Batman Sells Really Well


New member
May 16, 2009
if anybody was going to break the terrible superhero game curse it could be only one man.

and his name is Batman

but arkham asylum was an awesome game.

swaki said:
i hate this, a hot new game that gets discussed the crap out of it and im still waiting over here in Europe like a tool waiting for the pc release, good news everybody! have you heard resident evil 5 and red faction guerrilla is coming out soon!?!?!.

also im still waiting to try halo 3 on the pc.
well having all that awesome pc power must be amazing while you wait for games.Im so annoyed that im a console gamer these days.

Sorry i know it was a cheap shot but i have always wanted to say that.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
I must admit .. I found BAA one of the best £35 I have spent in ages. I normally dont go for these types of games at all, but after playing the demo, I thought it worth a punt. One of the first games I have played through till the end in a long while .. Even unlocked all the secrets and the big "secret" :) My only irritation was the boss battles .. but thats just me. I dont like boss battles that much but stuck with it to finish the story.

Bring on a sequel. It will be on my list.


New member
Feb 22, 2007
sheic99 said:
Not only that, but the pirates got a fucked up copy.
Which was fixed within a few weeks after the leak, and still weeks before the actual release.

hypothetical fact said:
swaki said:
i hate this, a hot new game that gets discussed the crap out of it and im still waiting over here in Europe like a tool waiting for the pc release, good news everybody! have you heard resident evil 5 and red faction guerrilla is coming out soon!?!?!.

also im still waiting to try halo 3 on the pc.
Blame pirates.
Blame publishers. The pirates have been playing BAA on their modded XBOX360's and the patched "pirate-bug" version on their PCs for weeks. Again, the legitimate customers are the ones who suffer because people who make anti-piracy demands can't or won't understand the piracy situation. They still think that piracy is when random game owners randomly decide to [suddenly become a software security expert and] share a copy of the game over the web, so they just keep throwing DRM at them, when anyone any experience in the matter knows that 90%+ of releases are made by specialized pirate groups ("The Scene") and no DRM has managed to do anything other than delay them for a week or two (at the most extreme cases). The DRM on the legitimate customer's game, on the other hand, stays forever.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Awesome, they deserve the money. Now let's hope they spend part of that budget on boss fights that are acutally good.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
[quote/] has sold nearly has sold nearly... [/quote]

Oh dear, nilcypher having a malfunction.

Yes, pointing out mistakes makes me feel better than you.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
I played this game and loved the hell out of it but I found it to have very little replay value. However I gotta say thee cutscenes and stuff like that were awesome. All I can say is, "Mabey I'll film it and post it on the internet!"


New member
Jul 23, 2009
sheic99 said:
theultimateend said:
If it weren't for all your asshole pirates this game would have sold and the company wouldn't have gone bankrupt.

Wait...did someone say this game sold? Is it because they made a quality game that was actually worth the cost?

Holy shit...I think we are on to something here. If you make a game that is worth the price you tag it people will buy it.

This is utterly groundbreaking.
Not only that, but the pirates got a fucked up copy.

8-Bit_Jack said:
Onmi said:
Batman sells really well
No shit.

Seriously though after Forever almost killed the franchise and killed the movie franchise until begins this was SURPRISING.

huh? how did batman forever kill the franchise? they made thaat clooney crapfest before it died
Batman Forever(Kilmer) came before Batman & Robin(Clooney).

i know! thats what i just said! *smack*


New member
Jul 23, 2009
Onmi said:
8-Bit_Jack said:
Onmi said:
Batman sells really well
No shit.

Seriously though after Forever almost killed the franchise and killed the movie franchise until begins this was SURPRISING.

huh? how did batman forever kill the franchise? they made thaat clooney crapfest before it died
I mistook Forever for Batman and Robin. My brain is sorta this warm fuzzy blob right now.

well that will teach you to drop your brain in the sun patch on the carpet :)


New member
Apr 8, 2009
It was really fun, but am I the only one who realized you were having the same titan fight again and again since Bane? I was really dissapointed about the way it ended too, with other characters weakness or ludicrous strength being taken into account for the "Bosses", and (without giving anything away) then for thingy to whatever the stuff and do what they did... seems a little odd and totally out of character.

Thats my only real problem with it though, it's still a great game and I working on the 100%...


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Look, in the sky! It's a bird!

No, it's a plane!


But yeah, happy to see that a good game is being rewarded with good sales.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Hmmm, I read this while watching "Batman" (the first Burton film).

It must be a sign. I must... go buy Batman merchandise!

Also, Arkham Asylum is a fucking sweet game.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Hexenwolf said:
theultimateend said:
If it weren't for all your asshole pirates this game would have sold and the company wouldn't have gone bankrupt.

