Battlefield V reveal- your thoughts?


New member
Nov 6, 2008

What'd you think of it?

Personally that whole immersive cluster-mess they showed off was exactly what made me sick of BF1. War doesn't have to be all-action all the time for crying out loud.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Squilookle said:
Personally that whole immersive cluster-mess they showed off was exactly what made me sick of BF1.
That's one of the reasons I can't stand any of these DICE multiplayer games. It doesn't matter what the setting is. Gameplay and level design are fucked. Maps are too big and too cluttered with stuff so I can't see anything. I just end up getting killed the moment I arrive to where the action is. I might care about getting better if the shooting mechanics didn't feel weird and clunky. So the core gameplay aspect of a first person SHOOTER is boring and it doesn't feel right. DICE simply doesn't make games that I enjoy playing. I don't know why anyone else likes this cluttered shit, but millions do apparently.


New member
Mar 16, 2012
Maybe my opinion is outdated by now, because I don't play a lot of realistic military shooters and the last Battlefield I played was BC2 but... Jesus Christ, what a mess, how can anyone tell what's going on there? Looks great if you're just watching, sure, but I'd just turn everything off so I can see what I'm doing.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Adam Jensen said:
Squilookle said:
Personally that whole immersive cluster-mess they showed off was exactly what made me sick of BF1.
That's one of the reasons I can't stand any of these DICE multiplayer games. It doesn't matter what the setting is. Gameplay and level design are fucked. Maps are too big and too cluttered with stuff so I can't see anything. I just end up getting killed the moment I arrive to where the action is. I might care about getting better if the shooting mechanics didn't feel weird and clunky. So the core gameplay aspect of a first person SHOOTER is boring and it doesn't feel right. DICE simply doesn't make games that I enjoy playing. I don't know why anyone else likes this cluttered shit, but millions do apparently.
I don't know if Battlefield 1942, Vietnam, 2, and 2142 were considered cluttered though...


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Goes to YouTube:

Well, it's hard to say what the great clusterfuck is - the trailer, or the comments that go with it.


The biggest boss
Dec 31, 2009
Yeah the trailer showed pretty much nothing, still looks very interesting though.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Looks terrible. Absolutely worst potrayal to ww2 game i have evwe seen. Seem like they are apealing to feminist while not historically acurate.
Nov 9, 2015
I was hoping for BF1942 with more historical accuracy. I was fine with Hollywood accuracy, considering they might try stealing things from the film Dunkirk, but nope, it's BF1 on crack.

Then the elephant in the room. My God they actually took that Polygon article seriously. Is this actually what SJWs want, a fictional world where war meant that everyone came together as treated each other as equals, where even a disabled woman can save the world?

This trend is absolutely idiotic. COD:WW2 "We won't shy away from racism" means that one American who says "I can't believe they let you fight" is apparently an example of racism in WW2. Then they shake hands and everything is fine.

Seriously is this the best they can come up with? This is the war where Japan launched a genocidal campaign against the Chinese, and the KMT accidentally killed a million of their own civilians in a single year, just to delay them. This is the war where the German Army marched into the USSR, raped 10 million women, and then exterminated the populace. Then the Red Army marched through deadlands and into German territory, and then raped 2 million women.

All this talk about power fantasies, and they want a fictional representation of WW2 worse than what Hollywood makes? I mean what could be more disempowering than reality: having the entirety of your division wiped out almost immediately, and then having to defend your own homeland under incompetent command and under total enemy air superiority? Then you die a unceremonious death while being holed up in a building and caked in shit.

If Polygon wants black people so badly, how about they depict them in a manner that, oh, I don't know, actually has some literary merit to it. For example, let us play as a black soldier in a segregated unit, where white Americans spit on you and call you a ******. Then they send you on suicide missions, and in the end they won't even let you into the buildings and streets you liberated. Your deeds are barely recognized, and your commanding officer wishes he were in command of whites, and blames you for his incompetence. It might just build some empathy... But no, let's celebrate this glorious war where we gamers can all be included, and defeat some Nazis.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
I don said:
I was hoping for BF1942 with more historical accuracy. I was fine with Hollywood accuracy, considering they might try stealing things from the film Dunkirk, but nope, it's BF1 on crack.

Then the elephant in the room. My God they actually took that Polygon article seriously. Is this actually what SJWs want, a fictional world where war meant that everyone came together as treated each other as equals, where even a disabled woman can save the world?

This trend is absolutely idiotic. COD:WW2 "We won't shy away from racism" means that one American who says "I can't believe they let you fight" is apparently an example of racism in WW2. Then they shake hands and everything is fine.

Seriously is this the best they can come up with? This is the war where Japan launched a genocidal campaign against the Chinese, and the KMT accidentally killed a million of their own civilians in a single year, just to delay them. This is the war where the German Army marched into the USSR, raped 10 million women, and then exterminated the populace. Then the Red Army marched through deadlands and into German territory, and then raped 2 million women.

All this talk about power fantasies, and they want a fictional representation of WW2 worse than what Hollywood makes? I mean what could be more disempowering than reality: having the entirety of your division wiped out almost immediately, and then having to defend your own homeland under incompetent command and under total enemy air superiority? Then you die a unceremonious death while being holed up in a building and caked in shit.

If Polygon wants black people so badly, how about they depict them in a manner that, oh, I don't know, actually has some literary merit to it. For example, let us play as a black soldier in a segregated unit, where white Americans spit on you and call you a ******. Then they send you on suicide missions, and in the end they won't even let you into the buildings and streets you liberated. Your deeds are barely recognized, and your commanding officer wishes he were in command of whites, and blames you for his incompetence. It might just build some empathy... But no, let's celebrate this glorious war where we gamers can all be included, and defeat some Nazis.
We went from this....

