She reminds me a lot of undergraduates I have met/taught/been.trunkage said:You know, this Red Pill, MWGTOW or Incel thing proves parts of Sarkisian's thesis wrong. She kept stating that the power fantasies for males didn't have a negative effect for men.
Undergraduates are often very easily overwhelmed by the superficial coherence and intellectual mystique of academic work. When introduced to a theoretical perspective which resonates with their personal perspective and seems to provide answers to problems they have in their own understanding of the world, they often become very attached to that perspective and won't seek out or accept criticisms of it even if those criticisms result in more coherent or complete theory.
Anita's perspective is very rooted in 1980s radical feminist media criticism, and I don't think she was ever pushed extensively to critique that perspective. A lot has happened in theory since the 1980s, and there are a lot of video essayists and pop culture figures who represent these perspectives much better than Anita does. Her main claim to fame is how much people shat themselves hollow over her making a small youtube series.
Heck, the co-writer of Tropes vs. Women, Jonathan McIntosh, has his own channel [] which has its own problems but often comes out with much more nuanced and interesting takes on the effects of media and its depictions and fantasies about masculinity, many of which could easily be applied to the whole red/black pill phenomenon and adjacent movements.
How often do we see movies in which a lovable loser pursues an attractive girl or woman (even to the point of stalking) who is already in a relationship with an irredeemable asshole character, and despite being entirely mediocre, our protagonist's creepy persistence and basic ability to not act like a cartoonish asshole ultimately gets him the girl. If that is the fantasy men are being sold, how are they going to feel when it doesn't work out that way?
Even in the 80s and 90s, ridiculously hardcore Christian-conservative men's movements like the Promise Keepers, who actually were what these conference organisers were pretending to be, were already emphasising the need for men to engage with family life, take a proactive role in childrearing and be more emotionally open and supportive in their relationships with their wives, because they realised that was the only way the traditional patriarchal family which they valued so much was going to survive. These losers can't even get that far.Gordon_4 said:You know the thing I find baffling as shit about that part about Cernovitch?s implied views on men not handling any aspect of child rearing is that men?s groups who are doing work for men worth a squirt of piss have been trying to get it known just how much fathers do want to be involved in raising their children. Like, way to spit in the faces of your fellows there Stephen, on top of just being pathetic.