Banned PETA Commercial


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Ezekel said:
Studies show, meat tastes better than vegetables.
Studies also show that PETA are liers and hypocrits.

Ago Iterum said:
Ezekel said:
Studies show, meat tastes better than vegetables.
Haha. Yes. I believe it does.

Funnily enough, I got more turned on over their adverts of snapping chickens necks, and putting cows in blenders etc.



New member
Jan 1, 2008
Seems like a perfectly fine advert that hits their target demographic and makes it's point well. Though I agree with not showing it during the Superbowl or any other prime-time programming for that matter. If it was me I'd have run it an e-ad somewhere like gametrailers.

I think people are just getting worked up over anything PETA related nowadays.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
I can see why that was banned - mainly because it's a flat lie. Can't PETA get it into their collective skull that eating meat is - :O shock! - what humans are meant to do biologically?
I have nothing against people who don't want to eat meat; sticking to an ethical choice is pretty admirable. But when they go ramming crap like this down people's throats when they don't follow their ethics is just plain ignorant.
It's about time PETA threw in the towel. If they carry on, they'll only hurt their own cause.
(On a side note, that'd never make me stop eating meat...)


New member
Jul 4, 2008
for 2 reasons do i see there to be holes in their theory about vegetarians bein better in bed... 1: us meat eaters have higher protein intake levels meaning better musculature, we break less easy and have more tolerance for physical stress... also #2 anyone who knows a vegetarian knows veggie farts smell the worst, and that aint good in bed for anyone :D

also a balanced diet includes lean meat and vegetables and a combo tastes better than just veggies... also salads though good as sides aren't that filling, so yeah have a salad with yer steak and bam healthy meal. :D :D /end rant

Sgt. Dante

New member
Jul 30, 2008
NoMoreSanity said:
That was better than Sea Kittens and the Holocaust.
I dunno, sea kittens was f*cking hilarious.

Did anyone see the PETA cooking mama? it was a thanks giving special i think.


Pandamonium is at hand
Dec 3, 2008
Who the hell came up with this commercial?That person must not know that when you show half-naked chicks to a man then show him some text about....well,anything,he'll completely ignore the text.

Besides,if PETA wants me to go vegetarian,what will happen to the poor plants?They'll end up in slaughter houses to be inhumanly treated.On the plus side,an organisation called PETP(People for Ethical Treatment of Plants) will appear urging us to eat bacon and...

Excuse me,I have an organisation to create.
Remember,vegan is murder,eat meat :D


New member
Jan 4, 2008
the only thing i've ever heard from a PETA member that made any logical sense was bill maher talking about food additives, like artificial colouring and hormone injections, because those eventually build up in the body, like everything else that happens with our food. i haven't found any studies personally to back up his claims, but i at least acknowledged that it was plausible. everything else he's said about PETA though has been bullshit. that's hard for a fan of his to admit.

speaking of bullshit, Penn & Teller did an episode of Bullshit! showing PETA's exploits (as well as other radical "animal-saving" bullshit artists), and another episode going over vegetarianism vs carnivorism (whatever you'd call it) vs being an omnivore (which is what humans are: meat and veggie eaters).

besides, vegetables aren't that safe. tomato leaves are toxic and spinach from th US is poisonous

RedMenace said:
As I always tell everyone who tries to preach to me about Vegetarianism: "For every animal you dont eat I'll eat 10. I eat the problem, you eat the solution."

I know these phrases are generic but hey, I like 'em.


New member
Jan 4, 2008
Exocet said:

Besides,if PETA wants me to go vegetarian,what will happen to the poor plants?They'll end up in slaughter houses to be inhumanly treated.On the plus side,an organisation called PETP(People for Ethical Treatment of Plants) will appear urging us to eat bacon and...
oh, you must be with the same organization as george carlin then. back in the 80's he spoke out against "battered plants", but i couldn't find a video of his speech (watch his special "Playing With Your Head" for more info)


New member
Jan 29, 2009
PETA would be alot more credible if they didn't try so hard to force their beliefs down everybody's throat.


New member
Jul 8, 2008
Ezekel said:
Studies show, meat tastes better than vegetables.
*Thumbs up*

Couldn't agree more.

... This must be PETA getting desperate;

"We've failed to rename fish as Sea Kittens, now what do we do?"
"I know! Let's give some hot, horny women some vegetables! That'll stop meat-eating for good!"
"My god! That's genius! TO THE PETA MOBILE!"

This is funny as fuck, what will they do next... If anyone falls for this I'll become a Vegan.


New member
Nov 18, 2008
My first thought after the words 'surveys show vegetarians have better sex' was 'what surveys?' then it inevitably turned to '...this just makes it look and sound like vegetarians have sex with fruit and veg'...

...not a nice thought...

Bad advert.


New member
Oct 24, 2007
What a STUPID commercial. With so many troubles in the world (like famine) these people's main concern is to get you to stop eating meat... STOP EATING meat? pathetic (try telling that to people in Somalia or Haiti).


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Studies confirmed: i won't date a vegetarian, as i find them generally preachy and annoying.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Yah... PETA is pretty stupid..
They had some billboards up here in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada showing a sad santa with the caption "Santa won't be comming this year" (Cumming...)

People here were OUTRAGED! You know how hard it is to console a 4 year old when they think Santa isn't comming!!!
So a bunch of us, along with one of the local radio stations, met up under that billboard, had a BBQ, and the Milk 2 Go truck showed up to give out free Milk 2 Go. Nothing says piss off PETA like doing exactly what they don't like, right underneath one of their billboards.

A PETA member actually showed up and tried to tell us to leave. It was headline news the next day, and the day after the billboards were taken down by the company that owns them.

Score one for meat eaters!

PS: I have nothing against vegitarians, but really? Just like religion, don't push your beliefs on me if I don't want to believe them!

Log Lady

New member
Jan 11, 2009
You know, this whole sexy vegetable campaign thing is an old idea. Advocacy groups in some European countries were doing it. I interned for a group that was thinking about trying to bring it stateside, but they figured it would never get past the censors. My take is that advertising for whatever food works, and it's not a bad thing if folks want to balance out all the ads for fast food and what not during the Superbowl. It might be bad on the feminist angle, but it seems like a gray area to me. I'm kinda surprised that PETA (of all people) went for it. I mean, I guess eating vegetables helps animals, unless you make a nice beef stew.

That being said, how much you wanna bet more people watch this commercial online than watch the Superbowl? The internet is the new answer to silly censorship.

While we're on the subject, this inappropriate commercial is also pretty cool. (warning: lewd content, might be offensive)