said:
we need to establish the difference between guy and boy.
bad guys dont get the most girls, believe me! I just invaded a nearby city with a robot army, called down a storm of fire on a fedex, and stole the torch from the statue of liberty.

you dont see ME being swarmed by fangirls.
You might be far too goal oriented for most women.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Get out of the teens and you'll see a marked increase in bad guys failing to get girls and "nice guys" getting girls. It is amazing how some emotional growth can affect such things.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Yeah, because bad guys are hot and nice guys are fucking boring.

Is that really a revelation?? Only pussy girls want pussy guys.

Nice guys tend to be creepy D=


New member
May 8, 2010
What is a bad guy? Good guys are usually clueless pansies that take all there relationship advice from movies made also by clueless rich pansies. More than likely to end up being the 'settle with' husband.

Right now most young 'good guys' are taking the wannabe comedian approach and it drives me up a wall. Watching a woman pretend to think you're funny and then you thumbs upping yourself is the second saddest thing to watch on the planet.

We're all bad guys is what I'm trying to say.


New member
Feb 16, 2009
Heartless Bitches. The clue is in the name.

so many Nice Guys complain about women being horrible
The article starts with the above statement, yet it consists entirely of sweeping generalisations about NGs. Hypocrite much?

You never know if a Nice Guy really likes you for who you are
Who's the insecure one in that statement?

Hey, if you think that a guy you're in a relationship with is doing it wrong, then why not, y'know, TELL HIM THAT in mature language rather than expecting him to figure it out from smoke signals or pointing him to this acidic rant?

The article is thought provoking and intelligent; I'm not completely trashing it. But as I read it, I found myself saying "that makes sense" and "no, that's BS" in fairly equal proportion.

I am an NG but I'm not insecure (much), I just lack confidence. The way to build confidence is through experience. The way to get experience is to be given a chance once in a while rather than be written off by prejudice. I am the Simone de Beauvoir of geeky guys! :D


New member
Aug 4, 2009
I think this kind of discussion has taken placed plenty of times already. It's pretty much beed agreed that this is true. Yes, there are exceptions, as there are to everything, but in general i think it's true.
Also, the whole point about these girls growing out of it does not make me feel better. Quite the opposite. So, they spend their younger, wilder years having awesome fun with the jerks, and then they settle down with a nice guy. So the assholes get all the fun time, and the nice guys get all the work: family, job, taking care of the kids, bills, etc, etc.
So, the nice guy never gets any fun, because he is ignored at first, and then he gets straight into the whole family/responsibility/stress part.
At least that is the way i see it. Meh.

Monkfish Acc. said:
I counter with this [].
Heartless Bitches needs to be quoted a lot more in these kinds of arguments.

You know why us girls sometimes date assholes? Because said assholes actually showed interest in us and asked us out instead of offering us friendship under false pretenses and gazing at us from afar while expecting us to magically realize we're meant to be together.

To the sweet nerdy guys of the world, I cry: "Just ask me out already! It won't kill you if I say no!"
How do you know it won't? Or, more to the point, i don't think you have any idea how HORRID that can feel for some people. Or, you know, you could try that. It won't kill you. :)

dududf said:
Monkfish Acc. said:
I counter with this [].
*donates to sperm bank*
*commits suicide*
Interesting aproach. That's a pretty good idea i think. Might give it a try.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Hehehe... I am a lurking Machiavellian. Although I don't think this really needs discussion, if I were a girl, I would really be turned off by a smooth-talking schemer.


New member
Aug 30, 2009
Soylent Bacon said:
Why worry about who gets the most girls? It's more important to find the right one for you than to have the most attracted to you.
You clearly have never liked a girl just for her to go off and date some asshole; finding the right girl is only 50% of the job.


New member
Feb 16, 2009
JanatUrlich said:
Nice guys tend to be creepy D=
And girls tend to be bad drivers and not good at sciences.

Do you see what I did there? I made a patently untrue, unkind and offensive statement based on gender stereotypes in order to highlight the fact that you had done the same.

I'm sorry. I don't mean to turn this into the battle of the sexes, or whatever, but I felt I had to say something; I was offended because I know how many times I've been rebuffed for being "creepy" because I don't have an instinctive understanding of social boundaries, protocols or rituals, and if everyone thinks the same as you then I don't get opportunities to learn those things from experience. Don't feel that you have to reply if you think I'm being an idiot. :)