Batman Learns the Art of Interrogation for Arkham City


New member
Jan 5, 2009
Vault Citizen said:
I did an article for paranerds that compared Batman Begins (game) with Arkham Asylum. The point of the article was to explain why Arkham Asylum succeeded whered Begins failed. So I find it funny that a feature in Batman Begins (interrogations) will also be in Arkham City. I hope Arkham city does it better than Begins did.
I don't know there was one quote that I still like from it. "He'll kill me." "I'm here he's not and I'm worst." As long as it's quote worthy I'm happy.

Space Spoons

New member
Aug 21, 2008
stranamente said:
No one here finds it odd that the detective vision ables batman to see the rat?
Like "He smells of secrets?"
I think what they're trying to get at is the idea that Batman can tell which criminals are likely to crack under pressure by studying their body language, a skill he's used to great effect in the comics.

Of course, if their way of communicating this skill is, say, outlining said criminal in a convenient green outline, it becomes less a legit skill and more an example of video game Deus Ex Machina. I'd be much more impressed if they made it more subtle. Like, the regular thugs talk tough and carry themselves confidently, but the one that'll talk is always hunched over and kinda skittish-looking.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Brainplant said:
Logan Westbrook said:
After all, dangling people from buildings until they tell you what you need to know is a very Batman-y thing to do.
Mind you, you'd think that any henchmen would have figured out by now that Batman never actually kills anyone.

Maybe Batman's got a deranged brother no-one knows about, and it all becomes 'Good Bat, Bad Bat'.
You're ignoring one of the underlying premises to Batman as a whole, that most criminals are cowardly and superstitious. Good writers capitalize on this and explain some things from the criminals point of view. See, the major, crazy villians, like Joker, Penguin, etc, have all seen Batman for themselves and have kind of figured out his rules. But a lot of mob bosses and henchmen haven't. Some believe he doesn't exist and the Bat Signal is just psychological warfare by the PD and the rest is just rumor. Others think that every time a career criminal dies of a heart attack or gets shot under suspicious circumstances, that it was Batman's doing. Some think that he's not even human, which is understandable in a world where Superman and The Flash are very public figures.

Batman's rep is very murky, nobody really knows what to believe, so he gets credit for a lot of things he didn't do. Batman, of course, does nothing to correct this, because if a bunch of criminals think he kills people and the PD are covering it up, that works for him.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Is this just going to be for the Riddler challenges?

Because I think giving me the opportunity to tie up Harley Quin and pressure her for information would be part of...thing.


Geo Da Sponge

New member
May 14, 2008
Vault Citizen said:
I did an article for paranerds that compared Batman Begins (game) with Arkham Asylum. The point of the article was to explain why Arkham Asylum succeeded whered Begins failed. So I find it funny that a feature in Batman Begins (interrogations) will also be in Arkham City. I hope Arkham city does it better than Begins did.
Ooh, have you posted that on the internet somewhere? I'd like to read it because I too made mental comparisons between the two while I was playing Arkham Asylum. Batman Begins was a terrible game, but you can see how some of its design influenced the later game.

But yeah, I hope they make a better interrogation system than 'Press X to make guy talk' like they had in Batman Begins.

Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
Geo Da Sponge said:
Vault Citizen said:
I did an article for paranerds that compared Batman Begins (game) with Arkham Asylum. The point of the article was to explain why Arkham Asylum succeeded whered Begins failed. So I find it funny that a feature in Batman Begins (interrogations) will also be in Arkham City. I hope Arkham city does it better than Begins did.
Ooh, have you posted that on the internet somewhere? I'd like to read it because I too made mental comparisons between the two while I was playing Arkham Asylum. Batman Begins was a terrible game, but you can see how some of its design influenced the later game.

But yeah, I hope they make a better interrogation system than 'Press X to make guy talk' like they had in Batman Begins.

there you go.