Banned WoW Gamer Offers $1,000 To Get Account Back


Salvation a la Mode
Apr 1, 2010
Haakong said:
"I only whitewashed money because work is boring"

yeaaah.... no
Because real life money laundering is totally equivalent in every way to botting in a videogame /rolleyes.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Nick Stackware said:
Paying money through envelopes under trees is completely legitimate.
This is how I demanded my boss pay me.

On the article: my brother really liked archeology. So... trying to argue that you shouldn't be banned because archeology is objectively boring is a fail from the onset.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
The part that blows my mind isn't that he got caught cheating, or that he got banned for cheating, or that he's feeling 'unfairly treated' because he got caught cheating.

What blows my mind is that he was botting ARCHAEOLOGY. Like... seriously. Archaelogy. Of all the things to bot... it'd have to be a secondary profession. Fact is... if he were botting Arch, he was probably botting other things too. No one 'bots archaelogy' if they're bored of it. They just DON'T DO IT.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Wow,(Yes, "haha!") how conflicting!
First he doesn't want to play WoW himself because archeology is boring (and it really is), then he is desperate to spend a thousand bucks to play WoW...

I wonder if his "no questions asked etc." thing also will be as conflicting;
As soon as the account would be reinstated he'd go: "I'm not paying you, and if you complain I will tell your bosses that you broke the rules and get you fired!"... ?


New member
Nov 23, 2008
danpascooch said:
Charli said:
If it was unjust, appeal it, they have very easy ways of double checking.

Frankly he wouldn't jump to this so soon if it wasn't a legitimate ban,

And yes Archeology is the dead sea of boring.

It's astounding really, I thought fishing achievements would be the ultimate of how deep that could go. I was wrong.
Appeal what? He openly admitted he botted archeology, it's kind of hard to argue that they made a mistake when you just pleaded guilty lol.

Watch this work, how funny would it be if he got his account back.
I am professionally trained to 'skim' over anything with the word Archeology in it.
That's just how boring it is.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
My Blizzard should have some sort of donate system where you pay money to get an account reinstated, once, to avoid things like this.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
I lol'd. I love how he attempted to justify his bot use, claiming that being banned for cheating was unfair, basically.

What a moron.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
$1000 - some people have way too much disposable income (See anyone buying gold when it pretty much now grows on trees in WOW).

for $1000 I'd level him a new main and half a dozen alts to 85.

Hell, since he got banned they pretty much redesigned the whole damn game, why not just remake your characters or try some new ones if you really want to play again.

Honestly, I feel sorry for anyone banned unfairly, as it's like someone coming into your house and deleting all your hours of saved games, and then blocking a whole bunch of people on your social networking too.

But, he brought it on himself, botting is against the rules and for good reasons, if you want shiny things, you need to do the time to get them.

As others have said, if you find some part of WOW boring, do something else, if you find all of WOW boring, dont play it.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
Formica Archonis said:
vansau said:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that nobody at Blizzard would risk their job for a thousand bucks
And yet, it's the best offer I've seen for risking your job violating company policy. Based off things I have personally witnessed (to me or a coworker)....

Because her mother just died so she really needed her printer fixed today.
Two bucks in change.
Because he knows someone at the New York Times and will have me on the front page as a horrible person.
Sex. (Parties were in different countries.)
Because he makes more than I do, so I should sacrifice my job for his.
Threats of violence. (Sadly worked because the boss overheard and decided to just give in rather than call the cops.)
Because he's with the FBI.
A hit of some "really good weed".
Because no one had obviously ever said "no" to her in her first 20 years on the planet.
Because denying a refund is the same as rape, so she'll see me in jail for the horrible things I did to her grandson.
A Russian bride. ("My niece is very attractive, wants to come to this country. I could make suggestion....")
An unspecified thing, to be collected at a motel on the edge of town.
A copy of the guy's porn stash.
I have a feeling you work in retail. Simply because, so do I, and I can relate to at least half of those scenarios.

New member
Dec 8, 2009
One guy got banned when selling his 1400$ Steam account, this one wants to bribe a GM to unban his account for 1000$. What's next?
Some people simply don't know what to do with their time or monney :D


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Assassin Xaero said:
Someone willing to pay $1,000 to unban a WoW account? Yeah, that guy really needs a new hobby...
Wow. Seriously, the insanity of this fact didn't even hit me until you stated it. I was just thinking "Dumbass trying to buy off an admin", but then...yeah. $1,000 to continue playing WoW? I can't believe that someone would be willing to do that.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
Valanthe said:
I have a feeling you work in retail. Simply because, so do I, and I can relate to at least half of those scenarios.
Yup. Past life as a call center phone monkey for HP Deskjets, current life as a technician in a small computer store (so I'm also the returns department).

