Batman Arkham Origins Hands-on Preview


New member
Feb 13, 2010
So am I only only one who watched this and thought "Gee I hope that is playable in the game." Arkham asylum/city didn't pull that bullshit of fights that could be easily playable being cut scenes.


New member
Apr 2, 2013
I hope that this gets more refined, or something. It would stink that the third game in the Arkham series blows....thanks though for the Hamill tweet. I was very sad that THE voice of Joker was "quitting".


New member
Jun 7, 2010
ObsidianJones said:
I don't care. I don't care if they called him Slade... how the hell is Ron Perlman not the voice of Deathstroke?
Same here! I was always surprised that he was never brought in to do Slade/Deathstroke in a bunch of other games where he has appeared. Thought Ron Perlman did a really excellent job; made Slade really sinister sounding in the Teen Titans cartoon. I mean, they got Cyborg's voice actor for Injustice...

OT: Having Troy Baker do Joker sounds really interesting. I don't think that's the type of character he usually does (and its also pretty funny, considering he did Batman in Lego Batman 2). Wonder how he will do the Joker. The other Joker voices out there are pretty good, so not having Mark Hamill here isn't too big of an issue. Roger Craig Smith as Batman? Guess we'll see how he does.

Having more Detective stuff to do sounds nice. I was never actively looking for puzzles to do in the Arkham games (besides Riddler stuff and whatnot), but it could be cool. Guess we'll see it in action at E3 or something.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
More of the same sounds fine to me. I loved both Arkham games. The Wire video was fantastic I never really watched that show but everytime I get a look at it it's great.


New member
Feb 13, 2012
Red X said:
Caffeine_Bombed said:
Anyone else hate the new costume design?
i'm assuming it's his first costume, in which case i don't mind. Makes sense.
I get that, but it just seems a little over-the-top (and not in that "It's supposed to be O.T.T." way).
It's like they saw the Nolan Batman and thought "Not enough metal..."


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Red X said:
Caffeine_Bombed said:
Anyone else hate the new costume design?
i'm assuming it's his first costume, in which case i don't mind. Makes sense.
Caffeine_Bombed said:
Red X said:
Caffeine_Bombed said:
Anyone else hate the new costume design?
i'm assuming it's his first costume, in which case i don't mind. Makes sense.
I get that, but it just seems a little over-the-top (and not in that "It's supposed to be O.T.T." way).
It's like they saw the Nolan Batman and thought "Not enough metal..."
I don't mind it either, looks somewhere between his new 52 design and the one in Injustice. I prefer it over the other one Asylum/City, but for a first outfit it does look incredibly...well designed, I know Bruce Wayne is rich, but I would've thought his first Batsuit would be a bit less high tech looking. But then I guess it could be construed that he hasn't invented the crazy nano fabric stuff that he has in Asylum yet.

I still prefer this new one though. But I think that's because I've never liked the pants and they've taken them ALL away with the new 52. No underwear for superheroes anymore!

This also seems odd as having the title "origins", I mean Black Mask, a BIG crime lord is sending 8 of the best assassins after him, he must've been doing some crazy ass shit for a while to garner that sort of attention.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
Sanaje said:
Wait, I'm confused now.

The developers say they used new voice actors because they wanted the voices of Batman (here played by Roger Craig Smith) and the Joker to sound younger than their previous Arkham selves.
Conroy to voice Batman [].

Does that mean Conroy meant another game, is Smith just a stand-in, or will it be a flashback game with older Bats narrating in the background?
I got the impression he would perhaps be narrating it, as if telling a tale of when his younger self had a hard with these assassins time or something.

Troy Baker has an impressive list of roles, so I look forward to his Joker, there have been a few that have got it right other then Mark Hammill, the guy playing him in Injustice is okay and the fellow who playing him in the DC animated flick, Under the Red Hood.

And I got no problem with the guy who voiced Ezio from the Assassins Creed games playing Batman, I think he deserves a chance. After all, Mr Conroy and Hammill won't be around forever and folks like these are the ones who could end up being good enough to inherit the mantle of these characters.