Wait...did someone say this game sold? Is it because they made a quality game that was actually worth the cost?

Holy shit...I think we are on to something here. If you make a game that is worth the price you tag it people will buy it.

This is utterly groundbreaking.
Except for the fact that the game doesn't even come out on PC until tomorrow, despite the fact that a pirated version (with the glide glitch DRM removed) has been out for at least ten days.

All of these sales have been on the consoles, which are well-known for having substantially lower pirate rates than the PC. You honestly cannot say that piracy is a nonissue, even for extremely well-made games. Let's wait and see how high the PC sales are after two weeks before we make any claims about piracy eh? (Hint: they'll be lower than 2 million).

That said, I do think that SecuROM and other such DRM is retarded in the worst way possible because it hurts paying costumers. Developers most definitely have the right to (and should) defend themselves from pirates, they just need to come up with a different method.

sneakypenguin said:
Geez, I played the demo and it drove me nuts. Bad guys body parts going though his cape/body parts, combat out of spiderman 2, and generic indoor environment, plus some tacked on pseudo stealth. I guess it has its' fans though. To each their own...
Honestly, the demo did not do it justice, it turned me off the game more than making me want it, but I eventually got it and loved it. I would suggest a rent, just to see what the final product is like.

More OT: Can't wait for the sequel! (Now that it's proven it sells well xP )
The epic DRM he was referring to was the pirate version the company itself leaked before launch, sublty changing the code so batman couldn't glide and making the game unfinishable. Effectivly, they got a slightly longer demo.

And yes, the Demo did NOT do the game justice at ALL! Trust me. Rent it. Then buy it. Then rub it on your genitals.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
sheic99 said:
Not only that, but the pirates got a fucked up copy.
The DRM had nothing to do with the sales. People who don't buy games don't suddenly start buying them because they can't pirate them. They just don't play them. Every study done on this topic has returned that result.

lacktheknack said:
The epic DRM also helped...
No it didn't. It had nothing to do with the sales. DRM has never in the history of gaming ever resulted in notable increases of sales. It has however been linked to losses of sales and consumer trust.

Hexenwolf said:
Except for the fact that the game doesn't even come out on PC until tomorrow, despite the fact that a pirated version (with the glide glitch DRM removed) has been out for at least ten days.

All of these sales have been on the consoles, which are well-known for having substantially lower pirate rates than the PC. You honestly cannot say that piracy is a nonissue, even for extremely well-made games. Let's wait and see how high the PC sales are after two weeks before we make any claims about piracy eh? (Hint: they'll be lower than 2 million).

That said, I do think that SecuROM and other such DRM is retarded in the worst way possible because it hurts paying costumers. Developers most definitely have the right to (and should) defend themselves from pirates, they just need to come up with a different method.
Welcome to the world of Sarcasm. My name is Rico if you want a pamphlet I can supply you with one. My point was that people ***** about DRM all the time and yet the second a quality game is made it sells millions of copies and gets raving reviews (I love it personally too). I also realize that all the sales were one the console. That was part of the humor. At any rate, I appreciate that you had an educated response, it was just ill aimed ;).

scifidownbeat said:
hypothetical fact said:
scifidownbeat said:
Big whoop.
An animal-based superhero.
That sells well.
Aren't there, like,
Ninety trillion of these guys these days?
Did you see the above comic panel? He is THE GODDAMN BATMAN!
Ah, you didn't see what I did there, did you? Look closer at my post!

I see what you did there!

crazyhaircut94 said:
You can sell Batman rape tools and it will sell well. It's Batman, for God's sake!
Batman games historically have NOT had good sales records. At least not to my recollection.

I think it wasn't that it was Batman in a game it was that you are Batman and it happens to be labeled a game.

The quality of Arkham Asylum puts it beyond what most call games these days. I'm still pretty astounded at it (played through it twice now).


New member
Oct 15, 2008
8-Bit_Jack said:
sheic99 said:
theultimateend said:
If it weren't for all your asshole pirates this game would have sold and the company wouldn't have gone bankrupt.

Wait...did someone say this game sold? Is it because they made a quality game that was actually worth the cost?

Holy shit...I think we are on to something here. If you make a game that is worth the price you tag it people will buy it.

This is utterly groundbreaking.
Not only that, but the pirates got a fucked up copy.

8-Bit_Jack said:
Onmi said:
Batman sells really well
No shit.

Seriously though after Forever almost killed the franchise and killed the movie franchise until begins this was SURPRISING.

huh? how did batman forever kill the franchise? they made thaat clooney crapfest before it died
Batman Forever(Kilmer) came before Batman & Robin(Clooney).

i know! thats what i just said! *smack*
Gaah! you and your poor wording. This couldn't possibly have been my mistake.*Shifts eyes shadily*