To this.


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
And I thought Black Ops 4 was confusing. It really hurts me as a battlefield fan when I see such confusing design choices. This might just be the first Battlefield game that I bail out on
Nov 9, 2015
Samtemdo8 said:
We went from this....

To this.
You forgot to put up an example.

A couple of years ago I would have called BF1943 blasphemous to the Battlefield franchise, partly due to the fact that they never bothered releasing it on PC.

Now, it is apparent it was more of a Battlefield game than this. Let's see what kind of monstrosity they come up with next year.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Always delighted for an opportunity to observe the babyman gamer crowd frantically shitting themselves inside out in a display of impotent internet rage because they saw a female character in a video game.

I was initially bored silly by the idea of another WWII game. But exaggerated comic book version of WWII I can get behind.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Oh look, they are copying Call of Duty.

Ya know, what if like, we just had a variety of settings for shooters? We do not have to do one setting all at once until people are sick of it.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Zhukov said:
Always delighted for an opportunity to observe the babyman gamer crowd frantically shitting themselves inside out in a display of impotent internet rage because they saw a female character in a video game.

I was initially bored silly by the idea of another WWII game. But exaggerated comic book version of WWII I can get behind.
Haha, it seems some people are acting like DICE would ever make a masterpiece of a single player campaign that would have some sorta meaningful storyline and themes if it wasn't for those meddling SJWs, Scooby-Dooby-Doo!!!

But yeah, ANY kind of twist on WWII is needed at this point especially in these BF/COD Michael-Bay-esque blockbusters.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
The last Battlefield game I played online was BF2142. It was great. Frenetic, fun, big maps, cool vehicles... all of them have looked drab and boring hence.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Zhukov said:
I was initially bored silly by the idea of another WWII game. But exaggerated comic book version of WWII I can get behind.
This. The Battlefield games since 3 or so have all been over the top spectacles that put frantic gameplay over any sense of realism. BF1 was what a 10 year old playing with toy soldiers plays out WW1 to be like and everyone was fine with that because it was gritty. Personally, I much prefer this zany comic book take on WW2 to another gritty shooter that still has no resemblance to actual war. It fits much better with the actual gameplay of the BF-series then somber and gritty takes. Here's hoping you can play a peg-legged Scot with a kilt and a claymore in multiplayer.


The biggest boss
Dec 31, 2009
Saelune said:
Oh look, they are copying Call of Duty.

Ya know, what if like, we just had a variety of settings for shooters? We do not have to do one setting all at once until people are sick of it.
So far I've seen people think the game copies Call of Duty, Fortnite and Gears of War, either this game must be the weirdest combination of games or people have no idea what they're talking about hmmmmm....
Nov 9, 2015
Phoenixmgs said:
Haha, it seems some people are acting like DICE would ever make a masterpiece of a single player campaign that would have some sorta meaningful storyline and themes if it wasn't for those meddling SJWs, Scooby-Dooby-Doo!!!

But yeah, ANY kind of twist on WWII is needed at this point especially in these BF/COD Michael-Bay-esque blockbusters.
That was me wasn't it?

I came in this thread wanting no panzerfausts in panzershreks until 1943, unlike BF1942. Then I could run over the Wehrmacht with a tank, some carryover feelings from the fake balance in RO2. Instead what I got was like I said, BF1 on crack.

The "realism is boring" meme has become very irritating, with arguments to the extreme like saying "respawning is unrealistic!" Yet fps games have been gradually become more and more realistic to the point where nobody wants to play Quake style arena shooters anymore.

These game journos have it all wrong, you don't build a better game by making a AAA modern military shooter into a WW2 game, or WW1 like the regression that was BF1. You don't want to make a game so devoid from reality, you could change the models to exoskeleton fighters and it would feel the same.

WW2 is boring, not because it's been done to death, but because most WW2 shooters are lesser games on the stepping stones to the modern fps. All this cosmetic nonsense, katanas, cybernetic augmentations, and experimental weapons is just compensating for a game that has to have the niceties of the modern fps we have grown accustomed to. Otherwise it's a vapid stripped down version of Battlefield 4. Furthermore, this type of gameplay has gotten tiresome, and options are just a reprieve from inevitable boredom.

High stakes and difficult shooting mechanics have exploded. Otherwise CS:GO, PUBG, and Fortnite wouldn't have taken over the PC shooter market. People don't want ARMA, but they certainly don't want Michael Bay's Pearl Harbor: the Video Game as much as they don't want that atrocity that was Battlefront 2.

People have already mastered CoD's cone of fire, so much that apparently this new Battlefield is going to have spray patterns instead. It's clear the formula is being left in the dust, adding comic book nonsense isn't the solution. Now that they are adding buildable fortifications, buildable field guns, more movement and leaning options, less regenerating health, more serious squad wipes, draggable bodies, basically they are imitating things from RO2, R6:S, Squad, and whatnot, but more casual and fun. I'm expecting that sort of evolution, something that was hinted at since BC2, I'm not expecting battle line simulations. That's stuff the trailer didn't show, and I am embarrassed about my rant earlier.

And my rant about shitty stories? Who else but DICE and Treyarch are in that market and have the funds to actually make such a single player campaign like that? I certainly hope they don't listen to games journalists and actually make a pathetic attempt, but whatever.