Warner Bros. Discovery is hanging up Batgirl's cowl much earlier than expected
Fuck it, I have enough to say about this to warrant its own topic, not just a generic news post.
So, despite this movie being deep in post-production, and therefore having basically all the money spent on it that it was going to have spent, WB decided to cancel Batgirl. They aren't only pulling it from its theatrical release, but they have no plans to even release it on HBO Max. Apparently, it wasn't testing well enough with audiences, and they've been cancelling a fair few projects to save on money thanks to the WB and Discovery merger.
Here's my issue. First off, as I said, the film was basically done. They've basically just pissed away all of the money they've already spent on Batgirl with no way to get any of it back. If they had released it with minimal marketing...OK, it may not have done
well at the box office, but I'm pretty sure it would have been able to recoup more than its marketing costs, so even from a business perspective, I don't get it.
But what really bothers me is that $90 million is the budget of Batgirl at this point. That's not a lot of money, by Hollywood standards. You know what movie has a much larger budget, is not nearly as far in production, and has SO MUCH CONTROVERSY surrounding it at this point?
The Flash. Why are Warner Bros. so stubborn about sticking by Ezra Miller after all that they've done, but the second audiences seem to not care for Batgirl, "Welp, might as well cancel it, no way we can save this film."?