Battlefield V reveal- your thoughts?


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
...okay, if womz being in the game is unrealistic, but being able to learn a gun's "recoil pattern" is fine...


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
Only thing I can think of liking about it is the salty tears from the sexists.

The game itself?
Eh...I'm still not a fan of multi-player games that are online.
Add to that my general 'meh' to most, modern, FPS games? salty boiz.
Nov 9, 2015
Phoenixmgs said:
The best sharpshooters aren't nearly as good as a gamer with a controller in their hands, let alone a KB/M. I could headshot players on the move across the map in MGO in about a second flat along with many other players. That's not possible in real life outside of a super lucky shot.
I don't know how large MGO maps are, or whether you had aim assist on, or if the game has hitscan weapons. After BC2, bullet drop stopped you from pointing and clicking, and you had to guess the range and use the mildots. Then they added that stupid rangefinder in BF4, but anyways I never found myself quickscoping and headshotting players across the map. In fact I found it difficult to even hit a moving person.

There are fps games where weapons are not tied to fire exactly at the center of the screen. Weapon inertia will screw up your ability to move your gun and shoot someone instantly.
Making a war game all about suffering isn't going to sell nearly as much as Michael Bay: The Game. Yeah, you don't need the top-notch writing to accomplish that, but DICE or Treyarch or even good Infinity Ward weren't ever make a FPS like that.
I have to wonder, do people even buy these games for the campaign? It seems like COD cut it out, but people are mad only because don't want to pay $60 for a multiplayer game even if they weren't going to play the campaign in the first place. Then there's Battlefield. I don't think anyone couldn't trust DICE to make a good singleplayer campaign after BF3. Those BF3 E3 trailers fooled everybody, but after that I doubt people buy it for the campaign.

There's one game that I know that did well with the suffering campaign, and that's CoH2. It was historically inaccurate and the Russians hated it for very good reasons, but it sold near CoH1, don't know the numbers exactly, but such a campaign is totally possible.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Squilookle said:
Here is the list of changes, for those wondering:

Phoenixmgs said:
Publishers don't care if their game sells on marketing and hype, the fact that it sold is all they care about. There are a good amount of alternatives to COD/BF from the CSGOs to the R6 Sieges to the Overwatches along with the big explosion of PUBG and Fortnite. I didn't even find BF the best "battlefield" shooter last-gen, I thought Warhawk was much better.
While all but one of those are missing the vehicle variety that really sells Battlefield, if Warhawk ever came to PC I'd be all over it in a flash.
Well...I wonder how much of that is in CoD or any of the games this has "copied".

The details there actually pique my interest a decent amount too, thanks.

Lufia Erim

New member
Mar 13, 2015
I don said:
If Polygon wants black people so badly, how about they depict them in a manner that, oh, I don't know, actually has some literary merit to it. For example, let us play as a black soldier in a segregated unit, where white Americans spit on you and call you a ******. Then they send you on suicide missions, and in the end they won't even let you into the buildings and streets you liberated. Your deeds are barely recognized, and your commanding officer wishes he were in command of whites, and blames you for his incompetence. It might just build some empathy... But no, let's celebrate this glorious war where we gamers can all be included, and defeat some Nazis.
Let's not. I think you'd enjoy that too much


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Squilookle said:
So Europe and Africa on launch again huh... Oh well.

But some of those changes I didn't know about and they look very interesting. How they will go over in the Battlefield community, I don't know. Just mention throwing knives in a Battlefield forum and people lose their shit. I really do now wish they had chosen some other, more exotic setting so all these drastic changes wouldn't be so out of place.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Squilookle said:
Phoenixmgs said:
Publishers don't care if their game sells on marketing and hype, the fact that it sold is all they care about. There are a good amount of alternatives to COD/BF from the CSGOs to the R6 Sieges to the Overwatches along with the big explosion of PUBG and Fortnite. I didn't even find BF the best "battlefield" shooter last-gen, I thought Warhawk was much better.
While all but one of those are missing the vehicle variety that really sells Battlefield, if Warhawk ever came to PC I'd be all over it in a flash.
True, there ain't many shooters with vehicles in them.

I don said:
Phoenixmgs said:
The best sharpshooters aren't nearly as good as a gamer with a controller in their hands, let alone a KB/M. I could headshot players on the move across the map in MGO in about a second flat along with many other players. That's not possible in real life outside of a super lucky shot.
I don't know how large MGO maps are, or whether you had aim assist on, or if the game has hitscan weapons. After BC2, bullet drop stopped you from pointing and clicking, and you had to guess the range and use the mildots. Then they added that stupid rangefinder in BF4, but anyways I never found myself quickscoping and headshotting players across the map. In fact I found it difficult to even hit a moving person.