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Galliam said:
Kitsuna10060 said:
Galliam said:
Especially since there aren't very many fun MMORPGs out there anyway, since WoW kills them all.
>.> i can name a few better or more interesting then WoW, its not that there not there, people just don't know how to look
Like what for example? Very few MMORPGs have kept me playing but WoW is one that I still have an account and I will occasionally buy a 3 month card. Any others I've played, I quit and never went back.
before i actually answer, i must warning you, it will largely be me bashing WoW. you like it, fine, i think its over rated crap. ( yes i have tryed it, 3 times, highest i could get was 10 before getting bored and going back to something else i liked)

City of Heroes/Villains:retired: better character creator, though not hard to beat WoW's. more paths, as stated never go past lvl 10 in WoW, in CoH, made it to the cap (50) twice and got several other to high level, and never on the same path, not to mention, the epic classes are pretty bad ass, with each side having they're own(Heroes get the shape shifting Kheldons, Villains get Wolf Spiders and Widows, sounds lame, but they're awesome in action) and you get your first 'raid' i guess >.> at level 10,(not suggested till 14 just to cut down on travel time) and there's usually a new one ever 5 levels or so, some are hidden, unlocked by finishing missions in that area, most aren't though.
:reason i left: combat, after 3 years, it just go dull, and my 'super powered hero/villain' had to hit the wrong tier of enemy's to many times to drop one

Everquest2 :quit: for the time i played it, it was fun, the world was nice, an races diverse( like some 13 or something like that) though most the classes where pretty basic stuff, quests where plentiful, if not a bit of a beating in some cases, in that 'your not doing this your self why?' kinda way, something CoH manged to work around by having even the lowbie enemy's more then the cops could handle (robots, magically powered gang members, wanna be nazi's, insane doctors that make zombies out of people) but over all it was fun till ...
:reason i left: i have a massive issue with being ignored, when its MY MONEY that's funding some ones paycheck, there was a bug or glitch or something, an item i got off the pay store didn't register, i filed a ticket, and have yet to hear back, at all, an this was a few months ago, that an the game isn't really free to play, out of the 13 race, you get 5 free, but then its Sony so there ya go

Requiem :quit: dark, and often bloody MMO, enemy's die and twitch while covered in theyre own blood, while at its core, its kind of a WoW clone, this ones presentation is what i enjoyed about it, the world is dark, enemy's want you dead, and the game isn't shy about throwing something at you you might not be ready for (they're called Nightmare Creatures for good reason) and :D the transformation is SO bad ass, its not reinventing the wheel, but its fun, and different from the other WoW clones (which >.> is an EQ clone XD)
:reason i left: launcher issue actually, would freeze, that coupled with an extremely poor choice made by the devs in an update(took the transformations away, i raged, they where a ***** to get back then, heard they're back now though) i just kinda walked away after the launcher stopped working right.

DFO:playing: :D my love for this game stems from the boredom i got from other MMOs, while Requiem's combat is fast paced, with short cool down times, it's still nothing no one hasn't seen, DFO, is a 2D brawler in the vain of Streets of Rage, or Final Fight, and its awesome :D quests seem kinda limited, as are classes, but builds aren't, there's tons of ways to set a fighter up, and unless your using some one else's guide, your not likely to bump into some one running the exact same thing you are

Vindictus:main one i play: numerous paths to build a character? nope, deep character creation? not so much, story? yes actually, combat? no MMO I've played has better. first story, that game actually HAS ONE, its not great, but its on par with most single player games of the same style, which give its an MMO, damn near makes it solid gold, the NPCs are well characterized, you'll like some, love others, hate others still (FUCK YOU Riordan, hope you burn in hell!!! >.<) but they're never just a cardboard cut out, at the center, is combat though, think Darksiders, and your pretty spot on, with a few added extras, the environments are interactive, with improvised weapons (boxes, crates, barrels, chucks of ice, broken pillars) laying about to be used to cave somethings skull in, and enemy AI can be very good at times,(though not above bullshit moves), and can easily punish players that would treat it as a 'tank an spank' boss encounter, since you can't, and there's lots of freshly added stuff, since theyre was a major update today,(raised lvl cap, new area, new raid boss, transformations, PvP, and a few other things i forget, haven't got on it yet as of writing this) only real down side is Nexon has it :p but then, i could care less about them, the game is good, all i care about

hope that was a suitable reply :) (and without the WoW bashing i was expecting to dish out to)


New member
Oct 28, 2009

He admitted he was using bots, and he still wants his account back?
What an idiot. How about not cheating?


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Honestly, I don't mind Archaeology.

Then again, I'm an arcane mage with a thirty-five to forty minute heroic queue.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Taunta said:
I wouldn't be surprised if this carries over to his real life as well. I wonder how happy the IRS is going to be when he tells them "Paying taxes is boring, so I didn't."
Don't be silly. Of course he'd pay his taxes. He'd just forge the bills and complain when he was caught. After all, work is boring, so he came up with a way to bypass the process. >.>