Agema said:
Although most of them seem to have got to inceldom over time through frustration and bitterness at not getting laid, I suspect they were always misogynistic (not necessarily knowingly). They were unable to learn and develop skills or attitudes conducive to sex and relationships over the years. I also suspect they have excessive ambitions: they want the pretty and popular women who have much better options than them, when if they just wanted to get laid they really needed to lower their expectations.
One thing I find very interesting about incels is that while their beliefs seems ridiculous, they are clearly reacting to something. They're people who have clearly been catastrophically failed by their own gender ideology, but who for whatever reason are unwilling to give it up or to change their ideas.
Schadrach said:
Just remember, when they talk about "women", they mean the sorts of women that PUA tactics target and often work on. Who on the whole are really shitty people.
So, I think a key thing we need to realise in order to understand PUAs is that it's not actually a subculture about sleeping with women, it's a subculture about selling the fantasy of sleeping with women to men, whether for personal validation, political advantage or (more sinisterly) for financial gain.
Julian Blanc, for example, isn't going around grabbing women by the throat because it actually gets him laid. He does it because men enjoy the fantasy of being able to physically assault women and then magically breaking their brains so they want to fuck. It turns out, a lot of men are shitty people who enjoy the fantasy of hurting and dominating women more than they enjoy the fantasy of having mutually enjoyable sex with them.
And speaking of Blanc, because his honesty is kind of refreshing.
This is the unfortunate reality behind those "PUA tactics" that "work".
For many women, the bar for how a partner should treat them is only as high as men have treated them in the past, and because (as we've established) men are frequently shitty people, many women simply do not have the perspective to recognise coercive behaviour from the "normal" behaviour of men. What Julian figured out is that if you sexually assault a lone woman in public she will typically not punch you in face. In fact, she'll often react submissively. That's not because you've secretly short-circuited her weak female brain, it's because she's afraid. That fear can also be "tactically" exploited by people who are capable of being slightly more clever about it.
If you are treating someone like shit in order to get sex out of them or to keep them in a relationship, that's not because you're a Chad, it's because you're an abusive shit. The sad reality here is that being an abusive shit is kind of normal if you're a man, and women can't be expected to automatically recognise abusive shittery because, sadly, men just be like that.
And yes, as much as the whole thing creeps me out, a lot of PUAs are not like this and are just doing horny self-help for men with limited social skills, and that's really not the worst, but I also wouldn't really call it "tactics" any more than I'd credit a guide to basketball for telling its readers to practice throwing a ball.