There are fps games where weapons are not tied to fire exactly at the center of the screen. Weapon inertia will screw up your ability to move your gun and shoot someone instantly.
Making a war game all about suffering isn't going to sell nearly as much as Michael Bay: The Game. Yeah, you don't need the top-notch writing to accomplish that, but DICE or Treyarch or even good Infinity Ward weren't ever make a FPS like that.
I have to wonder, do people even buy these games for the campaign? It seems like COD cut it out, but people are mad only because don't want to pay $60 for a multiplayer game even if they weren't going to play the campaign in the first place. Then there's Battlefield. I don't think anyone couldn't trust DICE to make a good singleplayer campaign after BF3. Those BF3 E3 trailers fooled everybody, but after that I doubt people buy it for the campaign.

There's one game that I know that did well with the suffering campaign, and that's CoH2. It was historically inaccurate and the Russians hated it for very good reasons, but it sold near CoH1, don't know the numbers exactly, but such a campaign is totally possible.
The maps weren't large (6v6 was the standard), but even shooting across a football field with an assault rifle, the best marksman in the world isn't going to be able to out-shoot a gamer with a controller. Also, there is no aim-assist in MGO2, wouldn't be surprised if there was some slight degree of bullet magnetism though. Most weapons were hitscan I believe though the tranq guns (pistol and sniper) weren't and you had to lead your targets. Sure, there's ways to make aiming harder in a video game but most shooters, especially anything semi-popular, do very little to make aiming and shooting much harder. Plus, the biggest trick to shooting accurately in real life isn't the actual aiming but not jerking the gun when firing.

I would definitely think a minority cares about the campaign, but the question is how big is that minority? It could be in the millions with how COD sells. Activision and EA want these games to be the biggest sellers possible and suffering/depressing just doesn't sell as well regardless of medium really.
Nov 9, 2015
Lufia Erim said:
Let's not. I think you'd enjoy that too much
Yes I would enjoy this campaign.

From what I've seen, I don't think racists would enjoy being lectured, but rather they would deny that this happened or it is overblown, just like how they keep saying the Holocaust never happened. They and patriotic people would definitely be angry that they decided to focus on issue. In reality, this is what happened.
Phoenixmgs said:
I would definitely think a minority cares about the campaign, but the question is how big is that minority? It could be in the millions with how COD sells. Activision and EA want these games to be the biggest sellers possible and suffering/depressing just doesn't sell as well regardless of medium really.
Personally, I don't think not having a campaign will stop people from buying it, unless it's MW4. I guess we will see when BO4 comes out. I don't think a campaign should be all suffering, because that would get tiring quickly. Also you can notice that these campaigns are trying not to be all bombastic, like COD:WW2 depiction of the Holocaust, or BF1's first mission. I don't think they were very effective, but when people keep on complaining how easy, basic, and boring the campaigns are, I think you at least need to tone down the number of people you kill every level and how easy it is to kill them.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
I don said:
Phoenixmgs said:
I would definitely think a minority cares about the campaign, but the question is how big is that minority? It could be in the millions with how COD sells. Activision and EA want these games to be the biggest sellers possible and suffering/depressing just doesn't sell as well regardless of medium really.
Personally, I don't think not having a campaign will stop people from buying it, unless it's MW4. I guess we will see when BO4 comes out. I don't think a campaign should be all suffering, because that would get tiring quickly. Also you can notice that these campaigns are trying not to be all bombastic, like COD:WW2 depiction of the Holocaust, or BF1's first mission. I don't think they were very effective, but when people keep on complaining how easy, basic, and boring the campaigns are, I think you at least need to tone down the number of people you kill every level and how easy it is to kill them.
Are the people complaining the voice of the majority? Because complainers are usually the vocal minority, especially with regards to any kind of forum posting. Also, are the complainers still buying the product yearly?



Constant Contrarian
Nov 20, 2009
Smithnikov said:
A woman fighting in World War 2, what kind of bullshit is...

But otherwise, yea, World War 2, yawn.
But where are their prosthetic arms able to support the weight of a rifle or used to swing a cricket bat?


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Kreett said:
Smithnikov said:
A woman fighting in World War 2, what kind of bullshit is...

But otherwise, yea, World War 2, yawn.
But where are their prosthetic arms able to support the weight of a rifle or used to swing a cricket bat?
The prosthetic is her left arm and hand, the gun she's using is a Thompson which is about 5KG-6KG - its not a BAR - and she's holding it and firing it in her right hand. The prosthetic is supporting it at the barrel, so what she's doing isn't impossible. Like wise the trench club she wallops Fritz with is wielded in her right hand, and it looks like she had a bit of a run up before lamping him.

So again, not impossible. Highly unlikely, but not impossible. Certainly not in this two-fisted, pulp fiction style they've got going on.


The biggest boss
Dec 31, 2009
Smithnikov said:
A woman fighting in World War 2, what kind of bullshit is...

But otherwise, yea, World War 2, yawn.
Notice that they're all Russians. Even so, they probably made up like 0.001% of the Russian infantry during WW2.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
BabyfartsMcgeezaks said:
Smithnikov said:
A woman fighting in World War 2, what kind of bullshit is...