Susan Arendt said:
Question if you don't mind? I was a bit disappointed to see a hands on article and then the video was nothing but cut scene (Not your fault I'm sure), obviously you weren't given any material for the game play to show or something, why is that when you can show work to back up "This is a good game!" why wouldn't they let you guys do that?


New member
Sep 8, 2010
When in doubt, Troy Baker. I'm looking forward to playing as Deathstroke. It took me until Injustice to realize that he was Slade, which makes him 10 times as awesome.


New member
Jul 10, 2012
"Aww, I was hoping for a trailer with actual gameplay. Oh well, let's see.... Hmm, I wonder if you'll be able to burst through the floorboards like that in the actual game? That'd be cool. Hold on, why does Batman's suit look more armored and futuristic than ever if this is a Silver Age story? And the original one flat-out looks better anyway. Lame. But whatever, check out that Deathstroke fight. I know I shouldn't be speculating based on evidence from a prerendered trailer, but what if the actual boss fight will be like this - just a lengthy, intense melee battle. With the right design and tweaks to the existing combat system, I could see that standing a chance of dethroning Arkham City's Mr. Freeze fight. Wait a sec, why did Deadshot shoot Deathstroke's sword instead of just shooting Batm - whoa, did he really just drop a shipping crate on him? Oh, hey, check out Black Mask. Wow, he's actually pretty menacing; I think I could go for him as the primary antagonist under the right circumstances. You know, shallow hype-building though it may be, I can't help but get a good feeling from what's on display in this trai-"

Pre-order now to play as Deathstroke.


New member
Sep 17, 2011
These are the complaints so far? No-one is questioning how the cryptographic sequencer, is touted as 'new', when it was in the OTHER games? I know this is a prequel, but c'mon!


New member
Jul 12, 2009
I liked City so I'll most likely get this one too.
Never bad to play as batman right?


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Ultratwinkie said:
FFP2 said:
Wait, won't blowing up enemies with explosive barrels go against Batman's "no kill" rule?
Well the thugs would be dead from stuff Batman normally does.

It takes comic book rule of "blunt force trauma doesn't kill, only guns can"

Which is why Batman doesn't die when Superman uses his super strength to punch his face in some of the "superman goes rogue" arcs. It is also the same reason why Batman doesn't get any teeth knocked out no matter how hard he is hit.
Actually he does loose teeth, we just don't see them missing from one scene to the next, I believe he has some sort of bat-teeth-builder implanted o.o
Anyway, I thought the same thing when I read the article, about the non-kill approach, however, I did play a Conan game where the classic Cimmerian used magic (!!!), and the game was awesome nonetheless (awful graphics though), so I can take Bats killing people or "not killing" (by blowing them up...) any day as long as I get to taste more of the usual bat fun :)
ANNNND it seems we will get to track down Deadshot's shot! AGAIN... hahah

Khanht Cope

New member
Jul 22, 2011
I like the suit design (though it doesn't make that much sense in context) but I hate the chunky, stubby Gears of War-ish proportions they gave him.

Also I'm slightly annoyed that they're shunning any kind of gameplay footage in favour of pre-rendered sequences that play-out like the typical daydreamt movie scene arrangement within the mind of any Batman fan. Why show me thoughtless, context/subtext-free action when the thing I'm fundamentally interested in seeing is if you can make a game that lives up to the ones by Rocksteady?

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
chozo_hybrid said:
Question if you don't mind? I was a bit disappointed to see a hands on article and then the video was nothing but cut scene (Not your fault I'm sure), obviously you weren't given any material for the game play to show or something, why is that when you can show work to back up "This is a good game!" why wouldn't they let you guys do that?
So the kind of footage you're referring to is "direct feed," and it's not always allowed. Sometimes it's because the build we're playing isn't quite finished, and the devs simply don't want footage of wonky Batman ending up on YouTube as "proof" that the game sucks. Sometimes it's simple PR - they want to reveal gameplay footage on their marketing schedule, not our deadline.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Just jumping in to complain that what the fuck, so many loose plot threads at the end of City, c'mon guys stop being pricks.

Okay I'm done.