But otherwise, yea, World War 2, yawn.
Notice that they're all Russians. Even so, they probably made up like 0.001% of the Russian infantry during WW2.
More like 3%. Which comes out to over 800,000.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Gordon_4 said:
The prosthetic is her left arm and hand, the gun she's using is a Thompson which is about 5KG-6KG - its not a BAR - and she's holding it and firing it in her right hand. The prosthetic is supporting it at the barrel, so what she's doing isn't impossible. Like wise the trench club she wallops Fritz with is wielded in her right hand, and it looks like she had a bit of a run up before lamping him.

So again, not impossible. Highly unlikely, but not impossible. Certainly not in this two-fisted, pulp fiction style they've got going on.
She uses a bolt action too though. Now that seems like the kind of weapon that you might need two hands for.

Actually, now that I think about it, why does she have a sniper rifle and a tommy gun? Those should be two separate weapon classes.

EDIT: Now that I've thought more about it, I can't see how this prosthetic stuff can work.

If that lady is the character model for a whole class in the game, then a) you have a way too distinct player model for a class that is going to picked by essentially a quarter of the server and b) every single player using that class is going to have a bionic arm, even if you are a fan of this aesthetic you can't say that won't look weird.

If it's just a customizable thing, then you're essentially turning someone's grave injury into a fucking cosmetic item, that doesn't sound right.

I now have a feeling this lady is just going to be in singleplayer or something.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Bob_McMillan said:
Gordon_4 said:
The prosthetic is her left arm and hand, the gun she's using is a Thompson which is about 5KG-6KG - its not a BAR - and she's holding it and firing it in her right hand. The prosthetic is supporting it at the barrel, so what she's doing isn't impossible. Like wise the trench club she wallops Fritz with is wielded in her right hand, and it looks like she had a bit of a run up before lamping him.

So again, not impossible. Highly unlikely, but not impossible. Certainly not in this two-fisted, pulp fiction style they've got going on.
She uses a bolt action too though. Now that seems like the kind of weapon that you might need two hands for.

Actually, now that I think about it, why does she have a sniper rifle and a tommy gun? Those should be two separate weapon classes.

EDIT: Now that I've thought more about it, I can't see how this prosthetic stuff can work.

If that lady is the character model for a whole class in the game, then a) you have a way too distinct player model for a class that is going to picked by essentially a quarter of the server and b) every single player using that class is going to have a bionic arm, even if you are a fan of this aesthetic you can't say that won't look weird.

If it's just a customizable thing, then you're essentially turning someone's grave injury into a fucking cosmetic item, that doesn't sound right.

I now have a feeling this lady is just going to be in singleplayer or something.
I didn't notice her using a bolt action, but I agree, that would be difficult as fuck to use with one working hand.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Bob_McMillan said:
If that lady is the character model for a whole class in the game, then a) you have a way too distinct player model for a class that is going to picked by essentially a quarter of the server and b) every single player using that class is going to have a bionic arm, even if you are a fan of this aesthetic you can't say that won't look weird.

If it's just a customizable thing, then you're essentially turning someone's grave injury into a fucking cosmetic item, that doesn't sound right.

I now have a feeling this lady is just going to be in singleplayer or something.
DICE has said that all soldiers in multiplayer will be customizable, so she, just like the rest of the outrageous crew (seriously, no one has anything to say about the paratrooper with the Katana, the black guy in a weird mix of tanker, paratrooper and infantry gear and two pairs of goggles or the dude running around in a tank top and non-regulation beard?) is probably meant as a showcase of what kind of customization you can achieve in multiplayer.

Besides, getting hung up on a prosthetic as a customization option as distasteful is pretty weird when you are talking about a game that is essentially providing light entertainment of the worst conflict in human history, that claimed some 70+ million lives worldwide.

Gordon_4 said:
I didn't notice her using a bolt action, but I agree, that would be difficult as fuck to use with one working hand.
Not really. Any shooter worth their damn, especially of the sharpshooter or sniper variety, will cycle the bolt without taking the rifle off their shoulder. When you do it that way you are using your shoulder as a brace for the rifle, which means that whether you've got a stable grip on the front hand guard or not isn't important. The point of doing it like that is to preserve your aim for a follow up shot and it is pretty basic drill for bolt action rifles.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
It's so American to think that women didn't fight in WW2, just because American women didn't. Many European countries didn't have the luxury of allowing only men to fight. A lot of minors fought as well. Why don't people ask for some 15 year old soldiers and resistance fighters in WW2 games if they're so in love with the idea of authenticity?


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Adam Jensen said:
It's so American to think that women didn't fight in WW2, just because American women didn't. Many European countries didn't have the luxury of allowing only men to fight. A lot of minors fought as well. Why don't people ask for some 15 year old soldiers and resistance fighters in WW2 games if they're so in love with the idea of authenticity?
To be fair the overwehelming majority of female British soldiers served in AA batteries as spotlight operators, or nurses, or as unofficial prostitutes in the ATS and specifically didn't see frontline European theater action.